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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Quiz! I have a sad life.
CENTER>Critics would give my life a C-.

Well either you aimed to say 'no' to every question, or you lead a really, really boring life. If you answered this quiz honestly, get in your car, get on the freeway, drive really fast until a cop gets behind you, then go faster. No, just kidding. Seriously though, a few time bombs and animal ESP can liven up anyone's day. Or at least get yourself involved in a love triangle or two. That way, when the critics watch your life, they'll say "well, it's boring overall, but at least there's one or two clichés in there to save it." Instead of, you know, gagging at the painfulness of watching such a boring piece of work. They've already seen Titanic one time too many.
What rating would critics give your life?
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I'm watching this thing about kids with autism, and I watched the culture show!
I'm currently watching this thing about kids with autism. I had a friend with autism, actually Asbergers, and now I'm not because his mum took him out of school, and my mum didn't agreee, and now the other woman has ex-communicated herself. Watching this, it makes me actually quite interested. They act quite irrational.
I watched the 'Culture Show' today! It is as bad as it sounds but I like watching it. It's about all the current things that are going on, even though I'm not going to the theatre things or anything. The stuff they talk about is always very interesting, and it does talk about artists and gallery things.
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Yay! Amaris is angry today!
All today, my dear siblings have been pissing me off! I started doing my homework today, and they kept annoying me! I am normally annoyed, but Mr. Jared, my brother, went to fight me, and he smudged my homework. It is in pencil, and I have to give it in on Tuesday, and this is going to be 'level marked', and he just pissed me off, because I'm not going to spend 3 hours AGAIN to go and do the fucking labourious shit! My sister Mairin was all hyper, and wouldn't leave me alone. She absolutley drove me to virtually shooting her!
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Bullcrap! I'm so fecking bored!
 Your confused about some things that have been going on around you and arent to sure about how to solve you problems. You'll figure it out soon enough and Im sure your friends will be right beside you when you need help.
What emotion are you? _-=Beautiful Pictures!=-__-=Many Dirfferent Outcomes!=-_ brought to you by Quizilla
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We actually did clothes shopping today, and I got 2 skirts!
We went OUTSIDE LONDON, to a place that has a shopping area, and we went shopping! I ABSOLUTELY HATE clothes shopping! I don't like shopping really of any kind, except to buy CDs! I have 14 CDs. Not very much. I got a skirt, I don't like skirts because I don't. We spent alot of time just hanging around, and I am really picky with clothes, and when I say I went through them, I went through them! I have strict rules, as to what I will wear. I will not wear certain motifs that present me falsely, stupid skimpy shit, and other things like that. I just don't like those clothes. It's a bad habit, but I just hate those clothes! I don't like to look like a tramp in both aspects! I got quite alot of clothes, mainly tops, and we were supposed to buy trousers beacsue I was so lacking in them!
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I am a depressed girl! No! Ah big suprise!
 You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either lost somebody you love or somebody broke you heart so bad that you can't pick up the shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You think nobody can heal your wounds but don't stop looking because you never know who loves you enough to try hell the one special guy could be right infront of your eyes and you don't even know it.You also love to day dream because it seems like the only place that makes you happy.But little do you know that people all around you are trying to make you happy and you won't let them in fearing you'll get another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just try and if things go wrong just brush it off and try again.It never hurts to try.One more thing never let that lost love one leave you heart keep them in forever and keep their memory alive.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Another BLT today!
Today's been incredinly boring. I read a comic today called 'Stormwatch'. I watched a Drgonaball Z movie on T.V. That was shit. Very shit. I don't really have anything to say. Nothing's really happening. I'll post later.
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Nothing much happening here. No school, bank holiday, though on holidays.
I ate my 5th BLT today! I love bacon! I am having sandwiches for breakfast and lunch all week. I am bored. Nothing's really happening. We are going clothes shopping to get, well obviously, clothes. I have grown out of all my summer clothes for last year. I don't know if I'll be on tomorrow. Blah.
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
Are my family mad? Yes!
Today, we were all in the front room, and we were basically just watching pre-school programmes. We watched this show called 'The wiggles', and other things, and there was this charater called Dorothy, and my mum said "They're 'friends of Dorothy!" Then she told us how that meant you were gay! We conmtinued to watch it for 3 hours! We are truly sad!
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We tidied up! Yay! Not.
We had to tidy-up to get on the computer. My mum is resorting to bribery. I am on now. We didn't really do anything today. We went to the shops. As usual, it was absolutely packed. Didn't go to church. Happy about that. I am pretty bored, and have nothing to really report, so no multipule posts as usual.
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