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| OzymandiusJones
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Hello, cats, kits and what-have-yous, and welcome to yet another decade...allow me to set the stage.
We are in downtown, crime ridden Bay City, a City near, but not too close, to Los Angelos. It's hot, sticky, smelly...c'mon, folks... cities do not smell nice. You know that.
As we head downtown, we stop at the police office. Always good to know the local law...
And good thing we do. For out of the officce step two men.
One is tall, blonde and Nordic with a graceful figure - long fingers, long legs, everything. He is reserved, but when he smiles it's like the sun breaking out of the clouds.
The other is a polar opposite - well built, muscular yet lithe, he stands good inches shorter than his friend. His hair is wild and curly, and his eyes are indigo blue. He smiles more readily; but no less brightly.
As the two step out of the office, you can tell that they are a team...and you can't help feeling sorry for the criminal element - they ain't gonna know what hit 'em.
Congratulations. You've just met Starsky and Hutch.
Don't ask me where that came from. Ta!
P.s. Guess you can't think of my favorite 70s show...
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