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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Ok, not much to say today is exactly one month until I graduate...I can't wait! I've been in perpetual-panic mode for the last three months, so I can't wait for it to be over. Right now I am working on a paper comparing the Monroe Doctrine to the Truman Doctrine. Progress is slow. I also have to write a report on the book One Day in the Life of Ivan Denezovitch by Alexander Soltzinitsen, a report on Defying Hitler by Sebastion Haffner, and a 10 page report on different forms of government. In addition to that, I have to finish my Russian book, re-read certain sections in my history book, and go to some boring "Town Council" meeting tomorrow, right after work. Things are getting a bit crazed.
Could someone please tell me who this is? I know he's from Inuyasha, but what's his name? Does he show up soon?
![]( pic.jpg)
I just started taping the new episodes of Inuyasha...or rather, will start taping new episodes on Saturday, so I know we've missed several episodes. And then the wonderful people at Adult Swim descided to start ALL OVER again! GRRR! I wouldn't have minded so much if they could have just played through "Father's Mortal Enemy, Ryuukotsusei"...growl, moan, complain.
Oh, well. This just means that as soon as Trigun is through and we get the few episodes we missed from the beginning of that, I'm going to finally start taping Cowboy Bebop. I get funny looks from people when I say I like anime, and they realize that I haven't seen Cowboy Bebop...they're like "You're kidding, right? Right?!" we're finally going to see that.
At the moment, I'm listening to a Count Basie and Duke Ellington cd...the only way that combo could get better is if you added Benny Goodman and Louis Armstrong to it. I think I was born in the wrong time...all my favorite music was popular in the '40s and '50s. I like Spike Jones, and The Andews Sisters, and swing band music. It's some of the best music out there. Sometimes, my grandma will be listening to it, and she'll dance with me. It's really funny to see, I'm sure...a five foot 3, clumsy teenaged girl, slow dancing with a little old lady with white's even funnier when she gets Silver Falcon to dance with her. He may be my Otouto-san, but he's going on 5'10", so he just towers over Gramma.
Back on the subject of jazz again, I have a random thought: If a sunset had a sound, it'd be Louis Armstrong's voice...loud, rough, gruff and yet somehow, oh so sweet. And I leave you with that random thought.
~Ozy J.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Hello! Not much to say today...I have Russian to do, and I go to work in 3 hours...well, volunteer work, but hey, same diff. I uploaded a new Inuyasha wallpaper today...there weren't enough Sango&Miroku wallpapers there...I added one.
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Monday, May 10, 2004
Van Von Hunter
How did this entry not win first? Van Von hunter came in second in Rising Stars of's the site
Van Von Hunter. Very Funny Webcomic.
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
I desided to do something new with my colors...hope you like it!
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I am happy today, because yesterday I got an e-mail from a very good friend of mine who I have not heard from in quite some time. He and I met at summer camp, and quickly became friends after talking about (of all things) pond algea. We had quite a bit in common and (I think) looked forward to seeing each other every year at the two different camps we went to.
Then we moved, and we lost contact for the better part of a year. I dicided to write to him, and yesterday he emailed me.
Turns out that while I focused one the art part of being an anime fan, he had focused more on writing. And let me tell you, he's good. He has two very long Inuyasha fanfiction posted on His username is GarretJax. The Stories are called "Two Weeks" and "InuYasha: The Love That Transcends Time". You should read them. They're very good.
Anyway, nice to hear from you, "Garret"!
Now, stage two of todays post. WE WANT BIG O!! There have been rumors...RUMORS, mind you...that Cartoon Network may, if they get enough vewier response, produce a new season of The Big O! And who wouldn't want that? Anyhow, Big O fans have started a letter-writing campaign. If you send a postcard to this address:
Cartoon Network Programming
1050 Techwood Drive
Atlanta, GA 30318
And say that you want more Big O, we may get it. Here's hoping!
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Ok, stage...well...whatever in Q&A.
Q: We already know you like comic-book comics. Do you like comic strip comics?
A: Do I? YES!!!
Q: Which comics?
A: Well, my top five favorites are
5: Foxtrot, by Bill Amend. I like Foxtrot because Jason is almost exactly like my Ototo-san, Silver Falcon. S.F. talks too much, has an overactive imagination, and delights in driving Thrush and me batty. Also, because Jason reminds me of Peter, Paige reminds me of me. Favorite strip: Jason and his friend, trying to get parts as Hobbits, having memorized the entire text of The Lord of the Rings.
4: Dilbert, by Scott Adams. I like Dilbert because Scott Adams is the Master of Sarcasm. I find sarcasm amusing. And Dogbert is so cute! Dogbert reminds me of Thrush, actually. He has the same, "Look at me, I'm in charge" attitude. Favorite strip: St. Dogbert, driving out the Demons of Stupidity.
3.Zits, by Jim Borgman. A very good strip for getting teen-aged emotions. If Thrush is Dogbert and S.F. is Jason Fox, I guess the comic strip character most like me is Jeremy Duncan. Watching him go through the same stuff every other teenager goes through helps me laugh at the situations I'm in. Not to mention it's just plain funny. Favorite strip: Jeremy, sitting on a pile of heavy stuff shoved against the door, holding a baseball bat, because he watched "Scream", "The Exorcist" and "The Blair Witch Project" all in one night.
2. Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson. Who doesn't like this strip? Calvin's fantasy world is so cool, and Hobbes is so snuggly! Just don't cuddle him, or you'll get attacked. Who wouldn't want a stuffed tiger that comes to life? Favorite strip: Calvin and his "duplicator", making 5 Calvins!
And number one is...
1. Peanuts, by the late, great Charles Schultz. It's my favorite because I can identify with Charlie Brown, and Snoopy is sooo cute! I love his fatasies...the "World War I Flying Ace" is the best! I have loved Peanuts since I can remember. There's a photo in our album of me with a Snoopy shirt on from when I was about 1 year old. Favortie strip: All of them! Although if I could only pick one it would be Snoopy in the penalty box for being too rough in hockey, with a "But I'm so innocent!" look on his face.
Q: Wow.
A: That's not a question!
Ok, that's enough for one post...I will take questions, if you have any!
~Ozy J.
P.S. Mamma Vash, L.G.85, thanks for posting! I wasn't happy about the car, but Dad's been really cool about the whole thing.
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
Ok....time for the story to be told...
Monday, my dad took me out for driving lessons. Everything went fine, until we went to the store. He asked me to pull into a parking space, and BAM!!!! Guess what Ozy does. Yep. I managed to hit not one, but TWO cars at the same time. My foot slipped off the brake pedal, and onto the gas. Oh, boy. Let me tell you, there are few feelings in the world that are even half as bad as realizing you just ran your dad's 2004 Sebring into another vehicle. Fortunatly, the owners of the two other vehicles were very nice, and both were driving the "clunker" car that they owned. Neither of them were upset, and neither of them wanted the insurence information. However, that still left our car. Turns out I did quite a bit of damage...and I won't be driving until it's fixed. I am SO glad my dad is the wonderful guy that he is. He was angry at first (DUH!), but after the first ten minutes he calmed down. I know some people who wouldn't have been so nice...
Anywho, that was this week's big adventure. I hope it never, EVER happens again.
On a happier note, I uploaded a new picture's a crossover anime one, and it's called "Deathwish"...I think you'll see why when it gets posted. I also added two new links.
Well, I have to go now. Post you tomorrow!
~Ozy J.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
I uploaded a piccy of PicaBob today...I guess we'll see if he gets up.
Welcome to the newest Phat Kat, LastGuardian85
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Nothing to post today...sorry. Ran out of time! I hate having time limits...
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Monday, May 3, 2004
Ok, it's time for a new explaination of Da Phat Katz, especially for Lastguardian85, since he asked so nicely. Da Phat Katz is a club Silver Falcon, Thrush Battersea and me real rules or anything, but the requirements are up on my bloggy thing. The members are Mamma Vash, Willow, Vashspegiel, Steel Girl, Thrush, Silver and me. Anyone can join if they feel so inclined. You just have to ask one of the founding members. That's pretty much it.
And "His" really "Freak on a Leash"?!?!? If so, why is it in the "Trigun" midis? Do they use it in the show?
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