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Friday, November 25, 2005
I am SO sorry....
I hope you guys can forgive me for not coming here for a long while. School's been keeping me busier than I thought it would, as well as a 'few' of my own personal problems, and other random things... I apologize for not visiting. I WILL VISIT YOUR SITES!
And if you haven't taken me off your friends list yet, please don't. ^^'
Anyways, I changed my site theme to FMA. Also I'm posting two new fanarts, they're characters that I created.
Well I'm off to visit the sites taht I can.
Later ^__^
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Thanks everyone for 400 hits! Well now its a litle over 400.

Well school's school, in other words, its hectic as ususal. We've started on the story of Romeo and Juliet already. It's kinda confusing. I'll post again later. I have to sneak back to my room before my mom wakes up and catches me still awake.
later ^^
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Pictures and what not
Most of the pictures my sister or I took at Mechacon. I'm in one of the pictures... so is Siren and my sister, but I'm telling which ones we are. Well, with the exception of one picture ^_^ hehehe....
AnYways school has had me busy lately and the hurricane incedents have been making it worse. Oh yes, thanks for hopeing we'd be safe. Our town didn't get much damage. A few branches here and there, some houses had a little water, otherwise our area wasn't hit as hard. I wish I could say the same for certain other areas though... '_<
Oh yes, Siren has a boyfriend now. I don't but I do have unwanted admirers. *shivers at thought* Don't get me wrong though I'm happy to know someone out there likes me, but... *twitches*
*shakes head* I should have some new fanarts up soon, I forgot them in my locker T_T
Well I've visited most of your sites already so I'll go finish that.
Have a good day ^^
Later XD
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Friday, September 23, 2005
*sigh* another quick post
Making it quick cause I have to get up early in the morning to help my mom tie things down in the yard. If you're wondering why, Hurricane Rita's coming through on Saturady and we have to be prepared. I can't wait until hurricane season is over. I'll try to get to everyone's site as soon as possible, so please don't remove me from your friends list just yet, okay?
I have one new fanart so please go see it.
I'll add more soon because I'm almost done with another fanart.
I'll post more when everything gets back to something relatively normal.
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
quick post
I don't know what my sister did with the camera we used at Mechacon, but when I find it I'll work on getting the pics. And I have a lot of homework too at the moment, so I have to hurry.
Anyways, we have several new students from New Orleans, and thankfully, I'm no longer stuck with the jerks at my art table by myself. ^^
Also I need to get my homework done becaus I just got Samurai Champloo vol.1 and I wanna watch it before it's too late. I have to do several chores to do because my parents get back home.
I'll visit everyone's site later if possible. High school is really tiring.
So I hope everyone's been having a good week. Post more later.
But here's one picture of Naruto and Kakashi cosplayers. : http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y228/Otomeza_29/KAKA_NARU_mcosplayers0.jpg
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Why I haven't posted lately...
I apologize for not posting sooner, but the week has been hell. And unfortunatly it's not just a figure of speech for some people. The town I live in is just about 250 something miles above New Orleans, where Hurricane Katrina hit the coast.
It's becoming chaotic, I've heard stuff on the news about people form New Orleans robbing gunstores and wandering around towns. And some of the rescue teams are getting shot at over there. All sorts of stories are on the news about people being trapped and other sickening things.
A few refugees are coming to the high school I go to tommorow. The other schools are packed too.
I'm sorry if I'm scaring some of you by the way.
Well, good news is that I turned 14 on Monday. ^__^
Downside, the hurricane came through that day and it's been labeled America's worst natural disaster.
Again I apologize for this post sounding gloomy. When I get more time I'll post pics from the Mechacon. ^^ And maybe add some more fanarts too. I'll stop by everyone's site.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Mechacon! The first anime convention I'm going to!
Okay, I gotta make this quick because it's late right now and I need to get to sleep so I won't be tired over there.
Siren Crow is also coming with my sister and me. And I'm the only one of us who's actually cosplaying... I just hope I don't turn out to be the only Samurai Champloo cosplayer there... ^^' (I'm going as Fuu, even though the costume is actually a geisha outfit, not that it matters)
I'll write more later and tell you how it goes.
Siren: Me too!
Yes, Siren will write on her site how the convention was also. (shes at my house right now)
Okay, well we got to get some sleep or else we'll be like zombies over there.
Siren and Otomeza: Later ^__^
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
school (hell) has begun
Yes, school began on Monday for me. Oh the joy. (F.Y.I. that was sarcastic) Its not a school building, its a maze. I've almost entirely learned the way to my classes though. First hour is english, second world geo, then lunch, third P.E., and fourth- thankfully- is art class.
Well, sorry I haven't had the chance to post lately, but I'm just worn out when I get home. I might not get the chance to post ofetn for a while. Worse thing is, my locker hates me. I've been asking people for the last 4 days to help me open it. Now I'm really happy I have an older sister, who is going to give me directions on how to open the evil thing. ^_^
Again I alpologize for not posting earlier. I'll go visit everyone's site when I'm done.
Oh yes, I changed my theme to Zabuza from Naruto (August 15th). I'll change it again later on in the month.
One thing to say after an entire week of school... I love the weekends! Finally, I can stay up and watch anime tonight!
*Ahem* Anyways, has anyone else started school yet?
Well, later.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
finally a chance to post...
I'm really sorry I haven't been on lately, I'll try to go visit everyone's site if I can.
I finished reading my summer books, all I need to do now is finish the reports. ^^ Summer vacations almost over and school starts Auguts 15th... Yay...
Since it's chaotic and everything with school starting, I haven't had the chance to get my Haku cosplay together, but I found a kimono in a costume shop the other night, so I've decided to go as Fuu from Samurai Champloo instead... (theres already two other people going as Haku, two's company, but three might just be a bit of a crowd...)
My friend, siren crow, also got back from her trip the other day. Whish reminds me... I need to go finish one of those reports, she needs to borrow a book...
Later ^^'
And has anyone read a manga called, Alichino? (I thinks thats how you spell it..)
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
my sister has passed her driving test...
My sister went with her driving instructor today for a test drive around a few towns. It turns out... she passed the test! With a total score of 94... I think thats what she said anyways. ^^' So now she can drive as long as someone 21 or older is with her. By the way, shes feeling much better now. ^__^
I saw Charlie and the Chocalate Factory on Saturday. My mom and I thought it great, but my dad and my sister didn't really care for it. And of course later when we got back home (at about 1 am) my sister wouldn't stop humming the tune from the movie, which was funny at first, but after an hour or so it gets annoying. Luckily I got to see all of adult swim though. :)
Oh yes, I posted a Sasuke fanart, you can go see it if you'd like. I posted it because it was his birthday, no other reason really. Actually I didn't plan on posting it at all... theres also more to the pic than showed, but I might post the entire thing later on.
And the name of that anime made by the same animators of FLCL is Die Buster. Has anyone else heard of it?
Obviously I changed my theme to .hack//SIGN, but my next theme is going to be Shaman King, and then YuYuHakusho. And then something most likely including Haku from Naruto. ^^
I might not post for a few days because I have to finish those summer books or my parents might attack me for not. *gulp* eh heh heh... but I'll try to visit everyone's site anyways.
Later XD
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