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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hello how are you guys today??me was alright yesterday...I have to work night shift today...I'm not complaining,I'll make more money...I didn't really do much today...I worked,came home got a shower and than I watched burst angel...thats about all I did.....I found something that julie sent me that made me chuckle...this is a message julie left on my sisters myspace page and I found it funny so I thought I'd share it with you guys here it is Be afeared it's the leader of the egg-people and his armada of cholesterol boosting yolkies....
oh delicious egg sandwhich....yes shes a nut,but she's still my cousins coming over tonight...I think he wants me to watch an anime with him...I believe he wants me to watch vandred(not sure if thats spelled right)and maybe I can talk him into playing naruto with sis wants to play it,I was shocked to tell the truth,because my sis isn't really into anime,but she'll say anime things are cute and what not....she even has a kon(bleach) keychain and she laughed when I told her that kon was a little perv....her buddy however is anti anime and came into my house the other day and proceeded to throw my manga off the book shelf and was like whats with you and this anime crap??I wanted to smack her senseless...I was like oh,so if nots what you like it's not cool,get over yourself and stop dissing what other people like and you have some nerve coming into my house dis respecting my belongings...she backed off when she saw that she made me mad and my sister apologized about it and made her pick up my mangas...little brat,I don't see what my sister sees in her...she can be annoying...shes only 15 years old and apperentlly has no manners what so ever...meg is 20 and I just don't see whay she hangs out with this girl...oh well I'll probally never understand...I'm nice to the girl and shes more respectful torwards me ever since she ticked me things are better!!^_^
I'm eating a snickers right now......mmmmmmm,carmely,peanutty,chocolately goodness...strange thing is I'm not to fond of peanuts,but they don't bother me in candy bars or in peanut butter form....question do you like peanuts??any way you can have them...I also like boiled peanuts,but thats pretty much the extent....Lewis my cousin and Ed are talking about final fantasy 3 for the ds...funny thing is Ed doen't like final fantasy...he's not fond of rpg's,he's mostly for shooters and fighting games...he kicks butt at king of boss called me a few minutes ago,strange that he called me so late,I guess he knew I was night owl....I'm not a morning person...I likey the night time...I get up and look at the sun and go into vampire mode...don't get me wrong I go out during the daytime,but Ilike to stay up at night...I'm not a party girl either...I prefer to sit at home and relax,read a book or play a game/watch tv...I'm simple like pie...heres another question for you are you a morning person or night person??well I guess I'm going to be cousin is here and I want to go check out that game he's sounds fun...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGGLES!!^__^ |
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Hello,how are you guys doing??me what everyone been up too??me not much...I've been playing naruto ultimate ninja 2 alot...I played it all day sunday and I have all the chracters at my disposal....the character I wanted most of all was Itatchi,ha I love this's fun,but a few of those missions ticked me off....oh well I now have all the characters,yay....I also have a pc now....I still have lappy,but my cousin called and asked me if I still wanted a pc and I said yes and he sold me his for $300.00(and I'm paying him in installments,that way I'll still have money)he orignally paid $1100.00 for's a nice pc and runs faster than lappy...Ed also bought some memory for the laptop,so now we have a pc and a laptop....other than playing video games,watching tv/the anime that I have on my computer I haven't done much....I work,come eat/sleep and do whatever I can to occupy myself...yes I know a boring two bestest friends are gone and I don't really have anyone to hang out with...*sigh*...speaking of those two I talked to them the other day...thier doing good and Derrick is a fisherman...I'd pay money to see that man in fisherman wear...*snickers*...he said that when I come up there to visit that my kidnapping was assured,in other words make no plans to come back...I talk to them on messanger often,well not lately,because where their staying they don't have's fun talking with them and now I have a reason to go to alaska!!^_^
work sucked...I went into work as a runner,but one of the waitresses was a no call no show,so I had to go on the floor,which wouldn't have been bad except for the fact my aporen was at hom,along with my ticketbook and I had no aporen and the other waitresses gave me a pen(so I only had 2 pens)and I just printed paper up from the machine and carried the checkbook I keep my money in under my arm....geez it was a pain and on top of that they tell me to come in as a waitress tommorrow(today actually) only to share a section with the girl that didn't show up and her excuse was that she looked at last weeks schedule...ha,our schedules are dated,so you know which week your looking at,what a load of crap...well if thats the case she needs glasses or something and ontop of that shes slow and puts everything in the computer wrong...ontop of that our computer sucks...I had to rebott it the other day and it still has windows 95 on about in need of an upgrade,but our is too cheap for we have to rub=n credit cards over and over again,because the stupid computer keeps canceling it out and it deletes our tickets...*shakes fist*DAMNED COMPUTER!!>_<
oh well enough of my those who looked at my kitties pics aren't they the cutest...those are my babies...jinxy is a girl,by the way,shes just big...when she sits down her fat overlaps her back feet and you can't see them...Leki is a lover...he'll just start loving on you...theres just on problem with leki,he has a real bad case of its silent but deadly as Ed put it and he only does it when hes in your lap loving on you...well he does to Ed,I have not yet to experience it and hopefully I want...for those who have not seen my meows just look at my last post and you'll see...well I'm off,take care and have!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
Hello,how is everyone doing??me good as how was everyones Independence Day??mine was was slow and I didn't get to see fireworks...I only heard them...I didn't make hardly any money heck we closed early...other than that I didn't do much...I played some naruto ultimate ninja with ed(he won the majority of the fights) and than played some magical drop(I kicked his butt at this one though)and tan I got ready for work and than was bored out of my mind for 5 hours...I was glad when the night was over with!!^_^
the other day I went with my mom to the pet store and we shopped and bought some things and when we left my mom got confused by the road signs and turned onto a one way street which wouldn't have been bad except for the fact she was going against traffic,so shes trying to turn around blocking the road and I'm screaming mom theres cars coming oh crap were gonna die...she managed to get the van turned around and without a single honk from any cars,just a few WTF looks...needless to say I was happy when we got out of the van!!^_^;
I'm off today...I'm not sure what to do...theres a lot I could do...I really want some chinese food...oh man I've been craving chinese for a couple of days...hmmm,maybe I'll go eat some chinese today and than I guess I need to get my butt in gear and play some of those video games that have been sitting on my shelves for months...I don't have much game time lately so I think I'll play a video game question is which one??I'll figure it out...I think I shall put some pictures of Leki guys haven't seen my new kitty...I've had him for a few months...I'm going to get him neutured soon though....he keeps humping my throw pillows and Ed's leg...he even tried to hump jinxy and shes 22 lbs and he's maybe 10,he's tried to hump pretty much everything...strange feline...well I'm off,you guys take care and have fun!!later!!^_^ |
Heres Leki!!!^_^


Jinxy & Leki

Leki & Jinxy once again

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Hello,how is everyone doing??me I'm good...they changed my schedule at work...I have to work nights and share a section with the new schedule will go back to normal hopefully next week I'm not sure though...oh well I still have the weekends no complaints...I did want to strangle me some kids today...well more like young adults(they were between 15-17 years old)well what did they do to deserve to be strangled,they were playing one of the games and one of the prizes is little strawberry shaped things with this white powdery substance in them and those brats got some of those out of the machine and put them on the floor and stomped them and rubbed the white powdery stuff into the carpet....oh I was ticked off...I had to blot the carpet...anytime anything happens to the carpet I have to go around and blot it...believe you me if their waitress hadn't of showed to me till after they left I would of made their sorry little asses clean the carpets...but alas they had already left and April(their waitress)said that a couple of them tried to dine and dash...little hooligans...oh well the nights over with and the carpets are blotted!!!>_<
it was interesting not having to wake up and go to work until 5:30...I tried to get ready for work dis-morning ^_^; ....I have to work's 4th of july I wonder how busy we'll be...hopefully not to many drunken idiots will wonder in...oh what am I saying we serve alcohol so will be helping by making them into drunken idiots who will than go and play with fire works and end up in the ER...oh this shall be an interesting night!!^_^
in other news my grandmother(I call her meme)is no longer in the hospital..the doctors believe they fixed everything and are going to double check on her next doctor visit...she had to swallow a camera...I was like well do you have to bring it back and she just shrugged her shoulders...but she seems to be doing better and that makes me happy....seeing her in good health is all that matters!!^_^
I haven't done much lately...I was going to go the beach,but Ed didn't want to go,so I didn't...I wore shorts that day to and you can tell I don't wear shorts legs are really white...heck they practiclly glow...I had to go check my schedule that day to and all the guys in the kitchen just came out and was staring at me...geez they act like they've never seen a girl in shorts before,but the girls I worked with were suprised to...the guys keep trying to talk me into wearing shorts at work,but I like my pants...I was talking to derrick and he asked how hot it was down here and I was like hot enough that I'm wearing shorts and he was whooooo and I missed it...even my sister was like damn you wore I guess people are so used to me wearing pants that on the occasion when I do wear shorts they're shockred...LoL,I'm surprised the local newspaper wasn't notified...sorry about talking about this subject for so long,but I found it amusing!!^_^
oh the naruto ringtone I have is the ending theme was the only they had for naruot and I liked it so I took it...beggers can't be choosers...well I must be going I have to go pick up guys take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hello,how has everyone been doing??Me,I've been grandmother is in the hospital...she went to her doctors appointment and they admitted her to the hospital because she was on the verge of heart failure and than they found out she was bleeding in her ingestion's...shes doing better I went and visited her they might release her today...their going to make her swallow a camera and make sure they stopped the bleeding and go from there...I'm just glad shes doing better...shes stubborn and wants to go home,but I told her she would stay as long as she had to...last time she was admitted she checked herself out against the doctors long as shes in good health is what matters most...she seems to be doing better and hopefully she will continue to do better...she has to go to the doctor alot on the account that shes a cancer survivor...they have to check and make sure the cancer is still in she doesn't like going to the doctor all that much..I'm happy as long as shes healthy and shes cooperating with the doctors,so no cmplaints!!
in other news I've been working and speaking of work oday started off interesting..I'm not usually one for gossip,but man oh man I could hardly believe this gossip dis morning...well two of co-workers were talking about two of my other co-workers,apparentlly one of the cooks and one of the waitresses went home toghether...the cook and the waitress went in her car and left his car in the parking lot...well he was late for work dis-morning and she brought him to work and he had love bites(hickies)all over his neck and she had them all over her neck...well he said ogh crap I forgot my keys on your nightstand...she was like but they were in your pocket last night...he was like they were until I took them out of my pocket when I took off my pants...well we set started giggling because their just debating this in front of us and what made it funnier was the song in playing in the bg(song title:secret lovers)
and the excuses he came up with for his love bites...first excuse she attacked me and bruised me neck!! second excuse I was sitting around a campfire with my buddies making smores and a hot marshmellow landed on my neck!!LoL,thats what made it funny..I was like damn when smores attacks and than his partner walked past me and I looked at her and was like damn the marshmellows got her too...everyone started laughing...that was the highlight of my sucked though...ticket times were horrible and my boss was in a bad mood to boot...blah but work aside my day was what has everyone else been up to??well it's getting late and I'm getting sleepy and I have to be to work at 11:30 in the morning and it's 1:35 so I need to get to guys take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
ps I changed my ringtone from squirell to the ending theme for naruto...if anyone is confused about the squirell ringtone scroll down to my last post and you'll see what I'm talking about!!^_^ |
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Hello,how is everyone??me I'm good...I'm finaly updating...I was stressing real bad,so I didn't update..I didn't want to post a long rant...well I'm back and less stressed...well was stressful...I had to work all day and dinner was busy...well after we close I was nice and offered to clean both bathrooms(usually I clean one and the other waitress cleans the one I din't clean)well I got my cleaning supplies and went to the mens restroom(its usually the dirtist,so I decided to clean it first)and I was grossed out...I went in the stall and the man that was in there last left me a gift(not a good gift either)....he left a floater...he didn't flush the toilet and it was digusting...I'm standing there with disinfectant spray and just start spraying the toilet and then I had to clean that digusting thing...after I finished cleaning everything and I proceeded to spray the air freshner like a mad that bathroom smelled like a basket of oranges when I got through with it...sorry if I grossed anyone out,but really is there any reason why this man could not flush??men are disgusting,um,well not all men...sorry to any male readers!!
after work I came home and got a shower(in fact I just got out a moment ago)...I'm all squeaky clean..I scrubbed like crazy after having to clean that bathroom...I just got through watching the haruhi dance videos...I haven't done much lately...I got a new battery for my car and a new new cellphone is pretty,its red and Ed bought me a cute anime charm for it...oh and speaking of my new cellphone I was scrolling through my ringtones and the ringtone I select was titled squirrel...yes,squirrel...I tought LS would get a kick out of that....the squirrels have their own ringtone,their only a few steps away from world domination!!^_^
Derricks Birthday was those who don't remember Derrick is my best bud who moved to alaska...well I didn't have an adress,so I couldn't mail him present,so I gathered a bunch of cute sheep picture and made him a b-day card with photoshop and emailed to him...he messaged me and thanked me...he's like so when are you moving up here...I miss him & Julie...I talk with tham on msn and I leave tham messages on myspace(yes I have a myspace unfortunatly,they begged me to get one,so I did)...I don't go on myspace that often and the only people in my friends list is Derrick,Julie and some of my family members...I'm seeing if they want to join the otaku...well I must be going,my tummies growling...I need to feed the hungry beast...well take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Friday, June 8, 2007
Hello,how has everyone been doing??me,I'm good...what has everyone been up too lately??me not much really..I only had to work lunch today and it was busy...there was supposed to be a mandatory meeting today,but they cancelled it(considering only about 5 people showed up)...I went to lunch with my sister tuesday...we ate was delicious...question,do any of you eat sushi??I do as of now...considering that was the first time I ate sushi and it was scrumptous...we ate 2 different kinds,cucumber roll and california roll....mmmm,tasty!!^_^
I was going to update yesterday,but alas I feel alseep at the computer and when I awoke I went to straight to my bed ^-^;
I'm going to the mall with my mom this weekend...she wants to buy the new marilyn manson album...yes my mom listens to marilyn manson along with a bunch of other rock bands...people always told me I had the cool mom and dad went to a concert one time and my dad was stage diving...I would've loved to have seen that...I miss all the good stuff....who wouldn't want to see their parents stage dive??right now I'm fixing up my moms myspace...I'm having the damndest time trying to make the font always goes to blue...I'll figure it out sooner or later or I'll just call it quits and try again later!!^_^
in other news they let Paris Hilton out of jail already and put her on house arrest...what kind of bull crap is that??they said it was medical reasons...hmph,medical my foot>_<...theres nothing wrong with her except for the fact that she's a spoiled little bitch...I don't get it and probally want get it...alls I can say is she better be counting her lucky stars...incase some don't know I have an extreme dis like torwards parsi hilton,but I bet thats pretty obvious!!
well I'm off...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^__^ |
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Hello,how has everyone been doing??Me,well I'm how was your day??Good I hope...mine was A went alright...except I don't like the new girl...she has a severe case of bitchitous...all she did the entire night was pick fights with the entire staff...except for me I avoided her like the plague...heck all her tables kept moving to my section wanting me to be their waitress...which pissed her off...she even walked over and asked if I had got their order and I said no...she was like well go ahead and have the little brats...needless to say she said this right in front of them and loud enough so they could hear her...these people were nice to...that they tipped me out well...she has an attitude thats for sure and every other word that comes out of her mout is either the F word or worse...believe you me she had a mouth on her worse than the guys from south park and she walked around the resturaunt speaking nothing but profanity...which isn't very professional...I don't think she'll last long(at least I hope not)...Laveta(co-worker)was telling Tom(boss) about her attitude and hopefully when he gets back from vacation he'll have a stern talking with her!!
I got a message from Derrick and Julie...heres Julies message...When we get a house you get on a plane and come live with us. Damnit. We also both just got hired at the wendys thats like not even a 1 minute walk across the street (depends on traffic) and he's already asking about making derrick a manager. WOOT
Heres Derrick's message....Yes I be a fishyman! Wendy's wasn't gunna quite work out so I'm looking for something a little more extreme. Hopefully it will be a great expierence and it will give me plenty of good stories to tell you when you get here. I'll be sure to let you know before I ship out because you got out for about 5 days before you return. Take care!
I just LOVE these guys...I miss them soooooooooo much...I'm gonna start saving money that way once they get setteled I can go visit them!!^_^
I only have to work lunch today....yippee...I'm about to fix me a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches and watch some D-gray man...I love this anime...that and bleach are the ones I'm all into right now....I have another question for you guys...what kind of video games do you play most often??(that is if you play video games)I tend to play alot of survival horrors...a few first person rpg here and there and I also like fighting games...I'll pretty much play anything that peaks my interest...I've been playing alot of SNES and N64 lately...well I'd hate to run,but I must be tummy hungers for food and I must feed it before my intestions turn on eachother!!take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
Hello,how is everyone?? Good I hope..I'm recovering...I've been sick for over I week now,but I feel much better...I woke up last wednesday with a really high fever and I've been sick since than...I lost my voice on monday...I couldn't say anything...I would go to talk and nothing would come out...except for this pitiful little sqyeak noise from me trying to make myself talk...boy,did my co-workers have a feild day that day...I suck at charades,so no one could understand anything I was trying to tell them and then micheal(who loves to taunt me)was like so are you going to become a mime now that you can't speak??than he came over to me with the phine and was like its for you oh wait you can't I just gave him the glance of doom and started waving my arms in the air having a silent fit of rage....not being able to talk sucked...oh well I got my voice back and I got micheal back for all the comments he made that day!!^_^
I only have to work lunch today and than I'm going to come home clean and do my laundry...that way I'll have the weekend all for myself...I spoke with derrick and julie the other day...they were sitting in a line waiting to cross the canadian was great to talk with them...I miss them...I wonder if they made it to alaska??hmmm,I'm sure they'll contact me once they get there...I haven't done much...I mainly slept,since I was sick...I watched some D-Gray Man today after I got off work and other than that I didn't do anything...I'm still being lazy...I'm always like this after being sick...I'm still taking my medicine that the doc gave me...I'm sure I'll be at 100% in no what has everyone been up to lately??I hope everyone has had a more eventful week than me...I have a question for everyone...whats your favorite kind of jelly??mine is blackberry jelly...that is the most delicious jelly this earth has to offer...well I guess I'm off on another eventful day....take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
~*trapped in a box*~
Hello,how is everyone doing?? Me,I'm doing good...well first I think I'll let everyone know how my visit to the eye doc went...she told me I shouldn't even be driving without wearing glasses...she wrote me my prescription and I now have me glasses...I pretty much have to wear them for driving,reading,playing video games/useing lappy,so basiclly I pretty much have to wear them at all times(except when I sleep)....I got alot of complimants today when I went into work about my co workers said I look more mature with glasses(go figure)...speaking of work my co-worker micheal thought it would be funny to trap me in a box...yes of all things a all started when I asked micheal to help me put a box on the top shelf...he removed the empty box and put the new box on the shelf...than he turned and looked at me and said hey I bet you could fit in here and before I knew he threw the box over my head and held it down so I couldn't get out...I'm hittting the box telling micheal to let me out or I would kick his butt...he just laughed and continued to hold the box down...well mrs.debbie(boss lady) came out of the office and asked what was going on and I was like MRS.DEBBIE HELP THEY WON'T LET ME OUT!!!she started giggling and said what have you guys done to cathy??they all just started laughing while I'm still trapped in the box...micheal finally let me out and I sucker punched him for keeping me in that blasted box for sooooooo long...on my out from work he asked would you like to take your new home with you(speaking of the box of course)....I just looked at walked out the building...I can't beliveve of all the places to get trapped I get trapped in a small stature has once again played against me >_<.....I had to pull a double went well dinner was busy and made decent tips...I only have to work lunch today and Tom pulled one of my shifts so I can more time for myself...I only have to work friday lunches now instead of my usual 13 hour shift with no break...I'm glad I get friday nights off...I can do my laundry friday night and have the weekend all to myself...yay...I got lappy's external hd and I'm currently downloading ouran high school host club...I made it all the way to episode 21 and never saw past I will finally finish it...I love that anime..bleach is next on list I'm getting to impaitent to wait for saturday nights anymore and bleach is getting more interesting every episode I watch...I haven't really done much lately..I've been watching a lot of gilmore girls(it's my fav tv show)...I also love threes company but I only have the first season...I shall start buying more seasons of that show...I love it to mom and dad are back from helping my friends move and my mom tricked me into eating buffalo jerky(I know strange,but true)she told me it was turkey jerky and than after I ate it she showed me the package...buffalos are cute and I ate buffalo jerky....please forgive me little wasn't bad...I enjoyed it until I found out it was buffalo...well now I can say I ate buffalo at least once in my life///she also bought buffalo steaks and ground buffalo...poor buffalo's...well I don't have much else to say except take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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