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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
~*they ate my pig*~
How is everyone doing??I'm good..a little sleepy,but good!!I'm going to help my mom clean today...that way will have room to move around while we cook!!I'm cooking a green bean cassarole!!yummy!!every year my mom makes a gigantic ham and a puny little turkey....everyone in my family likes ham better then turkey,except for me...I don't eat pork or beef,ocassionally I'll eat chicken or turkey,but I really dont like meat at all!!I haven't ate pork since they turned my pet pig into breakfest!!my very first pet was a pig..I named it pinky...well anyways,when pinky got to big my parents gave him to one of my grandamas that owned a farm and one day I got up and went in the kitchen and there was alot of bacon....I asked my mom where she got it and she said your grandma..I asked where did she get so much bacon and my mom told me that it was pinky...I cried...since then I haven't touched pork and lost all interest in eating meat...I know thats wierd,but it's also wierd for your family to eat your first pet for breakfest!!poor pinky!!how many of you had your family eat your first pet??I'm guessing probally not that many!!well take care and have a fun day!!HUGS!!^_^
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~*it's a lion rabbit*~

See I knew I wasn't least not yet!!^_^
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
~*watch out for the lion rabbit*~
HELLO is anyone here??so how is everyone??I'm good...I don't have to go back to work until friday!!I'm washing Ed's uniform!!I'm supposed to go shopping with my sister this weekend...I still have a little bit of christmas shopping to do....every year I say"I'm going to get all of my christmas shopping done early this year"alas I never do...I'm always scrambling to get it all done at the last minute!!I'm going to watch star wars episode 3 tonight...yay...of course after I watch gilmore girls and supernatural...I'm addicted!!I started watching gilmore girls at 18 and I love it!!how could you not love supernatural??enough about tv...I felt sick yesterday...I guess it's because I drank a cup of coffee and didn't eat anything,but I needed to drink something to wake me up,because I kept falling asleep while driving which isn't good and the fact that I saw a rabbbit with a lion's mane and face just says okay you need to do something before you fall asleep at the wheel....I find it wierd that I saw a rabbit with a lion's mane and face...strange!!well anyways I think I'm gonna to some sites now...take care and watch out for those lion rabbits!!hehe!!HUGS!!^_^
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Your most prominent characteristic is love! You have so much compassion, and kindness it is almost unreal. Most of the time, you care more about others than you do yourself. Not many people are this close to purity of the heart.
Characteristic Quiz (Awesome Anime Images) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
~*watch out for the fritatta*~
Hello hows everyone doing??I'm good...I was so tired yesterday!!I worked a 10 & half hour shift!!I feel asleep watching samurai champloo...I didn't get to see the end!!anyways yesterday at work we had a party of 55 people..It was the senior citizens single club...this one woman spit fritatta in my hair,I was like"ewww gross"she was trying to talk with food in her mouth and it ended up in my hair!!how sucky is that??oh well it was worth it,I made 70 dollars in tips yesterday!!yay!!it was busy today too,I'm in the process of washing my uniform!!it has coffee,lasagna and all kinds of stuff all over it!!I'm not sure what days I'll be posting,but I'll post when I can..well I'm gonna go to some sites now!!take care and have fun and watch out for those fritatta spitting women!!HUGS!!^_^
 Your heart lies on top of a cloud. A real daydreamer, you often think of stories to relate to your life or you'll be too busy daydreaming to attend to life. Never in a hurry, you get things done, eventually, and your friends love you but sometimes feel as if you're somewhere else. You're content with your life. For love, you need someone that can fly up to meet and enjoy the world from up high.
In what land does your heart lie? ..:Anime Pics and Nine Results:.. brought to you by Quizilla
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 The goddess of Water. You can be calm, collected, and fluent at times, but can change in an instant into a raging ball of fury. Just like ocean storms, you leave no survivors in your path and you do not tolerate nonsense in dire situations. You are most likely the "peacemaker" of your group of friends and people can always count on you to hear their side of the story. You enjoy time with friends, just not ALL the time. You could survive without friends, but you wouldn't be able to last forever. You need company and so if you were the Water Goddess then you would go to the ocean, a river, or a lake and you would spend time with the animals that live there. Since you are a Water Goddess, you power is the ability to breathe underwater, which gives you the perfect hiding place from enemies.
What are you a Goddess of? - (with anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 18, 2005
~*have fun today*~
hello how is everyone??I'm good I'm eating toast right now..I may not make it to anyones sites today!!sorry:(!!I'll do my best though!!I've got to work all weekend...oh well at least it's only till 2:00pm...then I'm free!!don't worry LS I don't drink energy drinks that often I've only drank two this past week cause I didn't get any sleep..I'm not a big fan of them myself I prefer coffee or just a good nights sleep!!well I gotta go take care and have a wonderful day!!HUGS!!^_^
 Your fantasy love life will be about two people and as they wander together----for whatever reason---- they soon relize they love each other and can't help it. It Destiny's Chains, you can't help it.
Quote: Just like a flower, love blooms in the strangest place.
What is your fantasy love life?(Beauitful Anime Pictures) Guys/Girls brought to you by Quizilla
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 you guys are just friends, or aquaintances.
//-> Does He Love You? (anime pics) girls only brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
~*YAY,Energy Drinks & Toast*~
I'm drinking an energy drink as I type this!!it's weird I don't like mt.dew,but I'm drinking amp,which is an mt.dew energy drink!!it's the best energy drink that I've had so far!! is everyone??I'm good...I got be to work at 8:00am & it's only 7:06 so I thought I would go ahead and update while I had the chance....I think I'm going to go put a piece of bread in toaster!!alright I'm going to go to a couple of sites before I have to go,so take care and have a fun day...later!!HUGS!!^_^
Comments (5) |
 I would definitly go out with you!!^.^ We have so much in common! It's awesome!!!
PLZ rate 5 and PLZ!!!!!!!! message ^.^
Are you my type?would I go out with you? (girlz only, I'm a guy) With awesome picz. REALLY AWESOME!!!! EVERYONE LOVED IT ^.^ I'm proud: ) brought to you by Quizilla
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