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| OzymandiusJones
Monday, November 8, 2004
I hate this. I absolutly hate this. As I write this, I have one of the most evil, diabolical songs ever written ringing through my head. I have a confession to make. I listen to the radio in the shower. I like to sing along as loud as I can. I am also a big fan of eighties music. One of the local stations is currently having an all-eighties weekend. So as I showered, I listened to the station, The Roze, in hopes of hearing music I liked. I was practically begging mentally for, oh, I don't know....Devo? The Talking Heads? Maybe Nina's 99 red balloons, or the song "Politics of Dancing" what do they play? What melodius strains hit my ears?
Boy George.
Of all the annoying 80s singers out there, I despise Boy George the most. And where was I? In the shower. Dripping wet. So the question was...
Do I jump out of the shower, lunge for the radio, and hope I don't slip and kill myself or electrocute myself, but spare my ears the hideous sounds of "Church of the Poisoned Mind"? Or do I remain in the shower, retain my life and dignity, and tough it out in hopes of Dire Straights or "Safety Dance?"
I stayed in the shower. That was dumb. What comes on next? Hmm...let's think. Was it Peter Gabriel? No. The Cars? No. Moody Blues? Nope. It was Meatloaf. Bleack.
Now, another note on Ozy's likes and dislikes. Meatloaf is only an infintesimle notch above Boy George. I do not like him at all.
However, half an hour later, I was pleased to hear "In the Air" (Phil Collins), "In Your Wildest Dreams" (Moody Blues) and "Money for Nothing" (Dire Straights). I was happier...but still Had "Poisoned Minds" stuck in my head. Poor me. Would somebody PLEASE help me think of ways to destroy the Vile Song of Doom?!?
Yes, in theory it would be easier just to think of a different song...but where's the fun in that?? |
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