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Friday, March 24, 2006
~*the waitress is a demon*~
Hello,how is everyone doing??me I'm fine except for the fact I want to smack the waitress where I work right upside the head and knock some sense into started out all right except for my boss lady being bitchy because I didn't say good morning at the top of my lungs dis-morning....I'm not a morning person and I tend to be really quiet in the mornings and I'm rather soft spoken unless angry,so when I say good morning not everyone hears me and apparentlly she didn't hear me and proceeded to be a bitch...oh well I just ignored her...the waitress is who got on my nerves today...she came up and asked me if I would stay and help her close and naturally I said yes..well after I told her I would she went up to the boss lady and told her Catherine said she'd close so that means I get to go home early right and the boss lady nodded her head...I was like that coniving little witch....besides the fact she did that she nearly broke my of the table legs broke and we had to move the table and that paticular table has a heavy removable glass we proceeded to lift the glass top and move it to one of the other tables and she just dropped it on my hand and trapped my hand beneath the heavy glass really hurt hurts to type,but not terriably bad...I asked her what the hell her problem was,because it was my dominate hand and I have to do alot of writing at work and she just dropped a heavy table top on my hand like it was nothing...I'm ready to give her a piece of my mind!!well thats enough of the ranting...sorry about that...I'm positivly sure that waitress is a demon!!well I'm gonna go visit sites!!take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Hello,how is everyone doing??me I'm good,but I wish I didn't get sent home so early...I only worked for 2 hours and I'll probally have a short shift tommorrow which will suck...she has way too many people on the days when were not busy and not enough on the days that we sister told me that her boss would probally hire me,but then I would feel guilty about quitting my job that I have now,what to do??anyways on to a new topic...I changed my theme to shigure..shigure has to be my favorite character in fruits basket...don't get me wrong I love all the characters from fruits basket,but shigure is just awesome,I love him!!I think I'm going to watch Rurouni Kenshin after I visit sites...I have to put the towels in the dryer first though...sometimes I just hate laundry and other times it doesn't bother me!!when I went shopping the other day I bought 2 mangas,absolute boyfriend and dears and 4 animes,volumes 2 & 4 of samurai 7,volume 1 of dears and volume 1 of Tenjho Tenge and I also bought new shoes...I love it when I don't have bills to pay and since I had all that overtime it was nice...see I usually just pocket my checks and don't spend them except to get gas or food and stuff like that,but since my check was really good and I didn't have bills to pay I went shopping and I still have over half of my check left,in fact I nearly have it all...ha that makes me happy for some reason!!!I guess I'm a pretty good shopper!!well I'm gonna go...take care and have fun!!later!!^_^
What Are You????????? (Very nice ANIME pics!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
~*feeling much better today*~
Hello,how is everyone doing??me much seems I had a speedy recovery,but hey I'm not complaining....I just stayed in my pjs all day and watched anime and read manga...which was fun for me...I'm just glad that I'm feeling better cause that means I want have to miss any work!!I'm about to eat dinner...everyone else is eating steak and potatos,me I'm just eating potatos....I love potatos....I'm changing my theme to shigure from fruits basket...I love shigure...I'll probally do that later tonoght or sometime tommorrow...well I'm gonna go so take care and have fun!!later!!^_^
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
~*sick,once again*~
Hello,how is evryone??me I'm sick throat is soar and it hurts to breath...I'm having a little trouble breathing and I'm about to go lay down and take it easy for a while..I don't know why I keep getting sick,but I hate being sick the majority of the time...I may not make it to anyones site today so I apologize in advance!!well take care and have fun!!LATER!!^_^

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Monday, March 20, 2006
Hello,how is everyone??me I'm whats everyone up to today??me I have to go get Eds jacket from work and then I'm going shopping...I got a really good paycheck and I have no bills to pay this month so I have some spending money...yay...I was happy when I saw my paycheck,I had over 40 hours so that was good!!I thought I would let Elves know that orphen is a good anime,I really liked has it's comedic moments and the main character is a sorcerer and theres also the trolls,their funny...of course theres the typical bad guy as there is most anime,he just basiclly wants to destroy orphen,but we know the bad guy doesn't succeed,anyways I think it's worth checking out....I think you would probally like this anime...I haven't seen the first season and I'm looking for it,so hopefully I'll find it today!!sorry if my description is poor,but it's hard to describe without giving to much away!!oh my mom just reminded me of something that she did,which I found rather funny...we were watching the 3rd Inuyasha movie last night and there was this little icon in the corner of the screen and she wanted to turn it off and when she tried she made all the chracters vioces sound like chipmunks it was funny...especially when sesshomaru started talking...I nearly fell off the bed laughing...she couldn't figure out how to fix it,I fixed it and we watched the movie,but I'll never forget sesshomaru talking like a chipmunk!!hehe!!I watched the final episode of FMA on saturday and since I've missed so much FMA lately I was like ahhhhh Ed and then no Al and there was oh no not Roy too...I was basiclly in my own little zone that night and when Ed walked in the door talking rather loudly I was like be quiet and then he proceeded to ask me questions of what was going on and I said if you'd be quiet I'll tell you...when the commercial came on I filled him in!!well I'm gonna go visit sites and I'll put pics of orphen up so enjoy looking at them...well take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^

heres Orphen

orphen's apprentice Majic


The trolls Volcan & Dortin

I have more pics but I think thats enough to start with...most are from the 1st season,a few are from the 2nd...I believe that otaku has a review of the first season so if you want check it out!!;P
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Friday, March 17, 2006
~*oodles of stuff*~
Hello,how is everyone doing today??me ok...I woke with a migrane...I felt like throwing my alarm clock against the wall,but then I would have to buy a new clock,so its a good thing I didn't!!so whats everyone up to today??me I've been watching anime since I woke up....I bought season 2 of orphen the other day when I went shopping...I finished watching it last night and I am currently watching ah my goddess!!after I get threw watching it,I am going to read volume 7 of fruits basket,then probally watch more anime!!so thats all I'm doing at the moment!!well I'm gonna go and visit some sites and then go finish watching my anime!!so take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
where is your soul from?..(Girls only, and Anime pictures)
 Your Soul is from the wind...You like to use calm or pastel colors, like pink, yellow, white an other more...You have...little pacience, you are like the soul form the sea, your animal can be the bird, any like windy days, and you can be very good at playing an instrument... you have a good heart too...Congratulations!, Your Soul Is From The Wind! Take this quiz!

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Thursday, March 16, 2006
~*make the pain go away*~
Hello,how is everyone??me I'm in immense pain!!the pain killers I took are making me sleepy!!so this want be much...just letting everyone know that I'm still alive!!well I'm gonna lay down!!take care everyone!!LATER!!HUGS!!^_^
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
~*shopping we shall go*~
Hello,how is everyone doing today??me,I'm doing I'm off and I'm going shopping!!my manga that I ordered came in,so I'm going to pick it up and browse mom and friend derrick are coming with I'm happy that I'm not going alone!!so what is everyone up to today??I don't really have much to talk about at the moment...sorry for being boring mind is still in the process of waking up!!my car want start again...I think my starter went out this time,but I'll let my uncle take a look considering hes the mechanic of the family..I hope it's nothing to expensive!!well I'm gonna go visit everyone who updated today,so take care and have fun!!later!!^_^

angel is the angel of innocence. You are a
Mysterious person. You are quiet and very
unique. You love animals and your friends and
family. You are a very cheerful person but
sometimes you are sad. You are also very
emotional and sensitive. You love candy and
sweets. You are also very wise and elegant-
like a cat
WaterBithstone: Peridot
What Angel Represents You? (Breathtaking Anime pics) ^_^ brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Mer! Like the Insectis race, there is not
much actually known about the Mer race as the
majority of the race tends to keep below in
secret cities out of sight of normal means.
However unlike the Insectis race, the Mer
race shows a great deal more curiosity and
interest in the outside world and has
recently begun to come more in contact with
the land-dwelling species.
Masters of the oceans, the Mer hold the concept
that whatever is beneath the water belongs to
them, and as a result any ship that is sunk
becomes their property and any person who is
foolish enough to try to adventure under the
waves often finds themselves at their mercy.
The Mer also seem to have a habit of
kidnapping those who go swimming at the beach
now and again though the Mer race denies it
everytime. In order to avoid any hassle, many
ships will often charter deals with the Mer
race as "insurance" and very
recently the Mer race has allowed some
supervised visits to one of their cities
though the actual trip there was shrouded in
While very little is known about the Mer race, it
is known they are run via royalty. Another
thing is that the Mer race have two sets of
hands; the outer resembling large webbed
fingers which act as fins and then a second
set beneath inside which is smaller and used
for gripping and fine details. The Mer's
language is untranslatable, as it sounds more
like strange vibrations due to the lack of
air to speak. Though many Mer are able to
train the vibrations to mimic other
The Mer race is able to alter its form slightly in
order to move about on land by taking a
serpantine lower half...however they tend to
avoid being on land for more than a few days
without some visits back to water. An overall
interesting race, there is still a lot left
History: There is little recorded history of the
Mer race to the outside world. They joined
the Councils only recently and seem to have a
strong ally of the Insectis race. This is
likely due to that they both run
self-contained kingdoms that have no real
basis of infringing on eachother. The Mer
race seems quite happy to keep to their
watery kingdom as the Insectis to their
underground. The only real recorded event in
normal history is an old legend of a Mer
helping to save a ship carrying precious
cargo that was stranded on the ocean. In
exchange for her aid, she asked that the
Captain promise to be hers and to live with
her in her kingdom. Agreeing, the Mer created
a current that quickly took the ship to a
nearby harbor. Once at shore however the
Captain took off inland along with his crew
and the cargo never intending to keep his
deal. After a week none of the crew was left
alive, as each seemed to have drowned in his
Strengths: In the water, the Mer are a force to be
reckoned with. Very fast, and a few have
poisoned barbs, they wield water magic
unmatched by any race with the possible
exception of Fae.
Weaknesses: On land they are much weaker, and seem
to dislike being out in the sunlight for very
What Mystical Race are You? (unexpected results, with pictures! :D) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, March 13, 2006
~*redhat ladies attack*~
Hello,how is everyone doing??me pretty good...well the other day we had a group of ladies who call themselves the red hats came in for lunch...there was 14 in the group and the head of the group just started resetting all of the tables like she wanted them..she took all of the silverware and sugers/salt & pepper shakers off the table and put tableclothes that she had brought with her on the tables and proceeded to put flowers everywhere,which wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for my stupid allergies...damn allergies...anyways they all get there and they all have on way to much perfume..I mean I must of looked like inuyasha like in episode 17:the cursed ink of the hell painter..except it wasn't ink,it was perfume!!I wanted to take my chances with the flower tree!!so whats everyone up to today??me I'm about to play unreal championship 2 online and probally get my butt kicked...I finished watching fruits basket the other day and I must say I totally love it...I put it up in the top ten of my fav animes!!I'm not sure who my fav character is..I really like shigure...he's funny!!I like them all,even akito!!well I must go...I shall visit a few sites before I start my game...I'll try and get to everyones,but I'm not sure if I can,cause my parents will want the computer tonight,but I'll try!!so take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
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Friday, March 10, 2006
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