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| OzymandiusJones
Friday, February 27, 2004
The Insane Adventures of Ozy Jones, Episode one, part 3: If this plot gets any weirder, will I still have friends?
Sesshomaru: I see you've found more friends, brother...they will not protect you...they're just more humans
Reece *glaring*: I am NOT!
Sesshomaru *rolls his eyes*: Yes, you are,'ve got two eyes, two arms, two legs, et cetera ad, if you will excuse me, I was talking to my brother. *to himself* These humans have no respect anymore...
Inu: What d'you want, Sesshomaru?
Sesshomaru: That shard, of course, and I can take it from you when you're dead! * Pulls Tenseiga out of its sheath*
Ozy *whispers to Kagome*: So...he's just the stereotypical bad guy, ey?
*Kagome looks at her funny. Ozy doesn't notice. She starts whispering to Shippo. Shippo starts laughing quietly.*
Sango *to Grunge*: Do we want to know what she's telling him?
Grunge: Most likely not.
Kagome: Figures.
*Reece is fuming about Sesshomaru being mean. She walks over and starts lecturing Sesshomaru*
Reece: You are one stupid demon, you know that? What kind of a demon are you, anyway? I thought demons were supposed to be able to sense things! Can't you tell I'm not human? Idiot...
Reece: Yeah, you're an idiot! Anyone could see that! Even Ozy could see that...
Ozy: I heard that!
Reece *ignores Ozy*: C'mon....prove you're a demon.
Sesshomaru: You are beginning to get on my nerves.
Reece: GOOD! You DESERVE to have someone annoy you every now and then!
*Ozy and Shippo sneak off into the woods. No one else notices.*
Reece: Now, let's see...I heard about a demon on Rylix that could set anything he touched on fire.
Sesshomaru: Easy, peasy. *Sets three trees on fire*
Reece: O.O;
Kagome: She's as crazy as the other one!
Grunge: No one's that crazy.
Reece *recovers*: And there are legends in Doom of a demon who can make himself look like anything he wants.
Sesshomaru *turns into a carbon copy of Grunge*: Like this?
Reece: Cool!
Grunge: Maybe you're right...she's always had a thing for villans...this is gonna get bad.
Sesshomaru: What can you do, little not-human?
Reece: Well...*disappears in a puff of red smoke and reappears right next to Seshomaru* I can teleport...and, sometimes, i can...*stops talking, but stares at Seshomaru*
Sesshomaru *steps back, eye twitching* Don't do that!
Grunge: Oh, dear
Kagome: What?
Grunge: Reece's telepathic.
Inu: I bet Sesshomaru is too...ok, this is gettin' weird.
Sesshomaru *staring at Reece* I have a dragon...
Reece: Really?
Sesshomaru: Want to see him? His name's Ah-un.
Reece: Yeah! *walks off with Sesshomaru*: I'll be back in a few minutes! *the two disappear into the trees*
Grunge: Oh, boy.
Inu: What just happened?
Ozy: We need acorns
Shippo: Right! I'll get 'em! *races off*
Ozy *talking to herself* Ok, pine sap, acorns, fireworks...slingshot...*giggles* This is gonna be fun!
Shippo * Comes back, pockets full of acorns*: I got a lot! Here!
Ozy: Thanks. Here's what you do... *starts pulling the tops off acorns*
(Five minutes later)
Shippo *looks down at the pile of acorn-bombs*: This is a good idea?
Ozy: Yep. Always works. *starts filling her pockets* C'mon, lets get back. Oh, wait. Here. *hands Shippo a slingshot. Shippo looks at it and grins.*
Shippo: This is one like yours, isn't it!
Ozy: Yep. Just be carefull with it. They can be incredibly painful.
Reece: Isn't Ah-un a stupid name for a dragon?
Sesshomaru: No, it's not!
Reece: Yes it is!
Sesshomaru: NO IT'S NOT!
Ozy: ATTACK!!!!!! *Exploding acorns start falling all around. Just as suddenly, lightening starts hitting the trees, Ah-un, anything.* What? Uh, oh....
Grunge: Do you smell something funny?
Kagome: Like what?
Inu: Like...I dunno...sulfer?
Grunge: Uh, oh.
*A small, yellow mouse steps out of the trees*
Grunge: AHHHHHHHHH! It's picaBob!
picaBob: Heh heh heh heh!
Grunge: RUN AWAY! *Runs away, picaBob in fast pursuit*
To be continued...
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