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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Well, I took ages, but I'm here!
I took ages to actually get here, on a computer I mean, but at least I've been able to update! I haven't been on since Saturday, and I haven't caught up. I can't concentrate, and I'm tired, and have the beginnings of a cold. I went to Confirmation class, and they were talking about "the fall". i.e. When Adam and Eve ate the apple. I was bored, and tired, but got through it. There was some posh middle class boy, and he was chatting about this girl I used to go to school with. Helene said he likes her, but I don't really care. I wasn't in the mood!
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Weeelllyyy, wellly, well, it seems that at the library, theotaku's got fucking pop-ups!
I hate damn pop-ups! Shit! I know man is deatructive, and all about power, but that's taking it too far! I hate those bloody cunts who made them! They are like so pissing me off!
The end of my bitching is now.
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Well, I'm tireed. Shouldn't have stayed up.
I stayed up 'til 11:55. I have been tired since the beginning of school, and haven't caught up on the sleep. I woke up at 20 to 8. I'm sooooooooooooo tired! Doing this, and not listening to lively music is just killing me off!
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Well, music.

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Friday, November 12, 2004
Here are some short useless stories! I won't be able to finish them now though.
One day, Kaworu came back and got his head lopped off again. The End
One day, Pikachu shocked everyone, and thing, and died alone. The End. -Me
One day, Pikachu punched Ash, and Ash died. Everyone celebrated. The End. -Deborah's
One day, Brock actually kissed a girl, but she died. The End. -Me
One day, Tai kissed Sora, but Sora ran off with Matt. The End. -Deborah
One day, Gohan said he didn't like Picollo anymore, and kicked him in the croth. He cried, then died. The End. -the malicious me
One day, Gohan accidentally hit Goku, and then Goku died. The End. -Yep. Deborah.
One day, Goku was upset, and slapped Chi Chi. She is still flying in space now. The End. -Me
One day, Chi Chi and Goku had a divorce, and Goku killeed himself. The End. -why Deborah? Why?
One day, Gotenks was fighting a dragon. He split, and got eaten. The End. -me
One day, Krillin got a mistress, and 18 killed him. The End. -Debbie!
One day, Krillin smelt something so bad that he died. He woke up, and realised he had no nose. The End. -me
You can kinda see where these are going!
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Stupid french play! But at least I didn't reserve a computer!
We were supposed to have a french play instead of technology with Mr Sarsfield. The last one, because I've got gifted and talented the next week. I did the stories, me and Deborah because they came late. It started at 10 past 3. School finishes at 3.15. The play was still on at 3.25! Everyone was moaning, and poeple had to go places. At half past, Miss Maigne (pronouced Manyay) let us go if we wanted. The majority did. I think that's fuckries because they still get our money, evn though THEY were the ones who were bloody late!
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Well! The computer room's open! A quiz! But I don't know if I've done it before. *thinks* I don't think so.
Basic Survey [ 87 questions] | Created by PinkEtnies and taken 11197 times on bzoink! | ** basics ** | Name: | Amaris | Nickname: | none | Location: | England | Gender: | Female | Birthplace: | London, England | Birthstone: | Ruby | Birthday: | 11th July | Sign: | Cancer | Righty or Lefty: | righty | Screenname: | Outlaw Melfina | ** your looks ** | Height: | 5"2 or 3 | Weight: | not telling, but way too heavy! | Shoe size: | 5 or 5 1/2 | Hair Color: | black | Hair Length: | short. Real short | Eye Color: | dark brown | Size: | what? Clothes? 10 or 12. Varies | Glasses: | no | Braces: | yes! Nearly a year! Only 7 months left! | Piercings: | no. Not really. I pierced my ears, but one healed up, and I don't wear them | Tattoos: | no. I'm 13 | ** fashion ** | Where do you shop: | nowhere really. I'm not one of those to impress | What do you usually wear: | clothes | What kind of shoes do you wear: | normal. I don't go out much, so I only have around 4 pairs, and that's pushing it. | Do you wear a watch: | I always lose them, so I don't really | Color you never wear: | none | Color you wear at least once a week: | blue | Something you wear everyday: | shoes. shirt. bra etc. I have school uniform | Do you wear make up everyday: | no | Make up essential: | none | Most cherished piece of clothing: | trousers? | You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: | stillettos | Do you wear belts: | I don't own any, even though I seriously need one | Do you wear hats: | no | How many pairs of shoes do you have: | 4, and that's pushing it. I have hand-me-downs from me mum, as we're the same shoe size | ** music ** | Favorite kind of music: | Rock | Least Favorite: | Heavy Metal. | How many CD's do you have: | 12 | Last CD you bought: | Billy Talent | Whats in your CD player right now: | The Stills | Do you download music: | no. Don't have my own computer | ** Favorites ** | Color: | lilac | Number: | 13 | Season: | summer | Ice cream: | toffee | Website: | the otaku | Quote: | life sucks, and then you die miserable. Just like I am | Store: | none | Band: | Placebo | Singer: | none | Rapper: | none | Group: | none | Song: | Quite alot | Movie: | none | Actor: | none | Actress: | none | Kind of movies: | none | Place to be: | nowhere | Time of day: | midday | Clothing Brand: | none | Animal: | none | Food: | none | Holiday: | none | Shape: | none | Restaraunt: | none | Fast food place: | none | Boy's name: | Fabrien. I made that one up from Fabien | Girl's name: | none | Word: | Shit | Month: | July. It's me birthday! | Candy: | | ** love and relationships ** | Sexual Preference: | boys I hope | Boyfriend or Girlfriend: | nope | Crush: | nope | Do you believe in love at first sight: | sometimes. But I haven't experienced it. | What do you look for in a guy/girl: | eyes. Social group | Best physical feature: | eyes | Best hair color: | none | Best eye color: | none | ** randoms ** | Do you paint your nails: | yes. I use pen, and then nail hardener. It's good and fun. I don't draw. | What color is your tooth brush: | blue. It's an orthodontic one for me braces | What's on your desktop: | I don't own my own computer. I use alot | Do you like roller coasters: | No. I get motion sick. Ever seen a black person go green? | Do you do drugs: | No. I'm 13, but there was this girl who dealt cocaine at 12. | Are you a virgin: | Yes! Me is only 13! I'm not a whore! | Do you have any pets: | No. | What time do you go to sleep: | 10-11 pm. It varies | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
That bitch!
I got late here, at the library, resulting in missing my sister, and mum and brother! Her needs were greater than mine! We had to mark some fucking shit we had done, and she said she was suprised with the low marks! Well, maybe if she hadn't kept making us do everything for homework, maybe it would be good! Well, I don't give a fuck anymore! She's been whining for 3 years now! Why the fuck should I care? And why hasn't she done anything by now? Shit!
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Why's it so fucking cold?
I know that it's winter over here, technically autumn, but it's so cold in the morn! I went out earlier today, due to the fact I could go on the computer, even though that was a total shams! I was sneezing as it was 8 o'clock. I was cold by the time I got to school! But that's no excuse!
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I woke up this morning, and found myself cold. I didn't bother moving, because otherwise I would sneeze, and snot would come out. I eventually got up when it was time, and I didn't have my pyjama top on. Only my vest, and have no recollection of how that came to be.
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