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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Turquoise (spelling?) bunny!
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You fools!!! My birtday is on 11th of July and I got a duck called lumpy butt!
Today, I was collecting my brother and this boy said his friend liked me and I scowled and said I didn't bloody well care! Not saying thta, I just said so, but there's going to be alot of swearing while I talk about today. Ha! I got this duck, going to get another one soon!
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I've added a post on here, even though I've been on here every single day this week.
Well, it's my birthday soon, so I am thinking what I can do. Obviously it's the 11th of July, but I don't know what to do for me birthday and it's my glorious 13th! Not that I actually care of which, but I just don't know what to do. Can you please give any suggestions.
Oh yeah! It is just so quiet because me sis isn't here. But every single time we eat, I hear my piggy brother snorting away like there's no tomorrow! It is just ever so annoying, and he's irritating me because thre's no Mairin around to annoy, and I'm not the one to play. Anyways, give me's a suggestion for what to do for me birtday! SEEYAA!!
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Me sister isn't here!
My sister went to Norfolk today at 10 and won't be back till Friday! Oh how quiet and peaceful it is! No screaming and high pitched yelling, but I did wake up ant 7.30 today because my mum woke her up, waking me up in the stinking process, but at least it is half walm. Me wearing a short sleeved top right now and listening to some old film. I've been drawing on Wednesday and Saturday. Me sister being not here also means that I have to set the bath every single day. Me brother is still in primary school, same as my sister, but he always asks questions, pointless questions like things ruling the Earth, but he is only 8 after all. That also means we are going to fight over the remote control because I usually come home first, but once he gets in, he wants to rule the T.V. inwhich I'm usually snug and it is the middle of something. She has also being really mean lately because she's going, so it goes to her head.
I'm so tired and I've being eating sweets, but it keeps getting trapped in my braces, so I have these sugar rushes and feel heavy again all day. I've got homework on The Ehglish Civil War in History. It's a stinking essay. My mum here, and she isn't even telling me to get off the website!
Oh Yeah!
Guess what animal produces the most methane?
I'll tell you on my Thursday!
It no Cow if you was wondering!
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Friday, May 21, 2004
I'm soooooooooo tired !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since late last night, every single time I blink, it hurts because me is soooooooooooooooo tired! I really am tired because I haven't had proper sleep since November! Plus I have a body clock which makes me wake up a the crack of dawn no matter what time I go to bed. I also wake up at any sign of daylight, and it's too cold to get up!
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
YAOI !!!!! Hah! My imagination!!!!
Today during lunch, Deborah, otherwise known as female outlaw, were talking about the world of yaoi, and about Yu-Gi-Oh and Yugi being with Joey.
I thought of Krillin and Piccolo and Vegeta and Picollo.
I also thought of others but can't remember them right now.
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Yeah right! Like I've even had me first kiss! Lovingly! HAH!
What Kind Of Anime Kisser Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Frustration! AHHH! it's so bloody well hot!
 You are Earth! Steady,strong, and smart. You know that the decisions that you make are good ones and stick to it.Keep it up!
::..::..Whats your anime element?..::..:: brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
de colour of me words is way nasty!
Why did I change it? Tell me if you like it. If you don't, I'll keep it that way!!
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Yes I am better now!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I did get hit in the bottom of me jaw yesterday and went home because I didn't want to stay at school. I woke up today and I've got a little bump on my face. It's on my right side and I always lean on my right side. I just put my hand on me face and it burnt! AHHHH!!!!!!THE BURNING, THE BURNING!!!! At least I got nando's restaurant for lunch. Me is soooo tired!
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