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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Jeez! From Monday!
My teeth hurt! It's bad enough that I've had me braces out, that was bad enough with the pulling! Now I've got a plastic mould over me teeth of my previous teeth, and I have to keep them in for three months! The over-all amount of years is 3! Then, on top of that, the previous year! It's so unfair! All that for straight teeth!
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Monday, January 10, 2005
I finished this book called Sarai, and all it is, is a post-apocalyptic thing, with all this sex!
Well, I read the 3 books in a night, and a day! It's by... *goes through all the papers in her diary* Ah! It's by Mashiro Shibata.
Femal Outlaw said she was developing, developing, and I said a brain because she fool, and she said I'm the lowest shit in a hole! I'm not that low! I'm pretty, but not that! Agree?
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Well, some people might think of me as suicidal, and murderous, but me no care! I am way too happy! But I is tired, and I turn twisted!
I wrote this this morning, and it is long, so I probably won't finish it, so I'll do it on Friday or something!
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I do not fucking well live it gangsta style! I am against that! I am not some wannabe You motherfucker! Jeeez! I English! I do not even eat nachos!
 Kip Dynamite
(Please rate my quiz)
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 7, 2005
I know I shouldn't keep posting, but I'm watching 'World shut up' and it is way funny!
It's a spoof thing, and there was this man, dressed up as a baby, and he asked for some cigarettes. He got some, and said it was wrong! You should watch it even though you can't! It's 11:02 now.
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90mph gales! I'm listening to the tv, and a band called Pink Grease!
They say in the north of England, there are 90 mph winds! 'It's a severe weather warning!' Well, it's me bro's bday tomorrow. It's 10:37 now. The mixture of Chocobo Gene's and Pink Grease is overwhelming! The other music, CB's is getting louder, and then PG comes in! It's confusing! I is bored! I'm listening to a news channel, while my dad sleeps, and I'm just waiting to get kicked off!
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I am tired, and my brain won't work!
Jeez! My second lesson today was Maths, and it was rounding, inwhich I'm really good at. I'm pretty tired, and I am so stupid! Jeez! I can't spell to save my life! I try like 6 times for a simple word! Well, it's 10:06pm, so I'm gone! Bye!
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I hardly ever get any alternate answers!
 You are a violin. You are very held back and quiet. You do what you want and that usually means something quiet like reading or writing. You are calm and perhaps considered dark to some. But you rarly talk to anyone besides your close friend or family.
(BEAUTIFUL anime pics) What is your soft toned intrument? brought to you by Quizilla
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Well, for yesterday, I feel liberated!
My braces came off yesterday! Only a year, and I got my braces off! I swear the man like broke off some of my teeth, and I'm getting my retainer on Monday!
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Evelyn is a dickhead!
I'm sick and tired of people saying, "Are you alright Amaris?" No I'm not! I'm suicidal, and want to stab you in the head! Yeah! I'm really gonna say that! Today Evelyn went up to me saying!
I'll finish the rest in a couple of hours time, if I can get on!
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