Birthday 1993-02-05 Gender
Female Location Ohio. >.< Unfortunately. It's quite boring. Member Since 2007-11-10 Occupation Gakusei. For those of you who don't know; Student. Real Name Mimi-Chan. =]
Achievements I don't really have any. Anime Fan Since Sailor Moon. Favorite Anime Right now: Ouran High School Host Club, Yugioh GX & Death Note..and Naruto of course. Goals To have my band become soon as I make one haha. ^-^`` Hobbies I'm not sure. I usually just sit around and read. Talents I haven't found one yet..oh yeah.. I'm a mighty fine lyricist. OuranPrincess00
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I know it's been a while since I've updated, but I didn't have anything to say. Now however I do.
My computer broke.
It's horrible.
My cats keep attacking Patia. Who has braved her way into the living room lol
Let's see..
What else.
Thursday - I went to the library afterschool with my sister, my mom and her boyfriend. I met with my friend Ashley there. It was a blast. I saw the most beautiful car. It was a tan/brown/creme Cadillac. My mom's boyfriend Harley has a 1978 Marquis. Skulls on the doorlocks. He said I couldn't see over the steering wheel since I'm 4'10", but I proved him wrong. I got tons of books.
Friday - I had to stay home from school because I didn't have any of my asthma medication. Friday was pretty dull. My sister got asked to audition for a television show. =]
Today - no plans whatsoever.
Saturday - I'm gonna talk with my boyfriend and go over my friend Danielle's house.
I'm in love with L from Deathnote.
*sighs* Ah yes, Lawliet. You are gorgeous.
I forced myself to stay awake last night and watch it.
I got my new cat wh-hoo!
I'm borrowing my friend's camera tomorrow to take pictures.
Her name is Patia.
Pronounced Pashia
I kept butchering her name last night. lol
But Now I got it down. =]
No plans for today as always.
I hope your Sunday goes great.
*singsong voice* I made a layout!
So tell me what do you think?
I love it
Today we're getting another kitty!
She's one year old and her name is italian for Precious.
I don't know how to spell it yet.
she's fluffy, white, green eyes, affectionate, loves to be held like a baby.
Just my kind of cat.
My stupid sister moved back.
ughh. she broke up with her boyfriend and now I don't have a damn bedroom.
oh well.
That's all that's going on. besides my new layout.
Hallo people!
I hope your thanksgiving was nice.
Those poor little animals whom you ate.
Anyways. *ahem*
The buffet was nice.
I was the most poised one there.
I didn't put my elbows on the table, I sat up straight, I didn't talk with my mouth full, I didn't eat with my mouth open.
It felt nice to look nice.
Oh and if you still can't see the comment link at the top Teapot Domescan said that she just had to switch to view full screen. So press F11.
Maybe they'll show for you then.
My sister is moving back in..>.< Maybe.
I hope not.
It's nice to actually have a bedroom to sleep in you know, rather than the living room couch. >.<
No karin/chibi vampire episode today.
I don't feel like posting one. I just wonder if you guys even watch it?
I'm walking on air people!!!
Care to know why
Because *singsong voice* Samson likes me.
He said that if I ever left Treca (my school) that he'd miss me too much. And that I'm the only one that talks to him like he's a person. And I told him how usually when a boy finds out that I like him, he starts avoiding me and Samson said that I was too cool to avoid. He also said I'm the only person he talks to in Treca and that he enjoys it more than anything.
*giggles* woooo.
Alright It's thanksgiving.
We're going to an all you can eat buffet.
As you have noticed I changed my layout. ^-^
Well....That's all there is to say.
Karin/Chibi Vampire episode 5
I didn't end up going over sissy's house because she kept throwing up from eating Rally's.
So we're gonna try Saturday.
Let's see...what else is new?
I told my crush that I like him.
He hasn't been on yet though.
He usually gets on around 9:30am.
So..that's a half an hour.
I'm still too lazy to reset the comments lol
I'll probably do that tomorrow though.
It doesn't matter. I only get two comments max.
Do I don't really have to worry.
hmmmm....Nothing else to say..oh!
My crush (samson) and I are writing a song ^-^
I'll post it when we're done.
Now here's Karin/Chibi Vampire episode 4
Ello. ^^ I'm posting in the morning before school because I'm not coming straight home after it.
I'm going over my older sister Ashley's new house.
It'll be fun.
She has Xbox 360, Wii, digital camera, she only lives a couple streets over too..
Anyways. We're meeting afterschool.
It'll be fun. ^_______^
It's the first time that nobody has ever canceled on me about going to their house.
Here's Karin/Chibi Vampire episode 3. Enjoy!
Oh..but what should I play after the series is over?
Ouran High School Host Club = A
School Rumble = B
Online Videos by
oh and it still says 2 comments, I know. I'm too lazy to change it sorry. haha.
you can still comment even if you commented yesterday though. ^_^
oh and I apologize if I didn't comment you!
My mom is a computer hog during the day.
Hello people.
I'm not at school today.
I woke up too late, so my mother just said to forget about it.
I have to clean my room today though.
Not at her request, but my own free will.
Here's Karin aka chibi vampire episode 2.
We didn't end up having a movie night.
I was asleep all day. >.<
From now on each day I'll show a Karin episode. Karin is also known as Chibi Vampire. Here's episode 1
Online Videos by
I didn't comment some of you I know.
I fell asleep as soon as I got home then woke up at 10:30pm, but my mom was online. Then her boyfriend was online. >.<
Today I'm having my 2 friends over for a movie night! Yay ^___^