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myOtaku.com: Outlaw Melfina

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I shall finally add my poems! :D
Ah, yes. This one I am pretty proud of really. I'm going to explain the bit of inspiration I got, and stuff, which is not something I really do, as they are generally typed up a matter of days after writing them.
This one is called 'life', and heavily influenced by a book that I have been reading in English Literature. It is called 'Wise Children' by Angela Cater, and the aspect of life and the carnivalesque. The attitude of the poem is very close to mine, in its very bawdy English way, and you very much have to hold your disbelief when reading it! lol I also wrote this just before my dad came (a matter of half an hour), reeling from having reflected on the depths of my dark path through life- I remember a very minute amount of my childhood. I hope you enjoy it!

Life is a theatre performance,
but not like one at all.
I give myself as entertainment,
yet I am not myself at all.
The mask is up, and do not know
whether I speak truth or lie.
Am I the character, am I the person,
or rather nothing at all.
The words are spoken like a script you see,
everyone drawls and drools;
the acts we partake, the lust we bare,
are neither foretold or just written.
I roll my eyes and dwell in the drama, I spread my arms and let it become me.
It seethes, it burns, it scars me deep,
but is that all part of the theatre performance?
The carnivalesque- we breathe, eat, shit and die,
the toothless hag with the swollen belly;
All parts of the story we call life.
God the main author,
but we are all co-writers of each others'
by our mere existence within the plot.
We are not puppets, we are not absolutely pre-moulded,
we change as the tide does,
go mad and silent, go happy and be verbal.
All is not fun and games if you don't see it as that.

~Amaris Dixon

I hope you like it, and ask me about certain aspects if necessary! ^^

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