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• 1986-09-17
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• 2003-12-10
| OzymandiusJones
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Here we go again. Some three (or four?) months after my last post, we are again.
A lot has hapened since my last post. The semester ended - I had three speechs, got As in all three - had a bunch of psychology tests - we'll leave the scores on those alone for now, heheh...and some other, boring stuff.
I actually made a new friend or two offline! Don't get me wrong, I love all my online friends, but it's nice to have a friend you can see, y'know? so I'm happy about that.
Now I'm taking the next semester off so I can earn money for my next semester. I want to do this with as few loans as possible, so if that means it takes longer...I can live with that.
So...that's about all I can think of right now. One of the other reasons I haven't really updated this journal as much as I would like is that I have a livejournal now. I tend to update that fairly regularly...

Feel free to friend me and stuff. :)
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