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Thursday, July 21, 2005
not much going on
Decided I'll post today, out of boredom, but gotta hurry before my mom wakes up.
First off, I wanna say thanks a lot for 100 votes on my fanarts! XD
I'll try to visit everyone's sites if I'm able to today. If not, then I will later.
It turns out that'll I'll have to enter my fanart in the next village of hidden art contest. *sigh* I was almost done too... Oh well.
My sisters not doing too great right now. Theres supposed to be a stomach virus going around, but we're not sure thats it, shes still not a 100% from the toxic shock syndrome she had a few weeks ago and shes worrying me. Shes a pain in the butt, but shes making me worry about her lately.
Good thing is I got to talk to my friends on the phone for a while today. ^^ I still need to drop off one of their birthday present, her birthday was Sunday... So hopefully I'll be able to drop it off at her house today. As usual I'm late... eh heh heh heh...
Also I heard theres supposed to be a new anime coming out by the animators of FLCL and thats its supposed to be good. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of it. I'll tell it later.
Oh yeah, what do you think my next theme should be? Shaman King, YuYuHakusho, or .hack//SIGN
Thank you.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
contest entry almost done... almost...
My parents were kinda mad at my sister and me so I haven't been able to get on the computer lately, but right now I have the house to myself. ^^ Only for a while though.
I had went to Books-a-million Friday night for the whole Harry Potter book sale thing. Of course I went ot the manga and stayed there for a while. I was able to read vol. 3 of Cresent Moon (anyone here heard of it?), vol.1,2, and most of 3 of a manga called Model. It's about this artist who makes a deal with a vampire so that he has to model for one of her paintings. It's not that bad. But the moment my mom got our book we left. I wasn't about to argue with her though, she was 'kinda' mad at us... eh heh heh heh... >_>
Saturday went completely off schedule. We were supposed to just stay home and do a lot of housework, but my sister's friend didn't have anywhere to go so he asked if he could come over for a while. He ended up spending the night. -_-
But, I'm beginning to get used to him now. He was even nice enogh to comment on my fanart for the contest, I'm still finisheing it though. Problem is... it takes up almost the entire paper. I'm going to have a heck of a time resizing that...
Anyways, yesterday wasn't bad. another one of my sister's friend, the anime fan, visited for a while. He said he probably won't cosplay as Kakashi, but possibly Rock Lee. my sisters trying to get up a Kurenai outfit, and I'm going to get started on my cosplay as soon as I'm done with a 'few' things I need to get done... He was also nice enough to lend Negima volumes 2 and 3, which I already read, but my sister hasn't even read any of the first volume that she still has.
Later, have a decent day. ^^
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
fanart, figurines, a few other random things...
Okay, first off, Siren Crow, if you're reading this I posted a certain gothic style chibi for you. I drew it up becasue I was bored... *glances at pic* VERY bored... Even though it was about 3 am when I finished it, I just couldn't get to sleep that night... -_-
I'm also in the middle of completing my fanart entry for the contest. ^^ I'm just hoping that it'll be finished on time... eh heh heh heh... ^^'
And if things work out, I should be recieving 2 anime figurines in the mail, I'll tell you what they are when the package comes in though. hehehe... Oh yeah a DVD too.
My sister's friend, the one who doesn't like anime..., came over today and she must've thought because her friend was around that she had to act bossy and hyper... DEAD. WRONG. She was close to being dead cause my patience was wearing thin...
^^ But, I'm calmer now because she just left with my mom to bring her fiend, I mean friend, home. :)
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Monday, July 11, 2005
possibly changing my theme...
Hello. Yes, I know I haven't posted lately or visited sites, *sighs* and apparently I've been missing out on things... -_-'
Well, I haven't posted much because I didn't really feel like it (in other words I was being lazy) or I got distracted by something else (looking through fanfics and fanart). Eh heh heh heh... anyway I'm back for now. I've had to wake up early for the past week because my sister and my mom would leave at around 6 and I'd have the house to myself until about 3o'clock. My sister has been going to drivers ed classes, which in away is kinda scary to think she'll be able to drive soon... o_o Other than that I'm happy to see shes doing much better than the week before. ^^
I spent most of the weekend at siren's where she gave me a make-over of sorts. But if she ever comes near my head with a rubber band ponytail, I'm running for my pathetic life. ^^' She gave me several braids whih looked great, but were heck to take out. I had to cut out most of the rubberbands.
*sigh* Unfortunatly my sister is now done with driver's ed classes, but oh well.
I also need to get my cosplay outfit together soon, or I'm going to be in trouble. My sis has decided to cosplay as Kurenai from Naruto. And I need to finish my fanart for the village of art contest...
And I might change my theme as soon as I think of one.I'll try to visit everyone's site today if I can.
Later XD
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Monday, July 4, 2005
from worst to good.
eh heh heh, Sorry I haven't been here for an entire week. Now to explain that and the subject of this post. I'm not going to go into detail so this post won't be agonizingly long. ^^' *takes a breath* I slept over at siren's last weekend and last Sunday my mom called me at 6 a.m. telling me my older sister was in a hospital about two hours away with a high fever. My sister had been at some youth group retreat or something and they brought her there cause she wasn't feeling well. When we got to the hospital where she was at, the doctors told us taht she had some sort of rash, and then they told us she had pneumonia and severeal other things. My parents wanted to move her to a hospital closer to home, and they said we HAD to take her by ambulance. It took about 4 hours before they finally got there. >_<
So we moved her to a nearby hospital where they found out what it was exactly, something called toxic shock syndrome.
Well good thing is she was out of the hospital quicker than any of the docters thought. And she'll be okay. But, let's just say that when she was conscious enough to talk at the hospital, that I could for once say that I was REALLY happy to hear her gripe and threaten me. ^__^
Oh and by the way... HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! XD People have already started with the fireworks, loud fireworks. o_o
Hehe, Later XD
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Sorry about not posting for a while...
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I either didn't have the chance to or I didn't feel like it.
During the weekend I went to the bookstore and got my mom to get me vol.1 of Tarot Cafe. I've already read volume 2 so I'm waiting for the third volume to come out in stores. I'm waiting for volume 5 of Red River to come out also.
On Monday my parents took my sister, her boyfriend and me out to eat and go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith in theaters. It wasn't that bad of a show, for some reason it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Bad thing about that night was that I was my sister's dress up doll. She chose my outfit and even did my make-up. She went a 'little' overboard on the eye make-up though... o_o...
Oh yeah, siren crow is also back from her trip. She's back for now, from what I know anyways...
Right now I'm practically kneeling to type because my cat is sleeping on the chair and I'm not about to get clawed...
Has anybody seen the anime Burst Angel yet?
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Friday, June 17, 2005
meh, not much going on.
My sister's boyfriend is in town visiting for a while. He's watching tv with my sis right now. (Again my parents have assigned me to chaperone. -_-) Other than that it was really storming a while ago. Bad thing was that I was saving some stuff when the electricity went out for a second and now I have to go back and do it all over again.
I read a few one-shot humor fanfics, but had to stop for a while. My sister was giving me wierd looks because I was laughing so hard. ^^'
Good thing about her boyfriend being here though is that I get the computer more often. XD hehehe...
Oh yeah, I got graduation pics in the mail yesterday, maybe I'll post one. But don't expect it to be a solo pic.
As for the mechacon, I'm going to I'm probably going to end up having my cospaly costume sewn. I'm haven't made an absolute decision on who to cosplay yet though.
Anyway, I tried finding a larger Bakura background. If I find a better pic, I'm going to change it.
Later ^^
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
normal day, well as normal as it gets over here anyway...
Again I woke up late today after a really strange dream, but after half a minute I forgot most of it. That ever happen to you?
My sister left the house to go to a friend's birthday party so there was silence for once in the house, for a while anyway. It started storming outside in the afternoon. -_- Luckily it went away after a while. Of course, silence didn't last long because my mom brought my sister back home. A sister who keeps taking my stuff without asking and is being a major pain in the- *ahem*... Right... Sorry about ranting, but some of you might know what its like to have lazy siblings who steal your stuff and never shut up when you have a headache, courtesy of them.
I also have to wake up early because my sister's friend is coming over tommorow. Exceot this time I've been warned he's coming over.
Oh yeah for my next theme, what do you think; Ryou Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!) or Yukina (YuYuHakusho)?
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
book stores
Yesterday was pretty much lounging around the house and do whatever you want. I had woke up kinda late. But around the afternoon my sister's friend came over and no one had told me he was coming over so I was just standing there in my pajama pants and an old t-shirt. I wanted to kill my sister right then and there because she was already giving me reasons to...
Besides that my mom had told me we could go to Books-a-million. I imediately ran off to the manga section and I didn't go anywhere else the entire time we were there. I got to read volume one and two of The Tarot Cafe which is really interesting. The artwork is nice. Mostly supernatural stuff. And I also read a few more pages of Red River before we had to go. Right after that we went to Bornes and Nobles right across the street. ^^'
I read a little bit of Fushigi Yuugi, but then they called me saying we had to leave. >_<
I also posted a fanart. Its the main character of a new manga from the creators of Anzu Manga Daioh. Its called "Yotsuba&!" so I drew Yotsuba because I felt like drawing something.
Oh yeah and sorry if Sora freaked some of you out. It was the only pic that seemed to fit what I was looking for.
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Monday, June 13, 2005
300 hits!
I got 300 hits! XD Thanks a lot everyone!

I kinda slept late yesterday and had to help my dad out with housewrok the moment I woke up. I think my sister could sleep through an earthquake along with many other natural disasters...
Besides that I worked more on my fic, which, sorry, but I probably won't post it here. I got to watch Inuyasha, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, S-cry-Ed, FLCL, and Trigun while my sister's cell phone was practically glued to her ear. I also had fun chasing my two cats around the house this afternoon and getting clawed. -_-
My sister is yet again annoying me for the computer so gotta go.
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