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Friday, November 4, 2005
~*I think my brains broken today*~
Hello,how is every one???so far so good for me!!I'm really bored right now,I don't even know what to type!!I got to take Edward lunch at 11:30 and I got to work on my old bedroom some more today!!I also have to do laundry!!so far my day looking kinda busy!!it's going to take me forever to clean out my old room!!I'm still half way asleep!!well I hope everyone is doing well and having fun today!!sorry for the lame post!!my brains still asleep,it's being lazy today!!stupid brain!!well take care!!BYE!!^_^
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
 A normal Gaudian Angel
Who's your guardian angel? Anime pics brought to you by Quizilla
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~*Biscuts are evil*~
I bet anyone who's reading this post right know is sitting there with a puzzled look on there face"going how can biscuts be evil?"well the reason biscuts are evil is because they make that loud surprising pop noise and it scares me half to death!!when I pull the paper around to open them,I'm standing there freaking out,because I don't like to be surprised...especially by those stupid biscuts!!I scream 9 times out of 10,when I open family gets a kick out of it!!I guess that is a little strange though,a person who is afraid to open biscuts!!that concludes why I think biscuts are evil!!
well how is everyone doing??I hope your all doing well today!!oh yeah Red I'm not hispanic!!I'm caucasion,irish and native american!!quite a mix..huh??well so far a pretty normal day,I'm going to go work on my old bedroom some more mom was using it for storage when I moved out and since I'm moving back in at the end of december,I'm cleaning it out!!well i'm going to go to everyones site!!have fun today and take care!!BYE!!^_^
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 Your critter companion is the Wise White Wolf. You are a person who likes to keep to themselves and your social circle consists of a few, select friends who share your interests. You may seem cold to other people, but thats just because youre a little shy. You dont like big crowds and raucous parties, you'd much rather sit somewhere quiet and read a book or meditate.
What Kind of Critter Would be your Best Companion? (Anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You're a good person. You know how to be nice without being OVERLY nice...You always try to think of others and their needs, but you know that it's impossible to please everyone and you are willing to accept people as they are. That's great!
Are you a Nice Person?? (Girl anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
 You are the Prietess- You have a strong sense for when something is wrong and a strong spiritual power. You are learning to fight demons and you meditate using your element water. You like to b eleft alone and your usually keep to yourself, unless you ask advice from your sensei.
What anime girl resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Bye Bye ED!!
well we went to immigration yesterday and got lost on the way there...because I couldn't read the map to dad highlighted on it and circled stuff,therefore confusing I was half way asleep,therefore poor navigation skills on my part!!anyways after we finally got there,we sat in the lobby for a few minutes and then they called us back...the appointment was to make sure our marriage was other words making sure we were married because we cared about eachother and not just married,so that he could get a visa..they interviewed us seperately..asking each of us questions,like how we first met and stuff like that,seeing if our answers matched up...well after we proved that we were married because we care about eachother..the man said that was the only thing he could approve!!basiclly saying that he couldn't approve the other part of his application,so that he could get his visa...he told Edward the only way he could get his visa was to go back to mexico and wait for the embassy to approve a visa for him!!theres no telling how long it will take for it to get approved!!his cousin had to do the samething and he's been over there for more then 6 months!!he's leaving at the end of january and I'm moving in with my mom!!our lease on our apartment is up at the end of december and theres no point in resigning it,since he's leaving and I can't afford the rent on my own!!I'm going to be sending him a lot of letters,e-mails and visit when I can,I'll also call him!!so I'll make this work!!I'll just miss him!!well I'll keep everyone posted and I hope everyone is having a great day today!!gives you all a great big hug!!take care!!^_^
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
 You are a spring. You are very mellow most of the time except for the caffine season (which is year round) but you are also a very nice person. When people tick you off though God better save them. lol You are a fairly socialable person because people know you won't get mad too easy or seem to. But you are a very nice peron over all. ^-^
What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You could have great potential as a transporter or teleporter. You can't be held down in one place; you use your powers to help you be free and to enjoy the world.
What Special or Magical Aspect Is Part of You? (any gender) brought to you by Quizilla
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Edward has to be at immigration at 8:00 in the morning..sighs..that means I have to get up early tommorrow..wah!!I'm not really a morning person!!oh well theres a bright side..breakfest..yummy!!I hardly get breakfest,I want pancakes!!it's seems like a century has passed,since I had a pancake!!I need to get a shower,that way I'll smell good!!so many things I need to do!!I ran into a friend of mine at wal-mart,we talked in the parking lot for about half an hour!!it was nice to catch up,I haven't seen her since the chinese restaurant was sold..we both worked there as waitresses!!that was my favorite job too!!oh well it was nice to catch up,her husbands in mexico..oh yeah shes chinese,when I worked there she taught me a couple of things,but not much!!well have fun and take care!!later!!gives you all a big hug!!^_^
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