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myOtaku.com: Outlaw Melfina

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Guestbook Entries:

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gwinggirl100 (04/20/07)

Hi! Thanks for coming by my site! Robert's a sweetheart, isn't he? LOL. I really like your site. I read your profile and I know what it means to be a black girl and not having RAP be my main focus in music. I love Rock, and many other types. I'm a very diverse person. I have nerds for friends as well as emo, and popular kids. People tell me that I'm a very attractive person. So I guess It's some sort of magnetism. I'm very girly, too. I enjoy my nice clothes like you do. LOL. Thanks for signing my guestbook, and I'll talk to you sometime. Later! ^_^v


Cash-chan (04/13/07)

Nice site it has a very interesting layout. =P Keep being awesome and please honor my guestbook with a visit while I admire your background a bit more. XD

gaarateddy (03/12/07)

Hi! love your site! pretty^^
hehe I was just looking around, want to be friends?^^

My Deadly Wound (03/09/07)

HI i love your site, it's really cool. PM me sometime and maybe we can be friends, bye byes.
~[Blaze Haze]~

Otaku Tenshi14 (03/01/07)

*Through the night*

cool page...so neat and I am adding you as a friend..take care

Rollsp (02/14/07)

Judging by your name i suppose your an outlaw star fan...ahhh the good ol days of outlaw star...such happy memories *sobs* you english..as english english :D wow im French XD so i guess thats awesome :D

strangly enough you share the same B-day as my older brother :D talk about concidence :D

Well...got to go get some stuff done and all...see ya later :P

or...as i say in french..

Bon au revoir vous voir plus tard !
(Good bye see you later!)


NakagosEvilSister (02/11/07)

^^ YAY an english person ^^
no offence but i was suprised when you said you were black, maybe thats cos you don't get many black anime fans (over here i mean) ^^
do i really share a b.day with ur mom?
i love it when stuff like that happens ^^
anyway i'm gonna add u
pm me sometime ^^

XxPoohBearxX (02/10/07)

heyz!!^^just droped by to say hey and to check out diff. pplz sites!!^^ i like yours, it's nice and simple!!^^well i added you, hope you do the same....well ill c ya around, pm me anytime!!^^HOLLA!!^^

5 poppin' 6 droppin'

i love the bg!!danerouse,yet sexy!!^^

lifes burden (02/09/07)

hey whats up.... great site you have here... wow you have a lot of guestbook signings..... but you have been a member for a long time.... anyways .. great background you have... it shows your personality... anyways got to go

~Life is but a Burden~

punkprincess4545 (02/05/07)

Question of the day .....Can vampires get AIDS...?(think on it and right back

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