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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Itchy itchy!
I've got an itchy arm. My right arm is absolutely itching me! It's all tender! I haven't done anything, and I think that it's an allergic reaction. It feels like someone is pin-pricking my arm all over! It itches like hell!
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I'm reading this book about this guy called Franz Kafka, because it's illustrated by this guy called Robert Crumb. It's funny because he's a hypocondriac, and he is really stupid. He overreacts, and his stories are really long, labourious, and over-the-top. Anyway, it's really funny to read, and the stories are dodgy, and very intricate. I'm crap at describing at the moment, so bear with me. It was a basic version of it, and I saw a book, which was well thick!
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Stupid Deborah! She's an irrational idiot anyway.
Today, we were in Textiles, basically sewing and shit, and Giselle came up to me, with a craft knife, because we were stencils, and said "Do you think I could cut you?" Now, I am not scared of anyone, and why should I? I have intellect! I said "NO." And then she asked if she could cut my lip. I said "No" again, and she repeated it. I said "you'd be hard-pressed to do so," and she said "Huh?" So I put it in lay-man's terms, and then she put it up near my eye, and I decided to act all weak, I don't know why, and she asked again. I said "no". Then she walked away, saying "yeah, yeah. I know your lip is hard, yeah" thinking I meant my lip was too thick, rather, than me beating her down. Then Deborah said how does she know that my lip was hard, and if I wasn't telling her soemthing. Giselle got all paranoid, (she'd been smoking weed again. Just joikng) and she went up to Deborah, and she started throwing sticks off her comb at her. Deborah with her usual irrational self, started to hit her, and Tracey pulled her back before anything could happen. Then she got in trouble, and everyone was talking about it. She had to stay after-school. I went to the library. I'm no friend, but she's been a pain in the ass all-week, so I was happy to get away from her! See! Read my approach, and Deborah's. Stay calm, and then bitch about them later!
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I am angry!
Today, I didn't get into lunch, so I went to the computer rooms. The computer's were slow, and they were loading something, and taking for ages! Then I went to lunch. Deborah came up, and wanted me to come with her. I am a loner. I do not follow! Then I am back, and all of them have loaded! Yay!
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
I lost my class!
After we had parallel curriculum, we had Art. We have to miss half of it, but I hate what we are presently doing anyway. Clay! I hate clay! Well, anyway, we were going back to lesson, and noone's in the class! So we go back down 3 floors, and then went to the front desk, and then they said we should be in the empty room. Then we went to the staff room, because we had a 'cover techer'! So we went there, and after being told that we had Miss Taiwo, we had Mrs Coyle! So we went to the 'B' rooms, which is on the other side of our small school, and then we went up the stairs. We found them. What were they watching? Only the film I stayed up to see! 'Super size me'! That film is shit anyway.
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Parallel curiculum!- Circle time
Today in 'PC' as Deborah calls it, we had this thing, and we had to look at it, and say what you saw. They had one from last time, but I wasn't in, but I saw the words 'fly' in it. I got it instantly! Yay for me! Then we saw this pic, and it obviously wasn't what it was going to appear to us, so I guessed otherwise. I was wrong, but I don't mind. The lady who was a young 'actor' one was actually a witch. It made us laugh. There was a face, and if you turn it the other-way-round, it alterneted from happy to sad. Me, with my made self, said it scared me. The eyes faced opposite directions! Bleh!
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Another cold for me!
Yup. I've got another cold. I thought my previous one had ended, with the green bogey, and the phlegm, and coughing it up every second, but now, I have another! My nose is incessantly running, and it is so annoying! Stupid see-through bogey, and it tasting salty!
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Amaris is angry!
I am getting so sick and tired of soemone I cal 'my friend' right now! The bitch won't leave me alone! I make it obvious, but she doesn't get the fucking message, and as per usual, there is going to be a fight! Yay! No Deborah for a day!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
A link! I haven't done-so in ages!
Can Darth Vader read your mind?
My mum, of all people, found this site from the radio, and I was on it earlier. Stupid Darth Vader actually got some! I was thinking of an ironing board, and he got it right! After 30 questions though! Visit!
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Confiramtion class 'twas stupid!
I went to confirmation class yesterday, because I had to. I got there, on my sister's bike as usual, and I saw the others outside the house, and I was going really fast. I realised, and then I put my feet out, and pressed the brakes, and I tilted really far forward. I didn't go over the handle bars though. I went al wiggly though. I locked, and then I went in, to put my bag in the room. Then I came out, and just stood around, and then after a few people came, we went in. Then we went in, and then went to church. Father Stephen talked about the church, and the font, and he picked on me because, basically, I was out of it. We went around the church, and he was talking about it's features, and I knew all the stuff he already said. Tom, as per usual, was an idiot, and then we wnet back to the house. Then we went into the backroom, and I took a chair in there, because we were told so, and then we had fanta and some crisps. From the previous session, my group won, and we got some choclate! I was eying it from when I got there, and had a feeling that we won. I tried to half it, but it didn't work, so I got out my bike lock key, and split it with that. Then I gave half to my fiend, and then I was eating it. Michael and Marvin were being stupid, and asked for some chocolate off me, but I didn't because I'm selfish, and then Michael said "Oh! She hasn't breathalised the chocolate!" So do you know what I did? I breathed into the foil because I am a bitch! Then I started sneezing, because we were outside, and then my teeth started to chatter. Then I hic-cupped. People were talking and I kept sneezing or hic-cupped at inappropriate moments. Then Tom said to Rory, who was sitting next to me, "She's disgusting!" I was laughing because the others were. Then we left, and I unlocked the bike, and I turn around, and I tried to wheel it, and it wouldn't move. The handlebars were wonky, and the back wheel was rubbing against the frame. It was so hard whelling it home! Gareth helped to straighten the handlebar, and move the brake bar from the wheel. I got a work-out from that thing!
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