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Saturday, December 24, 2005
~*present day*~
yay...todays the day I get to open my presents....yippie!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful xmas eve!!I'll try too make it to your sites later!!take care and have a blast!!later!!HUGS!!^_^

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
~*for the last time I'm not 13*~
Hello how are all of you doing!!well I so far so good,except for the fact that Ed has been ignoring me for the past few weeks...he's been to busy hanging out with his friends to even notice I exist!!so to get to why I titled my post"for the last time I'm not 13"I have a really youthful much so that I get carded for almost everything...I bought an anime dvd yesterday and you had to be 13 or older to purchase it and when the cashier scanned it she asked may I see your ID??so I had to dig in my purse to find it!!people ask me how old I am everyday....I guess I'll be thankful when I'm old & gray though!!so heres a pic of me I want everyone that comments to tell me how old do you think I pressure I'm just curious!!do mind I don't like to have my picture taken so I don't always seem enthused when someone takes my pic so sorry if I have that can we please get this over with look on my face!!
well I'm gonna go wrap some presents now so take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
 What Kind of Japanese Schoolgirl Uniform Would Suit You? (Girls only!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
~*the sun came out to play*~
Hello,hows everyone doing??so far so good for me...well it's not raining's gotten a little cooler,but I don't mind!!I don't dislike rain,but I hate driving in it....a semi almost ran me off the road the other day trying to get in my lane!!sooo,thats why I was unhappy with the rain!!Elvesatemyramen,the resident evil novels are based off the video game....a couple are not though,but there still good!!in other cat has taken over my moms house...I had to bring her out here early and shes made herself at home!!!I'm still in the process of cleaning my old room...I hope to be done with it today or tommorow!!I have to hurry..I have to be moved out by the end of this month and my landlord has already put an add in the paper for my apartment so times running out!!well I'm gonna go visit a few sites before I start cleaning!!take care and have some fun today!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
PS I'm sorry I didn't make it to anyones site yesterday...I was super busy!!byes!!;P
double PS thanks LS
 What is your definition?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, December 19, 2005
~*rain rain go away*~
sighs...well I hope it doesn't rain's been raining for the past's actually quiet depressing!!oh well...I've got my resident evil novels to keep me entertained,I'm almost finished with the 2nd one and then I can move on to the 3rd!!I'm about to head out to my apartment and go take a shower and go to bed!!it's kind of late to be getting a shower,but hey I'm not going to sleep without one!!so how or all of you doing??good I hope!!well,I can't think of anything else to say so I'm going to go!!take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
 Your eye ~amazing pics~ brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
~*a little something to keep ya busy*~
 You are perfect for Inuyasha. You are the only one that can get past his arrogance and see his true self. Inuyasha really likes you and will always be there by your side to protect you. Inu will test your patience sometimes, but don't worry. The love between you two is so strong you'll always get back together.
A medieval date with Inuyasha brought to you by Quizilla
sorry,this won't be much of a post sooo hers a little something to keep ya busy!!take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
~* so bored*~
yes another late post...I went to a family xamas party it was ok,I mostly spent my time in a corner and just sat there!!everyone was eating deer meat...yuck...poor deer!!well besides that nothing exciting happened...I mainly cleaned and sat on me duff!!well I hope everyone is having an awesome day,mines just rainy!!well take care!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
 What does your spirit look like? (amazing anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, December 16, 2005
~*ahhhhh...the paper work is attacking*~ is everyone doing??sorry I didn't make it to everyones site yesterday...I was exhausted...when I got to work yesterday my boss had a big cardboard box full of paperwork just for me...I hate paperwork and I got some more today..I didn't get to finish todays paperwork so ot will be waiting for me sometime next week!!in other news I watched march of the penguins the other day and I cryed it was sooo sad seeing the baby penguins die....I felt like such a baby afterwards!!well not much else to say except take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
PS sorry for the boring post!!
 What kind of flower are you? (Pretty anime pictures!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
sorry for the late post,but I've been real busy today and I was super tired after I got off heres another puzzle for you and sorry if your getting tired of the puzzles!!well take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^PS Thanks to Attics for the pic!!thanks ya very much!!;P
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
~*me likey puzzles*~
so how are ya doing??me I'm fine,got sent home early today,because I'm still sick..blasted illness!!well this is going to be a short post,mainly because it's soooo late to be heres a puzzle for ya!!take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
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Monday, December 12, 2005
~*the elderly have gone crazy*~
so how is everyone doing???I'm fine I feel better the strangest thing happened yesterday while I was driving...I'm used to watching to make sure kids don't run out into the street and next thing I know a group of elderly people run right out into the street trying to get across!!there was elderly running across the street left and right,it was weird!!when I parked my car(my grandmas van,since my cars a piece of crap) I saw an elderly walking by and asked what was going on and he said all the bed & breakfest are giving tours and ran off...I've never seen the elderly so excited before and all because of a bed & breakfest tour!!strange!!it was crazy thats for sure!!not much is going on today,so not much else to say except take care and have loads of fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
PS thanks SD19 for the pic!!;P
 What anime girl are you most like? (Girls only. Try this one, it's really cool!) brought to you by Quizilla
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