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Sunday, June 12, 2005
I got an anime insider magazine. ^^
I went to Books-a-million today for a Yu-Gi-Oh card game thing they have every Saturday. I git there late though, but I had time to play one duel. An I won, I have RARELY ever won a single duel. Mostly because I have bad luck drawing cards. -_-
When I was done trading I looked at the magazines and found an Anime Insider issue that had a few good articles, including one on what they would probably have to edit out of Naruto. It said they would definately have to edit out teh blood, the part where Sasuke gets several needles puncturing his neck, and exploding limbs... which has to do with Shino and his bugs. They're editing all the good stuff out for the younger kids of course. >_<
Beisdes that I got to read the first few chapters of a manga called Tarot Card Cafe, its so cool! I had to go soon because my dad dragged me out of there, but not before I got him to buy me the magazine. hehehe...
I would have updated sooner, but we've been doing house work lately. Mostly lawn work. During which I saw a BIG black both, with red wings on the inside, it was kinda pretty.
Gotta go because my sister is chasing me off. -_-
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
being bored, kinda anyway.
I had to finish some chores to get on the computer, my mom's instructions. Hopefully I did a decent amount of chores, I have to leave some for my sister. hehehe...
Couldn't get to sleep last night so I watched Yu-Gi-Oh volume one (uncut XD) and Naruto on DVD. Just in case anyone's wondering I have Naruto DVDs, they're in Japanese with subtitles though. I didn't fall asleep last night until around 5 A.M. I think. Summer vacation so far for me hasn't been all that eventful. Not as much as I thought it would be anyway, who knows maybe I'm speaking too soon...
I've been trying to think of a cosplay lately, I'm thinking of cosplaying Haku from Naruto, I mean I have brown eyes and dark hair, so all I'd need is the outfit, but I'm not sure. I'm kinda on a $100 budget and I'm tyring not to spend it all on a cosplay outfit. So any suggestions on cosplay from people who have been to a convention before are MORE than welcome. This is going to be my first convention, its August 26-28. (right before my birthday XD)
Later ^^
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
have to make this quick
Okay I have to hurry with this post because my parents want me off the computer soon. I have to get up early to bring something to siren that I was borrowing. I don't know if I'll be able to visit many sites later because we have to do housework, my sister's boyfriend is coming in soon and he might be staying over for a while. I'm not sure. I might also be in a lot of trouble because I can't find my high school class schedule. School starts again here in August.
As for the fanarts, they'll have to wait. I'm not done with them yet. Why? Because I'm working on a fanfic right now. So please have patience until I get a chance to post them. ^^'
And here's something you don't usually see... It's a Sasuke in handcuffs... 0_o :
Later XP
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
I was going to update earlier but my sister took the computer and spent all night on it. I fell asleep waiting for her to get off. And I'm about ready to strangle her because she's still not helping with chores. *sigh* Besides that I stayed up to watch Adult Swim. I was able to watch Inuyasha, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, and S-CRY-ED. I had to watch S-CRY-ED twice to get more of what was going on because I missed the first episode. Paranoia Agent is, for lack of a better word, interesting...
And since some people were confused about the show called Short Circuit. We had it on DVD, its an old show, and we got it at Best Buy for a really cheap price. I don't think that its out in theaters.
Siren crow is going to be gone on vacation or something like that for 2 weeks... I think. *shrugs* Something about going visit relatives.
About the fanarts I said I'd post... they're too big. They'd look horrible if I resize them. Maybe I'll draw something else that can actually fit on here.
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
good day.
Today wasn't that bad. My sister left to spend the night at her friend's site, I got to visit my grandmother, go to the cafe, see my uncle, visit my grandfather's grave, and watch movies with my mom.
I know I might sound strange for saying this, but the cemetary was interesting. I got to see a lot of names and some relatives. Of course I was mad too because the guy who is supposed to take care of the cemetary is an incompetant imbecile who can't do an even half decent job. >_< But what really gets to me is that theres a grave besides my grandfather's that is practically almost open and we're not sure if theres someone in there...
Well, besides all that I got the chance to sit with my mom and watch a movie. Even if she did fall asleep in the middle of the movie... We watched an old show called Short Circuit, it was a funny and cute movie. we also had a choice of watching Boogeyman, but I doubt that my mom would have agreed to it. Other than that, I've been watching anime music videos for the past 30 minutes.
Well, later. ^^
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Friday, June 3, 2005
I got DVDs, cards, and other stuff...
The other night when my sister's friend came over we went shopping and I found two YuYuHakusho DVDs for $6 each so I got them in exchange of doing extra chores, but I don't care. ^^ I kinda haven't gotten a new anime DVD in a while... eh heh heh...
Then yesterday, siren invted me over to her house for a while, so I brought the DVDs to watch, only thing was that her younger sister wouldn't be quiet while we were trying to watch them. >_<
Well after a while my mom came to pick me up and said we might go shopping so we brought siren along with us to the mall. Of course we ran to Hot Topic first, we hadn't been to the one in the local mall for proabaly over 3 months. Siren got some jewelery, an arm cuff thing with skeletons on it and I got a pair of pants, a chibi Hiei keychain (its so kawaii), and Japanese Fullmetal Alchemist cards (5 cards in one pack). Then, after visiting a few other stores, we had to leave. T_T
And I'll have some more fanarts up later, if I get the chance to post them. ^^
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
meh... my sister's friend is coming over.
Unfortunately my sister's friend, Paul or whatever his name is, is coming over to visit my sister and I have to be chaperone (sp?). The worst thing is that I had already disliked him, but now I dispise him. HE HATES ANIME!!! And he'd always call me a nickname that got annoying after a while. So I don't talk to him unless its ABSOLUTELY neccessary.
I have a new fanart up, I finished the Thief King Bakura picture from Shonen Jump. I kept waiting for a good picture of him that I could actually draw... You can check it out of you want.
My family and I are supposed to be going somewhere tonight, dunno where though because my sister forgot to ask my mom that. -_-
Oh yeah I had also added an e-card yesterday too.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Hi. Hows everyone doing? I would probably be asleep or doing something else right now, but I have to wait for a package my dads having delivered. And if I don't get it, I am more than likely, dead meat. I also have to do some chores because my sister sure as heck isn't going to wake up anytime soon to do hers. -_-
Oh well, better to do her chores than have our parents fuss at the both of us. And I know I should be nice to my sister and all because her boyfriend had to move, but she should be over it by now. But she's still giving me reasons to want to choke her...
*ahem* Sorry, didn't mean to rant about it. Eh heh heh. ^^'
Anyway ,I was kinda bored last night so I felt like drawing something. After looking through 2 volumes of Shonen Jump I found an interesting Kabuto picture, so I drew a small version of it. It's kinda wierd looking though, his face is kinda out of angle. *scratches back of head, shrugs* Least I tried. I drew him after he had gotten his glasses knocked off by the rain ninja in the forest when he was helping out Naruto's team. I tried drawing Theif King Bakura, but I kept messing up. I'm going to try again later though.
As for pics of my gratuation, I'll have to wait my dad hasn't loaded them to the computer yet. >_< I also managed to visit most of the sites that updated today.
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Monday, May 30, 2005
I graduated! And I'm on summer break now!
Yes! I gratuated Saturday! It was so cool. We had to wear formal, as in the boys had to wear tuxedos and all the girls had to wear dresses, there was one girl in our class who we had NEVER seen in a dress before except for communion in second grade. We gave flowers to our parents, some people gave speeches about our past years at the school, we sang and definately cried. Even some of the boys cried. Siren crow and otakulover09 also graduated, we're in the same class of course.
Of course one thing that wasn't fun besides the crying was taking pictures. The first few minutes standing there was okay, but then the high heels started taking their toll and we got blinded!
Unfortunately otakulover09 and another friend are going to another high school, but I'll still see them occasionally along with my some of my other classmates. Life sometimes has a funny way of letting people meet each other again sooner or later, like it or not... :p
After the gratuation my mom, sister, and me went to a Chinese restaurant to eat. Kinda felt strange since I was in a fancy dress and everyone else in the restaurant was wearing casual clothes.
And then I went over to siren's house that night and we watched Ju-On (Japnese Grudge) with another friend who hadn't seen it. Then we had a barbeque the next day and I went home and watched Are We There Yet? with my mom and then watched Phantom of the Opera this morning.
And my dad just gave me "My Chemical Romance; Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" as a gratuation gift! ^__^
Speaking of which I might post pictures of it. Anyone think I should?
One last thing before I go. check out this page and look at the "First one!....." It's funny!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
2 more days left...
I have two more half days of school left, but graduation practice has taken a turn for the worse. We have to sing a song in front of the parents and everyone else that will be there. The thing is our science teacher is teaching us the song... and even though she can be really nice and fun... she can be REALLY strict and kinda scary sometimes... Of course she got mad with us because we weren't doing well... (even though it was mainly the boys' fault, they can't sing to save their lives!) *sigh* so two more agonized days of practice...
Oh yeah, my right arm is doing better now. The armcast thingy I was wearing helped a lot. So now I can write more than 3 words on my fanfic without my hand cramping up! ^ ^...but unfortunaly my mom doesn't want me to draw anything yet. T_T
I saw Star Wars 3 last night. We went to the 9:30 premiere so we didn't get home until around 12:00.
And I finally figured out how to get a song up on here... ^^' ...yes... I know I'm pathetically sad... eh heh heh heh
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