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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Hot over 'ere!
It was also hot in France from Weds. I looked quite nice on Tuesday and Wens. I wore, for both days, a white shirt, and a beige top, which was smaller, on top. Together with the headphones, which as Miss. Maigne said, 'plastered to me head', made me very purty! Miss Maigne said I was purty, and she said it everyday, like I had some confidence problem! Yeah right! On Turs, as 'it was the last night', they had a party, and then they came back. I sat it out. I was writing the days' events, and Miss Maigne said, (I was in her group, and opposite room) "Stop writing to your boyfriend, and go to sleep!" Like I have a boyfriend! She's so annoying!
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Had a long bath, but now I'm all dry!
Well, I'm just on for a bit. Now 3:28! I was in that long! I didn't really shower in France. Not a fan of showers. The amount of sludge that came off me isn't funny! I am glad I'm home. Wish I had got those anime posters! (tell you about that later) I don't like the French, and glad I'm in the city! I hate the smell of manure, a.k.a SHIT! (That'll be another post.) I wrote LOADS on the days I was there. I'll have loads of rants, and it'll be long, SO BEWARE! B-bye!
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Friday, March 18, 2005
I don't want to get off! (the computer perverts! he he!)
Well, read me previous post. Had a good week. It's 11:50 now. Gotta go. sorry I can't catch up with site's! B-bye!
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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! *laughs evilly*
Well, I'm back, and have been for a two hours now. Me sister wouldn't get off, so I didn't get on. I should add posts as the week goes on, or the weekend. I have ALOT to say! Currently, I am in a bad mood. When we got off, I started crying, because I felt so sick. I have travel, AND motion sickness. I feel better, but I spent 9 HOURS in the ferry. Just thinking about it makes the room literally spin! There was this boy called Nicholas. Tell you about him later, but he was REALLY like me. Too like me. Didn't see him on the way back, or lead him on by 'giving him me number', but it just makes me wonder. He liked rock too. He reminded me of a posh friend I had, and that personality mixed with mine. I am SO relieved I'm back. I feel dizzy, but I'm back with FOOD! Sweeties! *jumps up and down with sugar high* Well, hopefully seeya tomorrow! B-bye!
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Well blah. No posty post day!
There's no posty post day because me brother was sick today, so they weren't going to check out the private school. They srayed at home, meaning that we had to tidy up. Jared, me brother, is moaning at the fact that he can't eat. He is a boy who has NO stop button. Darn it! I went to the shops today aswell as go to the library. Got some crap to eat on the trip there, and going to have a flask full of a hot drink. Can't decide. Gonna be cold from 4am! It is winter!
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Yay! New book!
Well, it took forever, but I wen to the library, because a book was in. I saw this boy in the downstairs bit, the adult section, and thought it, and I thought he was a man. I went upstairs, and went to get a reserved book. Then I found out it was downstairs, but stayed upstairs to find some mangas. Cleared out by us. I mean me brother and sister. So I went downstairs, and I waited to get me book in the adult library bit, and the lady went saying I have to wait, and then I was waiting around, even though the book was on the desk, but if I took it, then I would be stopped, I know that for sure. So I waited, and a lady came, and I took it. The boy that works there was there the other time, and He did it so slowly like he still didn't know what to do. Then the boy I had previously seen came down with like 5 books. I used to do that, but now I have too many mangas on me card that I want to scan pictures of. I said thank you, with me usual introverted self, and he said thanks like he was suprised. I said, "Mwu ha ha! Now I have something to read!" Mad aren't I?
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Well, gotta go!
It's midnight, and although I haven't finished it, I'm going to bed. I am going to be on forever, so tommorow it'll be post day! Yay! Bye~!
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Now! This should work! I'm linking it! *runs to bedroom to get rough book out of room to find HTML code*
click darnit EarthGod! I went to all this trouble for you!
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I'm slipping into the void! (Big rant)
Agggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh! I am slipping into the void of hopelessness, and I'm sick and tired of everything! No I'm not a goth, and don't want to kill meself, I just hate pressure applied to me, because I have to take me anger and frustration out in someway, and I am SICK AND TIRED OF THE BLOODY SAT'S! It's not me who gets the satisfaction, it's that the stupid people at the school can say: "Oh! Our school is SOOOOOOOO intelligent! Even though most of them do it on their own merit, and get brain-washed into thinking it's actually for them!" Jeez! And what the funny thing is, is that Miss Deborah eats right out of their hand like a brain-dead dog! She is so naive, and she doesn't believe me! I know the psycology of it all, and the actual fact, as Ihave intelligent parents who also see through it! Hope you're happy world! You bastard!
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I tried so hard to get this! Three times! I ain't no Sasami! Or a Washu! Jeez! Total polar of me personality!
 You're Ryoko! One hot little demon/space pirate. Yeeowch. You love to fight and drink. You also have a cute little cabbit for a spaceship and a crazy mom. You lead one seriously screwed up life, but hey you got tenchi right?
What Tenchi Muyo character are you? (females) brought to you by Quizilla
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