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Sunday, December 11, 2005
~*bad luck seems to be following me*~
hello..I feel a little better today,but not much!!it was really busy today at work and if I moved to fast I got dizzy....I couldn't go home early though...there wasn't enough people I had to stay,but I'm off tommorow so tommorow will be official lazy day for me....unless I start cleaning up my old room...I know I need to rest,but I don't have the time and no one seems to want to help out so I'm stuck bymyself!!I've been having the worse luck too...I just got my car back yesterday and it broke not 5 minutes after I got it back...this really sucks...I told my parents give me a sledge hammer and 5 minutes with the kia and there be kia hash!!my car is startint to get on my nerves...stupid car!!hopefully its nothing to expensive though!!well I do hope everyone else is having a better day then me...I'm really depressed about all of this stuff and be sick doen't help!!well take care and have lots of fun for me!!later!!HUGS!!^_^

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Saturday, December 10, 2005
~*me sick*~
how is everyone??sorry I didn't make it to any sites yesterday!!I've been feeling sick for the past couple of days!!I think I had a bit of a fever dis morning...I nearly collapsed at work,breaking like 5 coffee cups trying to catch myself..they tried to send me home early,but I wouldn't let them!!I have to work tommorow,but I just don't feel well and I don't have insurance plus my boss owes me 2 weeks I don't have the money to go to the doctor!!it sucks...I just got through writing a review for some of the resident evil brother either had to bring in a game or a review written by someone other then him so I wrote him a pretty kick ass review on some of the resident evil games!!hopefully I'll start feeling better!!well I'm gonna visit a few sites now!!take care and have fun!!later!!^_^
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
~*I feel like a kid in a candy store*~
well how is everyone??my day started off sucky,I overslept and when I got to work my boss said the waitress called out and handed me a ticket book and said go take orders...ha'I don't even know how to write the tickets,so that was interesting to say the least and ontop of things it was just me and her...2 people running the entire resturaunt!!I was the waitress,the cashier and the dishwasher...the first thing I did when I got home was take a nice hot shower!!well time to change subjects....yesterday my meme wanted me to go to jacksonville with her...she doesn't like driving over there by herself...anyway we go to bestbuy and she says heres 200 dollars get you anything you want for christmas....I was like really...she said I'm not sure what to get you so pick it out..I was like but 200 dollars isn't that a bit much??she said no thats about what I spent on everyone else so thats what I'm gonna spend on I went over to the anime section...I got 2 anime box sets,3 anime dvds and 2 videogames all for 185 dollars!!it was awesome getting to pick my on present she told I could go ahead and have it,but I said I would wrap it and put it under the tree...I mean it wouldn't be fair if I got my present before everybody else!!yesterday was so much fun...grandmas like to spoil ya!!hehe!!well I'm gonna go to some sites..take care and have a blast!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
 Your font is Samarkan. You are a very quiet person who would rather stand back and observe rather than get involved. You have a broad variety of knowledge and your insight helps you see past the problem and discern a solution that most people wouldnt have even noticed. You are not a party person and you maintain a close friendship with only a few people. You are open-minded to change because you realize that it is a necessary part of life.
What Unique Font Best Matches You? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
~*heres another puzzle*~
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
~*Harry Potter and the.........*~
my head feels better today...the person that triped me apologized to me later on that night..I accepted their apologiy and told them that if any golfers tryed to tee off on my head that I would kick their butt!!I still have the golf sized lump on my head though and the bruise on my arm,but oh well,I shall survive!!!I bet many of the harry potter fans are wondering what I have to say...don't worry it's nothing bad...I don't want to get pelted in the head with pebbles...I've already experienced enough head trauma!!well I used to be a nanny for a women whose husband was in the navy...she had 3 kids,2 boys and a girl....her oldest son chippy was obsessed with harry potter and I mean obsessed...we would watch the harry potter movies everytime I came over and before I started the movie he would run to his room and get a harry potter pencil(which was supposed to be his wand)get a blanket(which was supposed to be his cape)a harry potter diary or something(which was supposed to be his spellbook)all this effort just to watch the movies!!he would even talk in the third person saying things like"chippy's going down to the chamber of secrets to get the sorcers stone"he even rode a broom around the house saying chippy's going to hogwarts and he would even playfight with dog saying get back fluffy or I will turn you to stone!!he was a strange child,but it was adorable when he rode the broom around the house!!well time to switch topics...I got my hair cut yesterday....I noticed when I got home that it kinda looks like akanes hair...akane from ranma 1/ how is everyone doing??I'm fine very talkative today...I'll put my pictur up as soon as the scanner works...sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't...stupid scanner!!well this would have to be one of the longest post I ever typed....feels like I'm writing a book or something..hehe...well I'm going to let you go before I bore you to death!!take care and have fun today!!later!!^_^
PS can anyone guess how many times I said harry potter in this post??well time to go to some sites!!HUGS!!;P
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 u r the emotion of sadness.
what emotion r u (with beautiful anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, December 5, 2005
sorry,but this want be much of a head hurts...I was walking through my moms house when someone decided it would be funny to trip me and I fell and hit my head on the table and I have a rather large purple lump on my left arm...they just laughed and I got up and went over and punched them as hard as I could....I also have a golf ball size lump on my hurts along with my arm!!I don't think they'll ever trip me again though thats for sure!!sorry I didn't get to anyones site yesterday and I couldn't post because I was at my uncles and his computer was being wouldn't let me post anything!!well take care and I hope you all are having a great day!!heres a puzzle to keep you entertained!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
I'm not really going to post anything today except for this interesting mario game I found!!so enjoy and have fun today later!!HUGS!!^_^
PS I may not post tommorow depends on how I feel after work...I think I'm starting to get sick!!HUGS!!;P
More games on
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Friday, December 2, 2005
~*dishes,calculaters & rubberbands...oh my*~
today at work was moderately busy!!lately all I've been doing is paper work,mounds of paper work....hints my title of my post....I've also been doing dishes and my hands are so dry from sticking them in dishwater everyday,that my skins starting to crack!!I cut my hand and while I was cutting lemons I got lemon juice in my cut,it hurt!!so how is everyone today??I have to finish wraping the rest of the presents I got for everybody!!I drew a picture the other day and was debating rather I should put it up or not....what do you think??it's been 4 & a half years since I drew was one my best subjects in school!!Ed said it looked good,but I'm still a little iffy!!well I'm gonna make a round trip to some sites!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
 the wolf is your true demon are the stronge,loyal, brave and the trustworthy knows how to make up the right mind,and you sure do have a bunch of good friends that's always by your side.
What is your true demon form?girls only(with anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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