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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
I have successfully become the slowest in Art!
Everyone is already painting their mask, and I am just doing the paper mache! I am like 7 or more, weeks behind! I want to finish it, but I don't want to bloody well sabotage it! I want to take the picture home too, but I don't don't want to fold the bloody thing though! I want to keep it, and scan it in, and show you my bloody accomplishment!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
It was bloody cold yesterday!
I had 'Science Booster classes' yesterday, to add to my really busy Tuesday! I got home late, so I only had an hour at home, before I had to go back out to go to Confirmation class! It was freezing yesterday, but the rest of the day wasn't as cold as it was in the morning! I walk to school in just, obviously my bra, but with just me short-sleeved shirt, and thin, if-there-is-a-breeze-you-will-feel-it-most-definately jumper, and me gloves! The wind was blowing, and me nose went cold, which meant I was like a dog, and the cold nose sets off me sneezing! It was bitter, and I had to go back into the cold! Confirmation class was alright, as I went home, riding me sister's bike, this man saw me in me brothers' hat, which is way too small for me, but I ears would be icicles otherwise! He laughed! I thought that it wouldn't be funny if I road over his crutch with the montain bike! I want a balaclava, but me mum can't find a pattern, and i said I wanted it black and yellow, and she said I would look like a bumblebee! Me mum can knit, and she taught me several times, but I cannot get the gist of it! I said I would look like a leopard bandit! Especially in the dark! My mum said the police would come for me if I wore the balaclava!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Sprays make me twitch!
All that ever happens is that me eye twitches!
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I have successfully done waht I had so longed to do!
I have successfully made it so that I can listen to my favourite, currently unknown band, Death From Above 1979! You can hear all their album on their site! I have made it so that I can hear it offline! I have also downloaded some MP3 tracks, even though I don't have an MP3 player. I can play them! I have 20 songs now! I had 5 for the longest time! It is an hour long! It's from bands like DFA1979, Coheed and Cambria, and a band called the Faint! Oh yeah! DFA1979 have realeased a single called Blood On Our Hands! The vidoe's kinda cheesy, but it's a good song, and I love it because you can just rock out to it! I love that kind of music! Bye!
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Friday, January 14, 2005
Well, my future seems very promising!
 F:size="2">You've come upon a Rough Stretch. Can
you make it through? You've come upon hard times. Things aren't looking so good
to you and your life has seem to collapse into a downward spiral. You've lost
your way and can't seem to find the right path to take. You are probably
depressed and feeling lonely as you've lost sight of those who love you. You may
wander through this road with a few others like you and are able to comfort them
as they comfort you, but it is not enough. You've lost something, maybe someone
close, and with it you lost your faith in life. You're probably confused and
unsure what to do next. But the way will become clear eventually. It always
does. This stretch that lies before you seems never-ending and not worth
traveling. But don't let yourself fall, you may have stumbled upon this,
but pick yourself up as best you can and hold on to that little bit of faith you
have. The road isn't as endless as it seems. All things, good and bad must come
to and end. This too shall pass and you'll be amazed at what good lay beyond it
if you just find the strength within yourself to try and make it.
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X] brought to you by Quizilla
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A quiz that I sur as hell will guarante that you will not forfill reading!
Everything About You Survey | Created by Crimsontear and taken 8654 times on bzoink! | Personal Information | First Name// | Amaris | Age// | 13 | Gender// | feamle | Nickname(s)// | none. I only answer to the name | Hair Color// | black | Hair Style// | none particularly! I can do whatever I like to it, as it's blavk hair! Duh! | Eye Color// | brown. Very dark! | What is your favorite | Color// | Grurple | Game// | spider solitaire! It's so darn hard! | Song// | noe at the moment | Music Video// | Death From Above's song- Blood on our hands | Animal// | I hate animals | Sport// | I like netball, even though I can't shoot | Country// | none. They're all shite | Movie// | none | Food// | none particularly, but I like Chinese! | Friends | Best// | none really, and sure as hell ain't Deborah! | Funniest// | none | Coolest// | none | Sweetest// | none | Kindest// | none | Annoyingest// | Deborah! Jeez! I want to kill her! *picks up a gun and grins* | Dullest// | Deborah | Stupidest// | ditto | Most Intelligent// | not deborah! | Athletic// | Iono! | Relationships | Boy(Girl)friend// | none | Are you in love right now// | no | Do you have a crush// | no | Do you have a stalker// | hopefully not. Why would anyone want to stalk me? They'll have to catch me! | Do you miss someone right now// | no | What do you do | At school// | go on the computers, and learn | At home// | nothing really, homework | Outside// | I don't really go outside, unless I'm going somewhere | When you first wake up// | contemplate what I am to do in that day. | What _____do you hate | Food// | cheese. Most dairy | Color// | yellow! Too bright | Hair color// | yellow! No. not blonde, yellow | Tv show// | crappy rip-offs of anime | Clothing style// | I do not know at this present time | Movie// | yu-gi-oh! You know that's going to be a let down! | Emotions Right Now | Are You Happy Right Now// | no | Sad// | yes | Grumpy// | yes | Annoyed// | yes | Angry// | yes | Sick// | yes. a headache, and an ear ache | Lonely// | no | Bored// | yes. this is too long. | Have you ever | Made your own religion// | yes. it was a let down | Written backwards// | yes. when i was bored, on a tissue. sad tisn't it!? | Written your own magazine// | no | Drawn art// | isn't drawing art though? That question makes no sense! | Got angry with a game// | yes | Played Lacrosse// | no | Broken a bone// | thankfully no | Dyed your hair// | no. why would I? And what colour? | Put in contacts for no reason// | no. I don't have money to save | Swam alone// | no. I don't have a private pool | Things that come to mind when you read... | Intelligentence// | me | Stupidity// | deborah | Depress// | ing me with boredom | Blood// | an album cover by a band called the manic street preachers | Blue// | sky in the last episode of | Gray// | grey | Sword// | anime fight scene | Golf// | swing | Soccer// | ball. football | Yellow// | sun | Socks// | yellow | Ribbon// | red, matilda | Random Questions | Play Sports, if so, what ones// | none | Have a lot of friends// | no | Write good// | yep! I love to write! English is my favourite subject! | Eat a lot// | yes, but I is no fat | Like the day Friday// | yes | Like the month December// | nope. I hate it. | Do you(or are you) | (DY)Give good advice// | I think so | (DY)Talk crap// | yes | (DY)Play a lot of games// | yes | (DY)Wear hats// | no. I'll get reall bad hat hair! Trust me! | (DY)Like to be outside// | kind of. There's really to do | (AY) Always mad// | at people and things, yeah! | (AY) Always happy// | practically never | (AY) A good friend// | probably, but get on the bad side of me, and don't expect to talk to me for a few weeks! | This or that (Last questions) | Night or day// | night! It's creepy | Snow or Rain// | rain. therapudic | Stars or the Moon// | Mun! I love ze moon! The name 'Amaris' is said to be ruled by the moon, and I'm a cancer, someone ruled by the moon ironically! | Ocean or Pool// | ocean. You'll swin for ages, with no worry of boundaries. | Boat or Plane// | plane. You see the ocean without the spray of it, and puke because of sea sickness | Books or Magazines// | either. me like both | Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards// | they're both crap! | Blonde or Black Hair// | i don't care | Green or Blue Eyes// | i don't care. | Pants or Shorts// | depends if I am to wear them out, or bedwear. You are too vague! | Pop or Rock// | ROCK ALL THE WAY! WHO DO YOU THINK I AM? I DON'T LIKE POP! IT'S CRAP! | Punk or Emo// | well, evil choice, I don't like either, but, maybe emo!? | Tatoos or Piercings// | piercings. tattoos are usally pretty ugly, and redundant, like saying who you are! Are you going to get dementia, and then look at your shrivelled skin, and remember your name | Necklace or Ring// | necklaces. more elegant | Clouds or No Clouds// | clouds keep in heat, but no clouds is a nice sight, so i no know | Art or Literature// | both. I'm a fan of both | Jeans or Baggy Pants// | baggy TROUSERS! I hate jeans! They don't keep in the heat, and they're uncomfortable! | Singing or Dancing// | both!Prancing about while singing is expressionism! | March or May// | may. nearer to me birtday! | Halloween or Christmas// | neither. both all too commerciallised! | Coke or Pepsi// | don't need the acid, sugar, or | Hug or Kiss// | I haaven't kissed, so I wouldn't know | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Well, I am cold, and angry!
I am sick of my brother coming into the front room, and appointing arthority! He's only 9! Jeez! I'm 13! He doesn't have the right to! I'm bored, and I have nothing to currently say. Except my arm hurts, and I am freezing!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
I is no suprised! I is good! *a glass breaks*
 Hate: Hate is your prime instinct. You don't believe in perfection or even life, both are fake, your soul belongs to The Darkness, you can be a great leader if you let others be part of your life.
Your Evanescence song is >>>> Tourniquet
What is your prime instinct? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
A lame attempt from the boys!
In Confirmation time, which is on an evil day, Tuesday, because I always have like at least 3 homeworks for the following day! We were doing the rosary, and the 'girls' were leading. I was leading, having the deepest, and strongest voice. Because of my retainers, I stopped. They fell practically silent! I love when I do those kind of things! Well, the boys said it in reply, and it was a lame attempt! All their semi-broken voices mumbled practically inaudibly! I laughed my head off! The girls were laughing, and I wanted to slit me fucking wrists! I got lost after a couple of minutes! Such girly girls! The boys would obviously not talk to me, as they are teenage boys! I'm not going to seem stupid!
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 You are strong-willed and confident, you like to have your own way, at times you can be stubborn for your own good and make problems for yourself.
Who are you from your birthday date (easy steps, amazing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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