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Thursday, December 1, 2005
~*Feeling Lazy*~
I'm feeling lazy today,so this want be much of a post today!!does anyone remember my biscuts are evil post??well while browsing the internet I founds this story about killer biscuts,I found it I'll put it up so you can read it!!

well thats abot all I have to say,hopefully I'll have a more entertaining post for all of you tommorow!!later!!HUGS!!^_^

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
~*pj party*~ are all of you??I'm and my mom are supposed to go to the mall today and finish up our christmas shopping!!it was slow at work yesterday..I got to go home early....I gotta take Ed to work and then I gotta go to my apartment and get some clothes to wear...I don't wanna go shopping in my pjs...speaking of pjs,I could have worn my pjs to work the other day...some kind of sale was going on downtown and everyone that wore pjs got a discount,but I didn't know so I went to work in my and my boss were the only ones wearing uniforms...everyone else wore their pjs!!I could have gotten an extra 20 minutes of sleep if I would have remembered!!oh well it probally was a good thing I forgot...considering the fact that I work in a resteruant,my pjs may have gotten all stained up!!well I gotta go to bed...nighty night...HUGS!!^_^
 WATER: You are the goddess of the water. you are very calm under stress and can be relied upon to be there when you're needed. your friends trust you and you hold many a secret.
Which Element Goddess Are You? PICTURES ARE HERE! brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are a pretty girl that is just not into fighting, you rather go shopping.
What would you look like if you were anime?(Girls+Boys) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
~*just another post*~
how is everyone doing??I'm doing good,so far!!yesterday when I got to the place to fix my car,they said they couldn't fix it till saturday....they test drove it to see if it was the hub bearing(forgive me if I spell this wrong)and to bring it back saturday morning to fix it...that would be fine if I didn't have to work saturday morning and by the time I get off they'll be closed...luckily for me my uncle said he would take it up there while I was at work....I'm glad it was the part thats still under's only been like 2 months since I had it fixed last time....hopefully they'll fix it without any charge...I mean since it's only been 2 months they should!!I did go to the mall yesterday after they told me they couldn't fix my car....I got a couple of presents for people,including one for myself....hehe....then I went home and watched star wars revenge of the sith...I may not make it to anyones site today,but I'll try!!well take care and have a wonderful no car trouble day!!HUGS!!^_^
 You are like the Wind. You love to travel to many places. Not only does your body like to travel, but so does your mind. You love tosit and think about the world and how things work. You think about people, places, or anything else that so happens to cross yourmind even remotely. Friends and family always seem to want to be around you for that reason. Your just different, and people want to see how you work. You are caring and social. Your moods vary with the evironment and you melt in with natural scenes. You were meant to be on earth.
What Element Do You Resemble?((Anime Pics/Girls Only)) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are good^^!Yay!Which means you are close to an angel^^!GOOD FOR YOU!^_^...People care about you and appreciate all the help and support you give them!Keep up the good work!
Are you good,evil,or neutral?(anime pix.....for girls only!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, November 28, 2005
~*damn you kia*~
todays the day I take my car to get it fixed....lets hope its the part I replaced last time,because it's still under warrenty and I want have to pay to get it fixed!!remember how I said last time it screwed up it cost 1300 dollars to fix,well I'm going to tell you how it messed all started when Ed called me and asked me to bring him lunch,well I fix him his lunch and leave to take it to and my sister get in my car and head towards his work place,it had rained the night befor so there were puddles everywhere,anyways we go down the dirt road to get to the area where he works and theres a lake size puddle blocking my path...well I can't exactly call him,so I try to around the puddle,by driving up on a hill...I strat driving up the hill and my car starts sliding backwards and fall into the lake size puddle and water starts pouring in my and my sister are freaking out trying to figure out how to get out of this,then we see 2 of Eds coworkers staring at us..we yell out the window and tell them to go get Ed and they can't speak english,so I start screaming in what little bit of spanish I know,they just sit there and start laughing,by this point I'm irritated and I climb out my window and start screaming in spanish again....the water is up to my seat by this point and is still pouring in....they finally leave to go get Ed and then my sister remembers she has her cell phone and she calls my uncle gets there before Ed and trys to pull my car out and then Ed shows up and has the brillant idea he's going to pick my car up with a fork lift,I tell him no way is he picking my car with a fork lift so he attaches a chain to my car and pulls my car out of the lake size puddle...muddy dirty water all in my car it sucked so bad!!well my uncle's here as we speak and were going to leave soon to fix the burden...take care and the best of luck to you all!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
 That's you!
If the world was anime how would you look? (This for my girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
~*don't get a kia*~
so how is everyone??I'm good,I gotta be at work at 7:30am and Ed is going to wash dishes where I in other news,my stupid car is acting up again..stares out window and gives car an evil glare...I've only had the car for maybe a year & half and I've replaced almost every single part on it!! makes me sooooo mad...I'm gonna go broke fixing my car...luckily the part thats messed up is still under warrenty!!I'm taking it up to the place on monday to get it fixed...I sware last time it broke I had to borrow money from my dad to get it cost 1300 dollars...geez,I wish I could afford car payments..see my car is paid grandparents got for me last year!!well I gotta go to bed!!take care and have fun today!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
Comments (8) |
 Your element is Water.
You are a peaceful, shy, and serene person. You are antisocial, but inside lies a warm and caring heart.
Among your friends, you are the peacemaker.
What element suits you best? (anime pics, 6 results) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
~*and the turkey said gobble*~
So how was everyones thanksgiving??mine was good..too much food...I decided to put up my christmas theme...I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!let me know if you can't read my post because my text is too light!!I'll try to make it darker if you can't read it!!I get my first paycheck tommorow..yay..Ed did some christmas shopping today...he got my dad and uncle something!!Hopefully I can make it to the mall this weekend so I can finish up what little bit of christmas shopping I have left!!to change topics..I was just thinking that one of the best things about thanksgiving is all the leftovers you have...I just got through eating 2 slices of apple pie...yummy!!well I'm gonna let ya go...take care and have fun today!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
 Your true emotion is indiffrent!! You are in the middle of everything
you never pick one thing or another without hard thoght. You don't
like to hurt other peoples' feelings. You're usually nice to everyone
and you're usually creative, getting your anger out by means of art,
such as drawing, or music. You have many friends, and at school
you're not in any group or clique. Everyone likes you and your
unique, kinda like an albino animal! This can be both good and bad, though
Like everyone you have weaknesses and streangths. One day you'll
run into someone who doesn't like you and you'll have to be ready for this.
It's not your fault. It's just because they're jelous of you! So keep your head high
and be proud! Thanks for taking my quiz. Try taking some of my other quizzes. If you didn't
like the result you got, try taking this quiz again. Have a nice day/night.
Song: Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), by Green Day
Stone: Dimond
What is Your True Emotion? (Girls only, with anime pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
~*Have a Happy Turkey Day*~

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thansgiving!!take care and I wish you all the best of luck!!^_^
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