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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Poem of mine. What do you think of it? It's for the beginning of me story! STEAL IT, AND YOU WILL FUCKING DIE!
This story starts, as any one would,
With God announcing there is no ultimate good!
He accepted His �cut-off short� mortality,
By employing the �God-makers� to stop this fatality.
For every couple hundred thousand years,
His death would come, from all the beers!
So He established with them that,
He would be reincarnated at the tip of a hat!
But with him, also would be,
Something the most shockingly!
He would reveal his other half as,
An evil, crazy thing about gas!
The Devil, Beelzebub, whatever his name,
Would be part of that Godly same
Person we all rejoice in,
Is the one who tempts us into faking.
The humble �God-makers�, they did agree,
But they were not in charge completely.
Their daughters would but give birth to the damned and undamned,
But the birth, and father, were completely planned.
The women, of course, they were in charge,
Of the feeble mortal men, of whom weren�t at large
The men, despondent, and far inferior,
Than the women who were superior
Than the God they were about to create,
With this foolish mortal mate,
But they became equals through him absorbing,
The pheromones, of the foreboding.
God did laugh, and cackled the Devil,
As in time, the role of women was far from level.
While in the �God-makers� home, women were higher,
When it came to mortals, women were announced liars
�How could women be more powerful?!
�When they plummet feebler than a flower falls?�
God did make women better,
But blame the �God-makers� for being the go-getters!
�I forgot to establish in the Bible,
�That women were the most honest and reliable,
�Unlike men, who,
�Absolutely have no clue!�
As time wore on, the parents of God taught,
Everything and anything, but as time wrought,
The Gods became self-indulgent,
And their stomachs for power became bulgent!
From Noah�s Ark, to 40 years in the desert,
Abraham, and even Greeks, and Romans make us alert,
That the misdeeds of the �God-makers� bringing up useless Gods, caused a revelry of anger in the house,
Between the original tree, which God gave to them, lies a mouse
A fraction of which used to BE God,
Clawed around, making Himself a mod.
A moderator, to this heinous crime,
Of which, took a very long time.
Not until he sent �Our Lord Jesus�,
Who actually was the bastard son �Beezus�.
There is a failing in the likelihood of God y�know!
And that the latest Devil, Draurus, is not becoming our foe.
Of course, he is pure evil, and we accept that,
But are we not following him in this fad of fat?
Or obsessions of our appearance, and perfection
All fight for the life of Draurus in this election.
An election, that if we are not careful,
This mortal world will perish before an old man loses a hairful.
And because his father never made
An effort to teach him how to get laid.
His mother, only she he can confide in emotionally,
Because she was the one who sung the most beautifully
And God, well, Drausinus, he has so much compassion,
As he would naturally, though he is very jealous of his fashion.
His stature is of great envy to all,
His mother, who did love him, was to call
She brought him up well, and as best as can be,
But he is Draurus, the Devil, as you can see!
Thus this story begin at the start of this disaster,
Before the rivalry between Draurus and Drausinus needed more than a plaster�������

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I've been meaning to put this post all week! I remeber the last olympics, and never watching more than 2 hours! I remember watching the Russians, Chinese and Japanese gymnasts on the bars spinning.
I don't know if I'll watch it though.

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   Well, got three calligraphy pens!
Yupo! One 1 mm, one 2mm and the other 3mm wide, so I'm very happy! Now to do loads of work and shit!
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Friday, February 10, 2006

MAn! Anyone else had those kinds of numbers for visits?
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   Pics that I took this afternoon!
Well, here's of my painting! Maybe I should link it, so you can see it not on me site?

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   Guess who's been dismissed from having braces and retainers! I!
Me is so happy! Yoys! NO more going to scummy Mitcham! (A place where 'common people' live) So ya. Me happy! No more nasty teeth because the retainers keep in all the liquidy scum!
Also, I have some pics of my painting, before I started on it for a while this afternoon.

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Thursday, February 9, 2006

Dreaming Angel. You are kind of shy and daydream

often. You are generally nice and will do

people favors a lot (mainly because you are

to zoned to notice what you are doing and

trained yourself to respond). You are also

usually happy, but on some days are really

sad and you dont know why.The job you would

be best at is a artist or writer because you

get to use that huge imagination of yours.

What Angel Will You Be? (Anime pics and detailed results) Updated
brought to you by Quizilla

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   Darn you Mister Ayodele!
Well, no been on the comp in two days. Well fully anyway. Mr Ayodele (I-o-deli) has been locking the rooms, which is HIGHLY frustrating, because I can't go ont he comps!
Well, didn't have speaking tests, which I was fretting about, but I've got LOADS of homework. I@m not that bothered. Also, there's this stationery shop, which I haven't been too since I was a wee tot, i.e. 10, when EVERYTHING was big to me! Ya. So I'm going to go there on Sat. I've got another place to go for stationery, and as a Saturday trip! Yay!

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Wednesday, February 8, 2006

There are hens outside to eat!
There are! Well, not much happened today. The fucking mechanism didn't fit. Spend all day doing so. I also went to bed early, and had the best sleep for 3 weeks!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006

   It didn't rain! But I did nearly trip!
Glory to the world of things! I didn't trip. Very glad about that. My mum said that it was nice. I'll upload a pic of it from the digital camera. I haven't finished it.

Also, on Montel, there was these parents complaining about their kids! So sad!

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