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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hello,hows everyone doing?? Me,no complaints!!^_^
today was another mario kart day...yes I've been playing it alot!!^_^
I got my car fixed was Ed's fault to..while I was gone he drove my car and ran over a nail and didn't get fixed according to john(he works at tire kingdom)an aqquaintence of mine...john said he came up there and had them put air in it and just left..I never knew until I drove my car and thought it was driving funny...geez that man!!>_<
after dropping off my car to get it fixed me,Lewis(my cousin) and my meme,went shopping..she wanted to get my brother an xbox 360 for xmas and didn't know what to get,so I went with her to help her pick it out!!
after she got the 360 john called me and told me my car was ready and we went and got my car and than went to gamestop and bought an xbox 360 game to go with my brothers 360..I picked halo 3,because he loves the halo games!!
after that my meme and cousin went back to their homes and me and Ed went and ate chinese!!
I love white's yummy and I something new I like is green tea ice cream...I'll admit I was a bit leery at first,but it was delicious!!^_^
after eating me and Ed came home and well thats about it..I didn't really do anything else!!
oh and LS your right I probably would have gotten more results if I used the word imitation instead of fake,but with my papa standing over me all possabities of thinking were gone...I had to type exactly what he said or I wouldn't be able to find it...geez such a stubborn man!!
I would still beat you at mario kart though!!^_~
of course I don't know that for sure,you might be godly at mario kart!!^__^
well,thats all folks..I'm going to bed seeing as how I have to get up early and give Ashley a ride to school and go pick up Lewis!!take care and have fun!!TTYL!!HUGS!!^_^
ps look at the pic below my post I found it funny!!^_^

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
~*Mario Kart & Fake Rolex's*~
Hello,how are you guys doing?? I hope everythings going good...I had a good day my cousin and some friends hung out yesterday and played some video was fun!!^_^
speaking of video games LS said he could beat me in mario kart..I think I could beat him,I'm confident in my mario kart skills!!^_~
I did get my butt kicked by Ashley in mario kart for the snes,but I kicked her butt in the N64 version!!
I didn't really do much yesterday except for that..I had to drive my meme's van yesterday,because the back tire on my car is all messed up and I need to get it fixed..I don't want to get in an accident..I'm taking it to get it fixed today and my meme wants to go shopping,so I'll probably go shopping with her!!^_^
I learned I never want to try and help my papa(my grandfather)shop on the internet ever again..he's convinced that my meme's brother stole his watch and wanted me to find him another one on ebay,no problem at least thats what I thought...okay so I ask him what kind of watch did he want me to search for and he said I want a fake rolex..I was like ok and typed in rolex in the search bar(I was on ebay)and he was like no a fake rolex,so than I typed in fake rolex and selected the catagory and hit search and it brought up the list(a very tiny list might I add)and he was like you forgot to type fake rolex watch..I tried to explain to him how the site worked,but my efforts were futile so I gave up and typed fake rolex watch in the search bar and hit search again,it brought up another tiny list and than he was like go to another I just googled fake rolex and he still wasn't happy with the results and as I skimmed through the sites he was like theres no way you can read that fast,I read faster than everyone here(talking about my other family members)so theres no way you can read that fast...he finally gave up on the search for the fake rolex watch and said he was going back home...I was like phew..I love my papa,but it was driving me insane..he's always grouchy,but he's my papa and he'll never change..I look at this way that grouchiness must be part of his charm..I'm just glad he hasn't asked me to search for anything else on the internet!!>_>
LoL,I spent most of my post talking about the searching for a fake rolex for my papa..I think it's long enough,so I'll tell you guys more about my trip next post,oh and LS my house slippers are cooler than yours..they're kitties with chili peppers for whiskers!!^_~
well take care and have a wonderful day!!TTYL!!HUGS!!^__^
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hello,yes I'm updating!!^_^
I was with my cousin and my new found anime loving friend Ashley,who just so happens to be my cousins girlfriend(wonders never cease)I was with them pretty much all day!!I kicked their butts in mario kart for the N64...that was soooooooooooooo much fun and than I took Ashley to her college class and came home and sat down at the computer!!
my mom called me and asked me if I'd come eat dinner with her,which I was like yes...we had butternut squash ravioli(I know what your thinking)it was tasty and I asked her how surgery went?? it wasn't any thing major,just outpatient surgery on her bladder(ouch)!!she was sore,but other than that she was good!!^_^
thats all I really did today,I had fun today though!!^_^
yes,I know I've been gone for a grandmother was going bcak & forth to the hospital and than when she got out,my sister informed everyone that she was moving to Oregon!!Her hubby moved up there 6 months ago and she went to visit him and when she returned she decided she was going to move up there with him,so me and my mother offered to help her move her stuff out there...we rented a uhaul and packed her stuff in it and than me,my mom & my sister of course drove her there and thats quite a drive considering we live in Florida and she was moving to Oregon...we also drove with 4 cats roaming through out the van,believe that isn't all its cracked up to be...we had to drug them with kitty tranquilizers so they wouldn't freak out and one still was a pain in the butt and suicidal at that...she kept rolling down the windows(damn electronic windows)and climbing on the dash...she spent the majority of the trip in a cat carrier!!
yes three women on the road is quite fun..I don't remember some of the drive because I was curled up in the back seat asleep..I do remember St.Louis though and man I was lost...the traffic was terrible and ontop of that I have bad sense of direction,so needless to say I didn't drive in St.Louis..if I had drove through there we would have been lost...your from St.Louis right LS is the traffic always crowded there??
well Ed wants to play a game online,so I must relinquish the computer,but I will share more of my tales with you guys!!so take care and have fun!!TTYL!!HUGS!!^_^
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Hello,I've been gone for quite sometime...Long story short I had some family time!!I also went cross country and well to say the least I've been a busy woman!!
I've missed it here so hopefully I can make my return to the otaku!!^_^
I hope you guys have been doing well and I wish all of you the best!!^_^
I'll tell you about my trip and everything later on,right now I think I'm about to head to guys take care and have a happy thanksgiving!!TTYL!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Hello,how is everyone doing??me,so far so good.....I changed my theme once again...if you have any trouble with my page loading up properally let me background was a pain in the butt to set kept putting my post up at the top of my page,but I believe I have fixed the problem,but if anyone has any trouble let me know please!!^_^
so what has everyone been up too??me not much...I put in an application for is money right??no matter where you work...wish me luck on finding a job...beef o bradeys is trying to convince me to come back,but they can forget friend JP was like tell them you'll come back if they pay you more....I just laughed and said that man is not going to pay more...they still have windows 95 on their computers...JP laughed and said well I guess that suggestion want work than..I was like nope,that man is cheaper than the dollar tree!!^__^
yeah I'm still jobless and haven't been doing much...I finished watching star ocean was a pretty good anime series...I've never played the game though..I've seen it,but never played cousin lewis was happy when he found I had it...I'm going to start helping him with some anime group that he has on his blog at darkstarlings...he asked me if I'd help him and said sure why now I have something else to do...yippee...I watched the movies delta farce and primeval the other night...they were good and I did my laundry...oh and my cat leki can fetch...yes he can throw his toy and runs and gets and brings back to you and puts it in your hand and waits for you to throw it again...I have strange felines,but they're soooooooooo cuddley...well I guess I'm gonna go...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGGLES!!^_^ |
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Hello,how has everyone been doing??me,well I've been doing good...I haven't been here in a while,I've been under soooooooooooo much stress it's not funny...yesterday was,my sister,her friend john and my brother went to the mall...we had to take my brother to get new mom handed me the money,because my brother is irresponsible...we went to the mall and he wants everything in sight...I swear he's worse than a 4 year old...if you tell him no he whines and complains and gives you an attitude(how mature??)I mean he's almost 17 and he still acts like a little needless to say I got annoyed with him...I love my brother to death,but I hate to take him shopping...he did countless things to annoy the end of the night we wanted to put him in the trunk...why you may ask,because he kept taking his shoes off and sticking his stinky feet in our faces and believe me his feet are stinky(he's cleared out a van before,when he removed his shoes) and Ed have been fighting somewhat...he's been weird ever since Derrick got back...he's like everything was fine until he came back...I don't understand why he's being this way...well enough of my ranting,time to change topics!!
so what have you guys been up too lately??me I haven't done much...I've mostly been cleaning and cooking...I'm not that good of a cook though...I was never taught...I can cook somethings,but nothing extravagant...right now I'm taking care of my moms cats...her and the rest of my family went to ozzfest...they'll be back sometime on friday...other than that my life has been uneventful...I have some stories to share,but I'll save those for another post...well,I'm off..take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^__^ |
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Hello,how are you guys doing??me I'm good...I haven't found a job yet...*sigh*...I'm sure I'll find one...Ed says think of this as a break,so thats how I'm going to look at I was going through my wallet to see how much cash I had on me and I unzipped one of the little side pockets and found a hundred dollar bill...I was like hello Benjamen and tucked away back in the little's amazing the things I find...I once picked up one of my purses that I wasn't using at the time and found $165 dollars in it...*chuckles*..I guess I should get out all of my purses and wallets and go through them...Ed says I should play the lottery...he says I'm lucky when it comes to money!!^_^
in other news I haven't done much...I've been playing my video game shin megami tensei devil summoner:Raidou Kuzunoha vs the souless's a fun game..if anyone wants to know what its about scroll down to my last post...I believe I gave it a brief summery...I've also played alot of ddr with my brother!!
my sister is coming to get leki at 7am...he's getting neutered...I'm tired of him humping I'm fixing the problem!!
so what have you guys been up too??me nothing really...I just uploaded some wallpapers into my portfolio...feel free to check them out if you don't have to if you don't want to though(you won't be hurting my feelings)...I've also been watching alot of cardcaptor sakura and I've gotten into the devil may cry any of you devil may cry lovers I suggest you check out the anime...heres the url for the site I download it from check it out if you wish...well I guess I'm off,you guys take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Hello,how are you guys doing??me I'm doing good...I got the copies of my insurance and registration for my now no worries...I still haven't found a job...I went and put an application in at my local video game store and they seemed rather happy that I was filling out an application so hopefully things will go well...wish me whats everyone been up to??me not much,I've just been playing video games and watching anime...the video game I'm currently playing is called shin megami tensei devil summoner raidou kuzunoha vs the souless army...thats a pretty long title...the game is fun,it's set in the taisho the game you work for a detective agency and you basically run around and investigate things and you fight demons and you can summon demons to do your I'm having fun with this game...the only thing that gets on my nerves is that you level up,which isn't bad unless you die than its bad..I was about to save my game and than I got into a battle and died and game when I loaded my game all the levels that I had gained were gone...*sigh*...oh well I was only a level 6 considering I just started the it's not really all that bad...the instruction manual for this game was pretty thick too...I've also been playing dance dance revolution...I tried a dance mat the other day and I suck on the dance mat...I likey me hand eye coordination is better than my eye foot coordination...other than that I've been watching anime...I'm watching whatever comes on cartoon network and I'm also watching cardcaptor sakura....speaking of anime the video game store that I applyed to is going to start ordering anime and they had me check off the anime list since they know nothing about anime...yay,so I got to see the stuff they were ordering and they had me tell them anything that wasn't appropriate...meaning no hentai,which they had quite a few hentai titles on there,so I highlighted them for them...hopefully I'll get the job there...well I'm out of thing to say...I'll talk to guys later...have fun and take care!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hello,how is everyone doing??me,well I'm good...I'm unemployed...I quit my job,my last day was friday....the reason I quit is because two of co workers went psycho and attacked verbally and the other raised his hand up like he was going to hit me....I told my boss,he did nothing so I put my 2 weeks in and quit...I don't need that drama...oh well I'm happy and I'm going to take a break before I get a new job....Ed said I could just relax a bit before I get a new job....yay for basically I just sit around the house with nothing to do,well not nothing I find something to entertain other news my friend Derrick moved back to FL....he was living in alaska and he moved back...yippee,it's nice to have him back...I hung out with him today...I took him to the store so he could get some work pants and then we went and got lunch....we just talked mostly...I did get him to play naruto ultimate ninja with me,but he lost every single match.....we than played,Inuyasha feudal combat and after that we played unreal championship....than he went in my room and started looking through my anime dvds...he was like damn your anime collection has grown since I left...I was like only a little bit!!^_^
in other news my brother has gotten me addicted to ddr....I'm still at a beginners level...I can play a few songs on basic,but not many...I don't have the dance pads though,so I was playing with a the dance pads make it easier??my brother had me buy him some off ebay,since he doesn't have an ebay account...well he gave me the money,so technically he paid for them....I haven't really done much lately...I did put an application in at a photography place,but I haven't heard from them yet,so I think I'll give them a call....I really don't want to work in another I I'm looking for anything but a restaurant and photography interest me,so that would be nice if I got this job....I was ticked off earlier because my proof of insurance and my registration for my car are gone...they were in my glove box and when I opened it today they were gone,so now I have go get a copy of my registration and print up a copy of my insurance...what ticked me off is I don't know where they disappeared too...I'll probably find after I make the copies knowing my luck....well I'm going guys take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
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