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| OzymandiusJones
Sunday, February 22, 2004
The Insane Adventures of Ozy Jones: Prolouge: Wherein Ozy has a Confession...
Ok, this post is in honor of Steel Girl...Steel, you don't know what you've unleashed here....heheheheh...
*Ozy, Grunge and Reece are sitting in the's a boring Saturday Night...everyone has stuff to do except them....then Ozy speaks...*
Ozy: *looking at the tree house floor in shame* I have a confession to make.
Reece *Looks startledly at Grunge*: What? You don't really like messing around with the Space-time continuum?
Ozy *glaring darkly at Reece*: NO! I said "confession", not "lie"!
Grunge *tries to think of something that would make Ozy feel a need to confess*: You're forgiving the makers of Trigun for killing Wolfwood?
Ozy: *glaring even more darkly now*: Some things are unforgivable. That's not it.
Grunge + Reece *in frustration, neither of them have much patience*: Then WHAT?!
Ozy *even more ashamed*: I'm a copycat.
*Grunge and Reece stare, nonplussed.*
Reece *looks confused*: I thought you were a Pantera....*Grunge kicks her shin* Ow!
Ozy *jumps up and starts pacing*: No, I'm a copycat. I was looking at Steel Girl's site, and I liked the way she did her post. Now look. *points at computer screen where words are magically appearing* See? I liked what she did. I'm copying it. I'm hopeless!
Grunge *blinks, black eyes even more confused than Reece's*: Well, why don't you stop then?
*Ozy throws herself into a chair, pouting.*
Ozy: I can't! I'm addicted. *sniffles* Just think...I can have a record of what I do on my adventures...
*Reece + Grunge exchange looks of horror.*
Reece: You're joking, right?
Ozy *No longer looking ashamed. That has been replaced by a thoughtful glint in her eyes...*: Nope. *suddenly grinning fiendishly* On second thought, I could have fun with this. *disappears in a puff of orange smoke*
*Grunge + Reece stare at each other for a second*
Grunge *resigned*: Well, someone's gotta make sure she doesn't cause too much trouble....
Reece *shaking her head* Yep. C'mon.
Grunge + Reece: OZY! Wait up!!!!
*They both disappear in puffs of red and green smoke. The computer keeps writing, its screen filling rapidly. But the words that appear immediately after the disappearances? "Can't keep up with this Jones!"*
To be continued.....
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