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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Turn me on, Dead Man!
I am very, very ill feeling at the moment, so I'm just posting a link to an interesting article that has been a part of my favorite band's legend for almost forty years...
Here's Another Clue For You All...
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
As you may have told from the post directly below this one, we went to see "A Series of Unfortunate Events" today. It was very good, even though it only follows the first three books. favorite book is the 4th.
Of course, it means that I've seen the only movie I really wanted to see all, the next two movies I want to see don't come out until summer.
One is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The original movie is hilarious (I especially like Wonka...he's creepy and funny at the same time.) The idea of Johnny Depp playing Willy Wonka is just so funny. I can't wait for that.
The other movie is...well...not as family friendly. I was sitting in the theater, trying to survive commercials for stupid kiddy movies when this commercial comes's a picture of the night sky, and a deep voiceover starts:
"No one would have believed in the early years of the twenty first century that our world was being watched by intellegences greater than our own..."
And I immediatly perk up, because (might as well own up) I am a Space Geek. And that's followed immediatly by what I call the "Once Burned, Twice Shy Syndrome"...I started cringing, expecting some stupid, obnoxious psuedo-alien to make some crass comment and the deep symphonic sounding music to stop like a record. You know - needle swiped?
Anyway...I'm sitting there dreading the other shoe when I hear this:
"Yet across the gulf of space, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded our planet with envious eyes...and slowly and surely drew their plans against us..." I kicked myself for not recognizing the speech at the start of the commercial... And automatically I'm in Movie Anticipation Nirvana. Anyone who loves SF can't help but recognize those lines as the opening of *dun dun dun*
Heh. Heh heh heh heh...
I cannot wait for June 29th.
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Just got back from the college I'm starting at on the 12th. Aced the math test (wee!), but that means I have to take pre-calc this symester (ick). Also got back from the bookstore...where we get to my post's title:
Good News: I have all my books. All three. Three books. Remember that number, it's important.
Bad News: the college bookstore now has $$295 of my money.
Three books. One of which isn't even a full inch thick. And is second-hand. So second hand that the cover curls a little.
Three Books. $295. Excuse me for a moment.
*Clears throat. Smile nervously*
You may want to cover your ears...
Thank you. I'm going to go drown my sorrows in Beatles music now...
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Beatles Fic, anyone?
Be reading this story! Humorness will fastly ensue! Mild Discomfort to the Honorable Enemy! did Terry Pratchett get in my post??? Oh, well...if you a Beatles fan, a Humor fan, or both, this story is for you!
Fiendish Machinations
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Just when I thought they couldn't get better...
My parents got DSL. I have DSL on MY computer. I am SOO happy! Yay!! Now I can go online whenever I want, and I don't have to worry about mom needing the phone line; music and videos download so fast it's not funny and pictures are up as soon as the site's there. I think I'm in love...
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy 2005, people!
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Hello, cats, kits and what-have-yous, and welcome to yet another decade...allow me to set the stage.
We are in downtown, crime ridden Bay City, a City near, but not too close, to Los Angelos. It's hot, sticky, smelly...c'mon, folks... cities do not smell nice. You know that.
As we head downtown, we stop at the police office. Always good to know the local law...
And good thing we do. For out of the officce step two men.
One is tall, blonde and Nordic with a graceful figure - long fingers, long legs, everything. He is reserved, but when he smiles it's like the sun breaking out of the clouds.
The other is a polar opposite - well built, muscular yet lithe, he stands good inches shorter than his friend. His hair is wild and curly, and his eyes are indigo blue. He smiles more readily; but no less brightly.
As the two step out of the office, you can tell that they are a team...and you can't help feeling sorry for the criminal element - they ain't gonna know what hit 'em.
Congratulations. You've just met Starsky and Hutch.
Don't ask me where that came from. Ta!
P.s. Guess you can't think of my favorite 70s show...
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Monday, December 27, 2004
The beginning of Woofer's Reign...
I have a strange confession. (Hope you all had a wonderful holiday, by the way) I name my appliances. Yep. Strange, huh?
It started with my first object of electronica: my VCR. It's a $$30 piece o' junk, but I love it because it lets me watch videos. Occasionally. If it doesn't eat them first...
It does that alarmingly often of late. It has eaten the end of Fellowship of the Ring, and the beginning of The Two Towers, as well as almost devouring Thrush's copy of It's a Wonderful Life. The VCR is named Demon.
Then, my wonderful parents bought me a computer for my birthday. Now, I think almost anyone will admit to naming their computers, right? I have a friend who's boyfriend named his computer Indigo Bob, I know Mamma Vash's last computer was named Chester...I'm fairly sure other people have named their computers too. So I named mine Pewter, due to it's color (greyish-silver), and the fact that Pewter and the end of computer sound the same and..oh, never mind. So we then have Pewter the Cyber Duck.
Pewter happens to have a printer. The printer has the honor of having the weirdest name: Cuteness.
Yep. It's not cute at all. It's a Lexmark line printer that...well...let's just say I'm dreading term papers. It takes forEVER to print. In my family, 90% of the time, when you say "Oh, that's cute" it's sarcasm. Therefore...well, you've got it figured out, I'm sure.
Then came the Gameboy. My dad actually named that...he started saying I was acting like Gollum when I first got it...the Gameboy has now been named "Precious".
So now we come to the point ogf this post: my latest addition already has a parent got Pewter new speakers...complete with a subwoofer. It's so loud, you can hear it 4 houses down if I turn it up all the way. And that's with the windows closed.
Appliances? Meet Woofer...
P.s....don't ask me why i did this...i'm just really tired...need sleep...zzzzzzzz
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas!
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