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myOtaku.com: oturan ikamuzu

Monday, July 31, 2006

   Anosa, anosaaaaaa! #115
I just read in this anime magazine like a day ago or two days ago..it said that...WAIT!! THIS IS ALL FOR YOU BLEACH FANS OUT THERE!! *THAT WAS NOT IN THE MAGAZINE* anyways on with the point...i read that Adult Swim with be Promoting Bleach this Semptember 9, 2006!! If you guys don't know what bleach is..well..its a cool anime. That's all i gotta tell ya guys. But the people who do watch bleach..I LOVE BLEACH! ^^ anyways, i'm going to draw now. it's like..12:47 a.m. right now. okay i gotta go. OH I HAVE ONE MORE THING TOO..PLEASE GO VISIT MASTAHBETAHS FAN ARTS. tHEY'RE REALLY COOL. BUT SOME OF THEM AREN'T JUST HIS. tHERE WAS ACTUALLY TWO PERSONS ON MYOTAKU WITH AS MESTAHBETAHS, BUT THE OTHER ONE WENT SOMEWHERE ELSE..ALSO..GO CHECK OUT PETE. HER FAN ARTS ARE AWESOME TOO. I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I THINK THEY WILL TOO. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR TIME. TALK TO GUYS LATER AND GOOD NITE. ^^
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