he looked at you with his deep amber eyes, and for
the first time you felt something for him that
wasnt hate! you smiled at him, but stright
after you had you regretted it. you didnt know
what had over come you, how could you like him,
hes evil! you thought, you shook your head an
snapped out of it.
"where is Gabriel?" you said now almost
fully recovered,
"i guess you dont know what happened
then?" he said, his smile now turning in
to a sly smirk. "if it hadnt have been for
me, you wouldnt have been here now!"
"but why would you help me?...your ment to
be..be," you fell back down onto the bed.
"you gota rest, il be back in a bit, if you
need anythin at all, just shout me!" he
smiled again then dissapeard out the door.
you through your head into your pillow an fell
asleep. you was stood up at the back of the
van, you looked too the back of the van an saw
YOU sat on the floor being drained by Gabriel,
it was dark out side you could see that when
the van doors swung open, Florent an Rapheal
jummped through open doors an Florent tried to
get him of you, there was lots of fighting
while you lay lifeless one the floor, you tried
to move from were you were but you couldnt, you
were frozen. they managed to get Gabriel under
control, when Rapheal shouted somethin, you
could only make out somethin about being
late...realy important...
"we can't just leave her...she will die!"
Florent looked at you on the floor, then back
at Rapheal, "we must go now!" rapheal
said an was getting impatiant.
"we can't leave her!!" he scooped you in
his arms an carried you out the open doors. you
were still stood there when you felt an ice
shiver run up your back, an you saw Rapheal
looking directly at you.
he looked down at the floor then steped out the
door. you woke up shakeing an covered in a cold
sweat, you felt that that ment something, he
knew something like that, your head was buzzin!
Florent...Florent was the one who helped, he was
the one who didnt want to leave but he was the
one who treatted you like he did when you first
met. Rapheal was the one who helped, looked
after you, kept you 'safe' now he was
different, he wanted to leave you though he
knew you would die!
"people arnt always what they seem!" you
turned in shock, Florent was sat in the chair
at te side of you again, you mustnt have
noticed him.
wait how did he know what you were thinking!
thanks for reading, i know it was a little long but
i havent updated for ages, realy realy sorry if
you thought it sucked, please messag if it
sucked i would like to know what you think,
good or bad thanks please rate but you dont
have to. oh this is a picture of Florent i know
its not to godd, if any of you have a good pic
but not covered in blood lol please could you
send it me. bye bye.
Fallens?...Vampires?...Demons? (part 10) for girls. brought to you by Quizilla