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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
In IT it was way funny!
As usual, it is Thursday, the day where I go on the internet 3 times in one day! At lunch, in the computer room, in IT, Information Technology, basically computers. Anyway, Mrs Aluo wasn't in for the 2nd or 3rd week running now! Wohooooooooo! That means that we can go on the internet to whatever we want! The usual suspects were looking at sites of Lil' Romeo, Omarion and all those crap people, no offence because that is me cultures music. I wanted a background, and stupid Deborah was telling to go to a website via google. I decided as usual to search for Shinji and Kaworu because I was bored. I was also on BBC because the P.E. teacher was there like 2 weeks ago. There were some rude pics, but not as rude as yesterday's. I had seen a pic of them naked and hugging. I went onto it and it was purple, and you know what that means!? Yes, I had been looking on the website before. At the end, which was funny, is that Deborah said Kaworu looked weird in the plug. Now I couldn't really here, and I said that I thought she said he was a plug. I said plug and plug hole? That makes no sense. And with Deborah with her dirty mind, just like me coming up with all this crap because I was bored. I made the gesture of me trying to put a plug in a plug hole, and Deborah started laughing, saying did I get it. Obviously, I had, but said no. She was talking about the facts of life. i.e sex
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As female outlaw has said, I saw a nasty pic of Wufei and Trowa having uh huh!
Deborah went on one of our favourite things, where we do a google image search. We've done it with Kaworu and Shinji and Deborah's done Heero and Duo. Anyway, she did a search with Trowa and Wufei. How wrong a thing she had done!
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Me imagining anime men signing YMCA!
Basically, on Monday, I was in science when Female Outlaw was telling me to imagine anime men singing YMCA. I thought of Gene Starwind, Heero Yuy, and others, tough me cannot remember. You make up some people signing YMCA! That would be fun!
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
I'm within the top 500!!!!*everyone celebrates and gives me a cake with the number 475 and everyone singing happy 475th rank to you*
Yay! I can even check meself out on the last page! What a big achievement, considering, my friend , female outlaw, has way less thsn me!! Woo!
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It's hot!
My butt is sweating!
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Me is pure evil!!!! Yay!!!!! I thought I was anyway, so it doesn't really matter!
 How evil are you?
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how come every damn post I do has been centred?
All of my posts are centered! Why? I have to changeit! Plus I've had the nasty idea of a yoai thing. Spelling? Anyway, I know it's nasty, but I made it up, and I'm not really going to give it up because it has been floating in me head for ages. Me yoai thing(spelling?) for Yu-gi-oh is Yugi's "grampa", why does he not have a name, even if he isn't a central character. Basically, drum roll please! (no drum roll. next to a year 7 girl, Deborah's still in the room but out of sight.) I am babling on, but I want you to guess! The answer to me prattling on is Yugi's grampa and Seto Kaiba! Nasty isn't it!?
I was talking to Deborah about them kissing and him (Yugi's grampa, that is, not Seto *shivers*) in a wet t-shirt, and them sleeping together! Ha Ha Ha! *silently shivers while doing a dumb laugh*
That's what me has to say today! What do you think of it then!
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
I got the stills' album
I got The Stills' album on Sunday or Saturday, can't remember. Fav new band I have to go bye!
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
This is Shinimigami's quiz
1. First Name: Amaris
2. Were you named after anyone? No.
3. Do you wish on stars? Can't remember the last time me did.
4. Which finger is your favorite? I don't like the one next to me ikkil finger because it's like everybody elses (my fingers are extra long. Me middle finger is 8cm long. Long isn't it?
5. When did you last cry? I don't know.
6. Do you like your handwriting? Depends. But it is seriously messy.
7. What is your favorite lunch meat? Bacon. I was in the shops today, and I was in meat heaven
8. Any bad habits? Being too cold
9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? I like this band calle Placebo, and their latest album is of a naked woman, and a man wearing jeans with their bodies pressed up against each other.
10. If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you? Yes, I'm soo funny and egotistical, and nosey!
11. Are you a daredevil? No.
12. Want a horse? No! So it can poop everywhere! I wouldn't even want to ride such a shitty thing!
13. Do looks matter? No, since most pretty people are totally fucked up.
14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? I do it all of the time and hate it when I get it wrong!
15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I'm not even going to consider that one.
16. Do fish have feelings? I wouldn't know because I can't speak fish language, let alone hold me breath.
17. Are you trendy? No.
18. How do you release anger? I stomp around and listen to music and mumble things I'm gonna do.
19. Where are your second homes? I only have one home, plus I hardly go to anyone's house, let alone go out into the road for no specific reason, except to find a boy I like, inwhich I ain't interested yet!
20. Do you trust others easily? No way! Not even people I know well. It's because I have secrets, and would like to keep it that way, and I have a nosy brother and sister, who like to find things out about me
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? I didn't really play with things, plus I'm only 12.
22. What class in school do you think is totally useless? Science! Me no care about other things life! I can just about control me own life!
24. Have you ever been on radio or television? nope.
25. Do you have a journal? Only as Outlaw Melfina Http:// Melfina
26. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I use it too much, and me brother and sister don't get it and sometimes actually believe me
27. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? No.
28. What do you look for in a guy? Don't know
29. Your nickname? Nothing. I don't like them
30. Would you bungee jump? Don't know
31. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I just kick them off, which can prove hard to find them afterwords
32. What are you worried about right now? Whether I'm gonna be chucked off soon, and if I'm gonna finish my story without anyone reading it.
33. Do you ever wear overalls? No, but I with me had some dungarees!
34. Do you think that you are strong? Yes! But I hold meself back
35. What's your favorite colors? Most.
37. What is your least fav. thing in the world? Uncomfty bras! I can sit down properley, without feeling uncomfee. Ahh!! The middle of me back itchs just thinking about it.
38. How many wisdom teeth do you have? When do you actually get wisdom teeth, because me is only 12
39. Are you in love with anybody? Nope.
40. How many people have a crush on you right now? How should plus I go to a girl's school. Trying to imply?
41. Who you miss most right now? Nobody. Me is no in love tank you very much
42. What do you miss most right now? Quiet. Me sister is back from her stinking school trip
43. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? Um... this is shinimegami's quiz
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Listening to Abandoned Pool's album. Anyone ever heard of them? He's from the Eels, but then left. His album is really good, and I'm gonna tell you about the scary thing about Friday
On Friday, we heard a fire alarm and we had to go from the top of the building, from our English lesson because our teacher is also a drama teacher. Anyway, we went down to the field outside obviously, and we saw Tracey. She had been with our head of year, and was shook if I say so myself. She was talikng about how she was with Miss Ungaro and these Year 10s were talking about how they saw this lady was asking for her child "Daniella". Miss Ungaro and Tracey went to see. She brought out a gun. Miss Ungaro, the head of year was running. Tracey said that she had never seen her run before. She said how she asked Tracey if she knew if she knew where she was. She said she didn't know. Mr Conway, the deputy head, had been punched her. The same with another teacher called Miss Howes who teaches us Music, who was already sad because someone had taken her purse, and she had been crying since our lesson, inwhich it had gone missing in. The police had also been called and and were under the table. Then Mrs Howie, the headteacher, told Tracey to get out and she was with us in the field. Then Mrs Howie was outside, and talking through a megaphone. She then said that there had been an alleged fire in the western block, the block we had been, by the way, everybody was in their lessons happily. Then she nearly fell off the edge of the thing, there's a stinking patch of overgrowth, where there used to be a classromm. She appeared red faced, and they were laughing at her because they didn't know. She then said that we should go home. Tracey, had left her stuff, didn't want to go alone. Can you blame her? I had heard all of this because she was supposed to be two behind me, but was right behind me. Did I ever talk about how everyone doesn't like me? When we were walking back, I asked my friend Heather, if she believed her, and she said no. I do know that Tracey says a whole load of crap, but I truely believed her. Why did Mrs Howie nearly faint? By the way, Female Outlaw was not there! How unfair! I can't even tell her til Monday because number 1, we're on half term, and number 2, she's in France.
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