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somewhere where you don't know, actually London in England
Member Since
Sixth Form student, fan girl, writer and struggling artist/ creator
Real Name
Amaris Hope you like the name because it is really so!
Not killing the people in my school YET, or the world; being able to push people away; being socially isolated; let my grades go down because I'm lazy and an idiot; read all the books in my library, get my english teacher to think I self-harm (DSH)
Anime Fan Since
I was 7, Yr 3, 1998 or so. The first anime was the infamous 'Sailor Moon'! XD
Favorite Anime
Most of them except Ultimate Muscle because it is soo ruubiishh-o! I Love 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'! Shinji is such a passive-aggressive boy, and he hates himself so! I can relate, because I hate myself. I hate everyone else in the world!Human condition!
to actually finish a story!;To not die before 40, to get a good job which I enjoy- IMPOSSIBLE!; To find someone I love; to not end up killing myself because I suffer from depression.
reading, writing (all-sorts) and watching tv, getting annoyed, typing, blaming myself; being TOO perceptive; seeing all the faults of the world; telling people off if they are wrong; trying to decipher the world
| Outlaw Melfina
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Monday, May 10, 2004
Me killed a famous person with a knife!
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Friday, May 7, 2004
HAHA! Me Bart Simpson!
 You're Bart Simpson!
** Which Simpsons Family Member Are You? ** brought to you by Quizilla
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Names for my story and me avatar
Well hello! I'm back, and as I was asking before with my last post was I am writing a story but stuck on names. Can you give me some? It doesn't matter haw many, just give me some. PLEASE!!!
Plus, I am not sure whether I should change my avatar. I've got one with a monkey with its hands on its head, but I have to go home and do it because I am at school. I will look later, so please just tell me.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
this site is horrible and another thing!
I'm soo confused with the way that the site is now! I hate it! The font is horrible, the size is too big, and everything is haywire. I don't even want to go to this site anymore! It confusing. I wasn't on this site for 2 days and this happens, but at least I didn't have any school because it was mayday bank holiday. Anyway, I'm making up a story and I need some names. Please can I have suggestions?! It's really dismal and ist was raining really hard and I had to walk in the rain for 20 mins carrying my heavy PE kit and trying to hold my umbrella without it all dropping in a large puddle. As I get to the entrance door, there is a great pudle and the cold water had to go in my shoes didn't they! It's really boring because we watched Meet Joe Black, inwhich I've seen over half in, and I was at the back and as usual, they were talking.
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
I am Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
YAY! Gundam Wing. Haven't seen that in a long time!
My anime is...

What Anime is Right for You?
this quiz was made by
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ooh! Me a vampire?
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first of this type of test. Though it is not a test
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Monday, April 26, 2004
another survey!
General Information | State your full name.: | Amaris Catrina Dixon | Do you like your name?: | okay | If you could change it, would you, and to what?: | no. I don't know | Tell me your age.: | 12 | Relationships/Love | What do you want your wedding to be like?: | don't know | Tell me the perfect setting for when you have sex.: | haven't had it. Me only 12 for crying out loud! Dirty minds! | Have you ever been in love?: | no | Are you in love?: | no | Your opinions | Rock music is..: | good but too many diff types. don't like rock pop or heavy metal or hard rock | Pop music is..: | rubbish, some good though. Don't like most of it though | Your thoughts on anarchy: | can't remember what that is. | Do you believe in God?: | Yes! Me catholic! | Favorites | Type of music: | Rock | Band: | Placebo | Food: | I don't know! | Thing to do: | write, singing lots of stuff! | Thing to say: | don't know | Person to talk to: | ME! (Does that count?) | Subject in school: | English and history | Parent: | mum | Color, and why: | lilac, bright | Author: | no have one | Book: | no know | Candy: | rock! teethless me! | Last, just random questions and things about you. | Do you like yourself?: | yes | What do you like about yourself?: | my independent thinking | What dont you like about yourself?: | my constant chapped lips | Can you play any instruments?: | no | Are you depressed?: | sometimes, I get down alot | Have you ever been suicidal?: | no | Do you do drugs?: | no, me 12! | Do you drink alcohol?: | no, me 12! | Do you miss anyone right now? Who?: | I miss me class, but that's not 1 person | What do you want to do with your life?: | i do not no | What's something you know you want to accomplish before you die?: | get one of my stories published | Do you think that I love you?: | I don't even know who you are! You could be a good for all I care of which I don't! | You best, because I do. |
About Yourself brought to you by BZOINK!
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Friday, April 23, 2004
+ Basics + | Are you emotional :: | quite | Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few :: | Yes, Placebo- Every me, Every you, Evanescence- My immortal | What about movies :: | nopearoonie | What emotion do you usually feel :: | sadness, anger, rejection | + Sadness + | What does it take to make you cry your heart out :: | being told off really badly, recording over somrthing I love | How many times have you done that :: | a few. Okay! 7 | Where do you cry :: | in me room | Do you hate crying :: | oui monsieur | Do you like it when others cry :: | no | Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :: | depends | Who looks good when they cry :: | why would I stare at people crying | How else do you express sadness :: | musico | Are you sad all the time :: | quite a lot of de time | + Anger + | What does it take to make you mad :: | not alot | What do you do when you're angry :: | have a tantrum and wait | How short is your temper :: | very short but it sometimes depends | How long does it take you to calm down :: | 4 mins or so. sometimes shorter | What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad :: | hurt my self while in tantrum | Do you freak out when others are angry :: | oui | Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :: | once | What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad :: | while I'm recording on dictatorphone and me bro and sis hyper | Do you anger people :: | oui | + Joy + | How often are you happy :: | nope | What makes you happy :: | music. anime | What do you do when you're happy :: | jump and smile | How optimistic are you :: | pessimistic | Do happy people make you mad :: | oui | What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :: | irritate me and me go in a bad mood | Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone :: | no | Ever been so happy you cried :: | no | Do you smile a lot :: | no | Kiss people a lot:: | why? | Who really makes you happy :: | music. Especially when it's a new song me really like | Do you like doing things for people when you're happy :: | nope | + Fear + | What do you do when you're scared :: | don't happen much. last time I aws 8ish | What scares you :: | me no know | Do you like scaring people :: | yes | Do you like the trill of being frightened :: | no | Does fear accompany anger in your case :: | yep | Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe :: | no | How often do you panic :: | oui | What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER :: | me no know | What do you do to calm your nerves :: | breath, think of someting good | Do rollercoasters scare you :: | I get motion sickness, so me no go dem mucho | + The strongest emotion + | What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :: | Placebo's Every me, Every you | Movie :: | no | Commericial :: | no | Person :: | no | Thing :: | nope | Sight :: | no | Sound :: | no | Food :: | no | Thing you're looking forward to/want :: | nothingo | + What do you do + | When the emotion suck :: | get bored | When the emotion rocks :: | happy | When there's no emotion :: | nothing | + Would you rather + | Never feel again :: | I don't usually, so me no know | Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :: | me usuably feel lonliness | Be happy forever and never experience bad times :: | nope | Cause misery :: | do datalreadysville | Feel misery :: | have dat | Be alone :: | me usually anywayso | Be with everyone you know :: | no | + Who + | Cheers you up more than anyone else :: | Heather | Angers you more than anyone else :: | Deborah | Scares you more than anyone else :: | nothingo | Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :: | Most people | Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :: | no onesville |
Emotions brought to you by BZOINK!
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