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Thursday, October 27, 2005
 The Faerie that you represent is the Siren. Majestic and beautiful, the Siren lure sailors to their deaths with their seductive voices. Although dark, the Siren believe in love to a great extent. They are deeply in tune with their psyche.
Color: Dark Blue
Metal: Silver
Time: Twilight
Element: Water
Attribute: Darkness
Court: Unseelie (Evil) Court
What Type Of Faerie Are You? (8 detailed answers + anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are really cutsy and sweet that makes you a fairy.
What type are you? Elf, Fairy, Night Fairy,Warrior,Princess or a Woodland Creature? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Hello everyone!!It's cold today,because of that stupid cold front!!oh well I shall survive,can't say the same for my husband though!!He's making out like were in the north pole,we live in florida!!lucky for him it doesn't snow here!!Oh yeah my husbands name is Edward!!I was also wondering if anyone knew where I could get a P-chan background!!so if someone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it!!you can either pm me or just say where in my comments!!THANKS!!well thats all I have to say for now,so take care and have a great day!!^_^
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 You aren't hididng anything under your make-up, because you don't wear any! You know that it doesn't matter if your beautiful just as long as you have a beautiful personality and heart (either that or your just too lazy to put make-up on in the morning lol). You want people to like you for who and not what you look like! You should be proud of yourself, not many people feel the same way about themselves as you do.
Please messege me with your comments!
WhAt Do YoU HiDe UnDeR YoUr MaKeUp? (beautiful anime pics and detailed results) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are the Sad Queen! Somber, quiet, softspoken and yet beautiful, you hold your subjects in awe of your silent but forceful nature. You are jaded and tired of this world because you are so different from everyone else.Possible Name: Tristyn Element: Shadow Color: Grey
What Queen are you? (Beautiful Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, October 24, 2005
 You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are Chii from the anime Chobits! Your so sweet and naive! You have a kind heart no matter what and Your happiness depends on those you love! What a loving Chobit you are! Well done!
.:Which Anime Girl are you?:. [With Anime Pics!!] brought to you by Quizilla
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Today is my grandmothers B-day,so I baked her a birthday cake and got her a card....I also had to get my tag renewed today!!so far I've had a normal day and hopefully it'll stay that way!!I hope everyone else is having a good day and I wish you all well!!
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
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It's 3:16 in the morning,I'm doing sleepy.....I think I'm about to go to sleep!!I need to go to bed because my mom wants me to go with her to jacksonville and I'm not sure when she wants to go...well shes still up to,so hopefully not to early!!well it's time for me to go sleepy I'll talk to everyone later...bye & take care!!*_* night,night
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