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Ohio. >.< Unfortunately. It's quite boring.
Member Since
Gakusei. For those of you who don't know; Student.
Real Name
Mimi-Chan. =]
I don't really have any.
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Right now: Ouran High School Host Club, Yugioh GX & Death Note..and Naruto of course.
To have my band become soon as I make one haha. ^-^``
I'm not sure. I usually just sit around and read.
I haven't found one yet..oh yeah.. I'm a mighty fine lyricist.
| OuranPrincess00
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/24/07:
What's your personality? (Lots of anime picturesss!)
LonleyIt's not that you don't want friends, the just seem to avoid you, yes? Maybe it's your dark and deep personality, or perhaps it's that you're intimidating. Your outlook on life may be dull and boring and your life could be as well. People probably admire you because you come across as cool. You are also very beautiful as well, guys probably like you, they just don't confront you about it. You should try and show the loving side of your personality because you have a rare kindness that is hard to find. It's special and is only shown to those worthy of it.  Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/22/07:
A personlityinner soul quiz! GIRLZ ONLY! (With animemanga pics! 8 great results!)
Result Posted on 11/22/07:
What hot anime boy would fall 4 u???(PICS and Personalized ending)
 You got Seth!!! He loves you with all of his heart. He is fun and energetic. He makes sure your always having a good time. Ok now I'd love to make you a story about you and your lover^^. Just tell me your name, what you look like(in reality cause it's more personal), your age,how intamate you would like this relation ship to be, and anything else you would like^^If you want a different guy that's ok too.^^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/22/07:
Spin the bottle With THE BEST anime guys (girls only)
 Sasuke (from Naruto)Ah, the emo boyYou spin the bottle lazyly and it lands on Sasuke. You roll eyes and head to the closet, hearing giggles behind. You two hated each other from a while, not dislike - hatred.When Sasuke and you were both into the closet the door shut and you heard him say 'bitch'. 'Jerk' was the answer and that's how the argument started, AGAIN. After a minute you were face to face, talking "beautiful" words. And when you was about to say your "final word", he kissed you and pinned you to the wall. "What was that?" you asked confused "A way to win the argue." Sasuke replied with a smirk on his face. You caught his belt and pulled him closer. He kissed you more softy than before, his hands seemed to be everywhere around you.Just then the door opened and everybody's jaws hit the ground. You and Sasuke took your sits, glaring at each other and everybody, who dares to say something. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/22/07:
What holiday are you (anime pictures)!!
Result Posted on 11/22/07:
Which Anime Character Are You? (With Pics)
Result Posted on 11/18/07:
Whats your label?(with anime pics and girls only)
 You are a tomboy.You can be lazy at times but most of the time you are outgoing, friendly, prankster, and calm.Color:blue and redHates:preps and pinkLikes:pranking people, hangin' with friends, and doing boy thingsSports:Basketball and BaseballType of friends:anyone but a prep Friends: someClothing of choice:jeans, T-shirt, and tennis shoesElement:fire Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/18/07:
What Elf are you?(girls only)
 You are a Water elf.You have ice blue hair and ocean blue eyes.You are kind,sweet,gentle,and caring.You have TONS of friends.You love swimming,playing with the water, and walking on shores.You live in a palace next to a BIG magical lake.Instead of fighting your heal the injured. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/18/07:
What do you look like in Anime?( girls only)
 You are like a tom-boy.You don't care what other people think of you.Sometime you can be lazy.You live on a farm and you basically work there.You have dirty blond hair and blue eyes.Also you HATE preps. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/18/07:
What is your PoWeR animal?? pretty ANIME pics!!! ~for boys+girls~
 Owl: You excell in hearing and seeing what others do not and you are able to tell when someone is lying or being honest. Your wisdom grows as you mature and your soul more than likley goes back a long way. You have a minute sensitivity to others and are aware of their emotions. Your greatest gift though, is being able to forsee the future. Wether subconciously or not, you are able to contact spirits through your clairvoyance. Take this quiz!
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