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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Friday, May 27, 2005
I'm a loner! Now how'd I know that? Jeez!
 | You scored as Lonely. You have a lonely soul. You are strong, and confident, and you are quite independent; though you have grown to mistrust people and seek sanctuary within yourself and activities like music, reading and art.
Lonely | | 71% | Apathetic | | 50% | Strong | | 42% | Artsy | | 33% | Attention whore | | 25% |
What does your soul look like? created with |
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My hands seat as I type this!
I am pretty happy today. For a change. I feel like shit in the sun, even though I'm brown and it's hot, so I'm cussing myself. I got another song on the song thing, so hope you can hear it. I like this type of music. In textiles today, I did some anime-style eyes, and then I drew some ultimate muscle lips. I drew this on paint as an example: 
Anyway, I said "He has kissable lips! Just like me!" because I have bigs lips, and then Deborah said, not listening to me, "Yeah. I know!" Then I looked at her, and she realised what she said. Then I said, "How would you know? Do you dream and fantasise about me?" And no, she is not a lesbian. Not that I know. Then she couldn't answer me. I always do this to her. Then she saaid "no" and we started laughing!
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Very dodgy!
There's this guy, adn he came in, singing really loudly. He'd now on a computer diagonally right to me, and he keeps singing, and he's louder than the music I'm listening to, but that's not really loud. But he looks out of it. I feel sorry for him in a way. He's loud though! Can't type to save his life! He slaps the keys!
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We got the same!
I got to school today, absolutely boiling, and I told Deborah that I had Chobits! She said the same! i got book 4, and she got book 3. WE swapped them, and I've nearly finished it already.
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We were talking about shit!
During maths, me and Deborah were talking about nothing, then we were talking about just anything. I was talking about how once, my mum went to the centre of London, and when she came back, she blew her nose, and the bogie was grey! Domonique, who was sitting across the room, and next to FO is cussing me because she didn't want to hear this information. then FO said she had never been to Ikea! Who hasn't been to ikea?
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So humid! The heat!
Jeez! It is boiling here! 28 degrees Celsius. I dunno know what that is in Farenheit. It is absolutely boiling, and I actually had to take off my jumper! Quite alot of people are wearing their summer dresses, which is a difference. I am just going around without my jumper. I wish there was a breeze!
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Yay! Computer system's up!
The computer system's up, so we can go on the internet at school! I didn't go on though, because I was going home. Yay though!
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Me knee hurst! Aggggggggggghhhhhhhh!
WE didn't have to go to school early, because it was a holy day of obligation, but I had to finish my maths homework. Then I speed-walked all the way to school, because I didn't want an hour detention, so I walked fast to school, and then I strained my ankle half way. The problem was, that is was humid, and I was boiling, and the traffic was absolutely horrendous, so I was trying to cross the road, and was limping. The usual school doors were shut, so we had to go the front way. Luckily, I didn't get a detention, but I was marked late, and was covered in sweat. The class came in, and I sat down, and I complaining that my leg hurt, so I went to the front desk, and I saw some people in my class, and they got detention, and they said how the 'tube'/ underground, whatever, wasn't running, but all they have to do is reply the slip attached, saying why they came late. They called my mum, and she said to wait 30 mins. It was break. 45 minutes. They gave me and ice thingymabob, and that went warm during that time. My whole leg went numb! Then I said how it still hurt, which it did, and then I sat and waited to go home, because I had got my bag. Then the break bell, whatever thing, went, an I waited, and waited. Who for? Deborah of course! For her to come and tell me something I already know. She asked if I was going to Circle time, but I said no. She didn't see my bag, indicating me going home, and waiting for my mum. Then my mum came, and we walked to the bus, and we went on it. These old ladies got on, and conplained. I didn't listen to her. Then we went to the shops, and went home, and then my mum went to buy some thread for her sewing job. then I realised there was no bread for me sandwich, and I had a microwavable burger, and I watched some day-time T.V. Then I went to the library to pick up a manga: Chobits. It was book 4. How fun? The library never get book 1!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Oh no! My weekly report on confirmation class!
WEll, it was dodgy! I got there, on my sister's bike, and I couldn't ride there to save my life! I wore a v-neck top, which was the first mistake! Riding a bike, and wearing a v-neck top, where you have to lean over to cycle! Jeez! Luckily, I had a cardigan, but it was hot, but I wasn't going to take it off! When I got there, everyone was outside. I'm not really one to care, but I noticed that everyone actually noticed me! Oh my God! They noticed me! I feel so over-whelmed with emotion! Not! WE had this talk, and our nun, not mine, but the resident nun, was talking about vocation and stuff. I was at the front, and listening to it, and pulling apart every single thing she said, and then Tom came in. I had seen him outside before he came in, and it was like he was looking for me or something! It was 6:45, and it started at 6. Father Stephen asked why he was so late, and he said that he got hit by a car. Knowing him, it's probably the truth, but I had to snigger! Then we were in groups to do this quiz, inwhich we had no idea to the answers, because they were like general knowledge on the religion! I was kinda opposite him, and all he did was keep looking at me, and our eyes kept meeting, so I could deter him from looking at me, but he continued, and he kept looking at the sheet that we were writing the answers on. It was weird! It was like he wouldn't stop staring at me! The only time he talked to me, was the retreat, and there was no eye-contact then! It makes me laugh! WEll, then we finished, and the bossy lady, Marie, took them all in. WE won't know the results until after half term, which is next week. Then I rode home, and nearly killed myself by nearly going into a barbed fence! That's all!
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For all those who care, I found my normal bra! Yay~!!!~~
I found my normal bra today, so now I don't have to wear my stinking wired, padded bra! They are so annoying, and I spend half the time yanking it down! I hated wearing it in yoga, where you spend half the time on your back! Hoorah for me! I've had to put up with those bras since last Monday!
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