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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
~*good day*~
Hello,how is everyone doing??me I'm doing pretty good....I had to work all day was pretty good except for the sharp pain I got in the left side of my tummy everytime that I would stretch or bend over...that sucked,but everything else was a ok...the sharp pain comes and goes...I think I may be getting a kidney infection or something...*shrugs*....if the pain presists I shall go to the was great last night I made excellant tips....I got a $20 tip off of one table and there was only 2 people sitting at that table...yippeee,I was soooooooo happy,yet shocked at the same time....I ended up making pretty good tips...which is other news I have to go to the eye doc dis morning...I will let you guys know the results when I get them...I hate that one test where they shoot air into your eye >_< catches me off guard everytime...Ed's coming with me incase they dialate my eyes...I hate that too...he's also going to give me his opinion on glasses if I need them...which I probally do...considering I was supposed to wear them when I was 16 and didn't...thats what I get for being stubborn...I want wear contacts...I have this whole eye complex...the thought of touching my eye freaks me out.. so what everyone been up too??me not much I made 2 new wallpapers...I added them to my if you want check them out...if you don't oh well...I haven't been up to much lately...I called my mom sunday and wished her happy mothers day...she's still out of was funny she called me and asked me to go down to her house and check on my brother...she's like make sure he hasn't burned the house down or is throwing any wild parties and make sure hes not being mean to the cats...her paranoia starting to appear...she let my bro stay home by himself and to tell you the truth I think its a bad idea and I told her so...letting my brother stay home by himself is like letting a bull into a china shop...hopefully the house will be in one peice when she returns...for his sake and her sanity!!^_^
oh I just though I'd let LS know that I didn't really pay that much attention to the bleach episodes my cousin was watching on his computer so I have no idea who the villain is...I try not to pay attention since it's such a huge gap from where I left off...I do find myself glancing over every now and than though,but for the most part I'm trying to keep myself in the dark!!^_^
Ed also bought an external hd for now I can download some stuff...haha...well I must be going...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
Ps heres a link to my wallies  Hosted By >just clicky if you would like to see  Hosted By >heres the other...don't feel presuured to look you don't have to if you don't want to |
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hello Hello,how is everyone doing??Me,I'm doing was soooooooooooo slow yesterday and I had to work all day...I only have to work lunch today...I'm happy with that...I'm about to watch some anime with my cousin...were going to watch bleach and some others that he what has everyone been up to??me not much...I said my goodbyes to Derrick & Julie...*SOB*...I'll miss was all hugs and trips down memory lane...ah,what good times...I don't know what I'll do today after I get off work..I'll probally hang out with my cousin and relax...I borrowed scrapped princess from my mom...yes,my mom owns anime...she has a good bit of anime...I own more collection has grown quite a other news this crazy physcho woman(mujer loca)kept calling beef o bradeys and saying she got food poisening from our food...she kept calling and demanding a refund & my boss told her she couldn't have gotten food poisening from out resteraunt because it takes 18 to 24 hours for food poisening to take effect and she said it happened right after she ate...well my boss offered her a free dinner and she got extremly bitchy and refused it...well she called back today and apologized...she apologized because the cause of her food poisening was from a lemonade stand that she had visited prior before eating at beefs...well I guess karma had it in for her...stupid two bit witch..thats all the excitement thats happened so far...I'm watching the 125th episode of bleach as I type my post...I'm soooooo confused because I've only seen up to episode 32(the dubbed version on adult swim)so I need to start watching from where I left off so I want be confused...I need to call my mom she wanted me to do something for her,but she didn't answer her phone...her & my dad are helping Derrick & julie move their stuff to I daho where Derrick will visit with his mom and saty there for a week or 2 and than him & Julie will continue their journey to alaska...I wish tham the best...I'm trying to get them to join otaku...I think Julie has an otaku account,but I do not know her name...I'll have to her next time I talk to her...well I'm off,take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^__^
PS Thanks Elves,for your help!!^_^ |
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Hello,how is everyone??me,well I'm just peachy....looking at my comments from my last post I can tell most of you like shrimp....I've never really ate smells good(when fried)it looks appatizing,but yet I have not tried it...*shrugs*...maybe one day I'll try it...speaking of shrimp I didn't go to the festival...instead I went over to Derrick & Julies..I had a great time...we just sat out on the deck and talked...Derrick did do something that made everyone laugh though...he went inside and got his guitar and started playing it while singing random things....he sang something about bananas & the one that made us all chuckle house was when he went by the road and sung about whoever drove by(needless to say he does not know these people)...some bikers rode by(2 women & 2 men)and he was like motorcylce babes,motorcycle dudes,motorcycle dude with a shaved head....he sung random stuff like that for over half an hour...some people found it amusing while others looked like made me laugh until my ribs hurt...thats what I did for the shrimp fest weekend...Derrick & Julie are leaving wednesday,I shall miss them!!^_^
I had to work all day was was the bussiest triva night by far & on top of that I didn't have to wait on those non-tipping little section was full when they got there,so they sat in miranda's(co-worker)section...I went over and told her those were the brats that tipped $1.07...she was like dammit,but it was alright...Tom(my boss) went over and told them that we would be adding 17% gratuity to their bill from now on...they asked why and he told them because last time they only tipped $1.07 and that I had refused to wait on them(which wasn't true,but belive me I would haved)they apologized and said that they didn't realize that they had only tipped $1.07(yeah I'll belive that when pigs fly) needless to say I was in a good mood...speaking of work something funny happened the other day...the kitchen staff say some of the funniest things and this made me was micheal,poopey(thats his nickname) and maw(the token female cook)working that day...Micheal likes batman,in fact he was humming the theme song for the live batman tv show and was wearing his batman t-shirt...well Teri(co-worker)walks over and says wow you must like batman and he was like yep I even have on batman boxers the only boxers with and utility belt and Maw was like a utility belt huh,well you need it...everyone started laughing...the kitchen staff is pretty been going good and Tom(boss) said that if I want I can have the new girl take a couple of my shifts and take a little me time...I think I'll do it considering I can get my shifts back anytime I want....I need a break!!^_^
my cousin came over and we watched some anime on his laptop...after I go to the eye doc this weekend & get my eyes checked and glasses and what not me & Ed are going to get an external hard drive for lappy(my laptop) cousin Lewis said when I get my extrenal HD he will copy his bleach episodes to it...thats nice of other news my parents are going out of town for 2 weeks...I hope they have fun...they're helping Derrick & Julie sister and her hubby are spliting up...she's moving back in with our parents and he's moving to oregon...she said their not getting a divorce that it's just a trial seperation....she said she didn't want to be married anymore...I hope she figures everything out...I'll support whatever decision she makes!!^_^
I have a question for you download your anime or buy the dvds or both??I buy dvds,but after I get my HD I'll probally download some of the animes I'm watching that I'm just to imapaient to wait for the dvds or to watch on tv...I'm also watching a few that aren't even released in the states's my cousins fault for getting me addicted to them...well,I'm off...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_____^ |
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Hello,how is everyone doing??me I'm doing and my hands are at a disagreement when it comes to typing...I know what I want to type but hands have a mind of their own and I don't type what I was thinking...damn hands...aside from that,not much happened...I had to work all day yesterday and when I got off I was legs hurt sooooooooooo feels nice to sit was slow at work so I made under $40 in tips..oh well thats $40 I didn't have before...after work I went to Derrick & Julies...they're leaving may the 7th and I won't see them for a while...I will save money so that one day I can go to alaska and visit them...I hung out over there until Ed called me to pick him up from day wasn't to eventful!!
In other news,my cousin moved back down here...he came over last night and hung out...we watched some anime on his laptop...we watched claymore & D Gray Man...both good anime and to which I recommend them for you guys to watch...he spent the night and I shall be seeing him around...he said I should watch some bleach that he has on his computer so I can see more of what happens...I also need to go to the eye doctor...I'm blind as a bat and I think that is the reason behind my migranes...I think I strain my eyes trying to read things on the computer and the fact I can barly see 3 feet in front of me is proof that I need to go to the eye doctor...I will go when I get paid!!
the shrimp festival is this's something that happens here every can be annoying to the residents because you have people taking your parking spot all the time...thanlfully I live off the island,so I do not have to worry about someone taking my parking have to park over a mile away from the festival and walk the rest of the the time you get to the festival,your tired and ready to go home...local buisnesses even try to charge you a fee to come in and sit in the ac....bastards,I'd rather fry like an egg....I think I will avoid the island like the plauge this weekend...I really don't feel like dealing with tourists...I think I'll just stay home and relax...Ed wants to go,but I told him he'd have to go on his own this time....the tattoo shops are even running a specials on shrimp tattoos...yes,shrimp tattoos...I wonder how many people will get a shrimp tattooed on their body??well,I'm off...I think I'll watch some getbackers...take care and have fun!!later!!HUG!!^_^ |
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
~*cheap,cheap & cheaper*~
Hello,how has everyone been doing?? Me,well I'm doing good...I had to work all day yesterday...I had to wait tables during dinner and it trivia night so it gets pretty busy...well theres these little snot nosed brats that always sit in my section...they take up my entire section and don't tip worth a crap...the only time I get a good tip is when their parants are there(thats because they're the ones tipping)...well their parents weren't with them so of course I didn't get a good tip and ontop of that they kept leaving the resteraunt and walking down to publix...I told them that if they kept leaving that we were going to clear their table...we were super busy and had no place to seat anyone and they kept leaving...after I cleared the table once they got smart and left their ipod,purse and other personal belongings behind,so I couldn't clear the table...well by the end of the night they finally left and you know what they tipped me $1.07 and there was 8 people...yes 8 little snot nosed brats caused me nothing but trouble...I made $34 dollars in tips and we were busy...damn brats!!>_<
aside from the little day was great...I don't have to work all day today...I only have to work lunch...I didn't really do much this weekend...I read some manga,played some resident evil and watched some anime...I loved bleach and I do belive Renji is my fav character along with Rukia...Renji was soooo cool,but Ichigo was not half bad himself...I also watched some of my new anime dvds...I also visited with Derrick & Julie...their no longer moving to Idaho...their moving to alaska instead...I told them yay now I get to see alaska,but I'll miss you guys...I'll miss them,but I shall be on my messenger to talk with them...thank goodness for msn...I'm watching's the episode where bender flushes nibbler..this is probally one of my favorite episodes...Leki(baby kitty) is sitting in the chair bitting my butt and lower back...ouch,why you little,that bitting hurts...I just removed him from the chair,but he'll be back...those teeth what has everyone been up too??I hope everyone's been doing well...well I'm off...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^__^ |
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
~*Whatever you do,don't order the special*~
Hello,how is,I'm good...I wasn't feeling to well earlier though...I had a migrane all day and I had to work a double(I'm talking about monday)and to make things worse it was trivia night...trivia night tends to be quiet busy and noisy...I was miserable and ibprofun wasn't boss gave me some excedrin,but that didn't help much...the noise just made it worse....I was glad when the night was over...after work I came home and took a shower and finished watching gravitation...I enjoyed favorite character would have to be Hiro...I like the way he sticks by Shuichi's side and supports him no matter what and let's not forget he looks awesome in his outfit(the one he wears when he's on stage)^_~
in response to LS's far as I know they do not cut my pay when I leave early...I have the highest paycheck out of all the waitresses...I'm also not that good at first person shooters,but for some reason I'm good at unreal tournament,but I do not care for halo...I can hold my own in a fighting game(depends which one)...the games I'm best at are tetris,anything mario and I love my survival horror games...I can also kick some but at diddy kong racing...I'll pretty much play anything(I like varity)!!^__^
well saturday was Ed's B-day...I got him a cake...the bakery couldn't make the one I requested because they ran out of the photo paper stuff to do it...the cake I requested was dragonball was a picture of goku in super saiyan 3 form and it was going to have dragonballs on it,but they ran out of the paper,so they couldn't make it...fooey...he got an over the hedge cake instead...I liked the dragonball z cake I came up with better...*shrugs*...oh,well no use in complaining...I bought his present on ebay...I bought him part of the dragonball series...we went to t dinner at a new thai resturaunt that just opened up and I only have one word to say EXPENSIVE...we went in and were seated and proceeded to look over the menu...the cheapist thing on the menu was in the dessert section and that was $5.95(it just went up from there)...Ed chose the resturaunt and it was his B-day so we stayed....first off you don't get refills,they charge you for another drink which was $1.95(Ed's was$2.50)..well I had the pad thai noodles and Ed had the special which our waitress recommended...well we sat there and waited for our food to come out(Ed was palying a game on his cell phone)...our food came out and we ate noodles were good except for the peanuts,blah...Ed's was a whole fish(I'm talking head & all)...Ed had his food spicey so he ordered another drink(remember no refills)...I rationed my drink...I forgot to mention he had tea and I had soda...the guy that brought our food out brought us our check( I must say he was mighty good looking ladies ^_~)well Ed opened it and his jaw looked like he saw a ghost...he just closed the check and handed it to me since I was paying(I usually pay,since I have more money,that and it was his B-day,so my treat^_^)I opened the check and the grand total for our little feast was $56.55..Ed's was $32.87 while mine was $12.95(remeber Ed got the special)...that was some special he got...he kept apologizing to me saying he had no idea it was going to be soooooo expensive...he said he would pay me back that he would get me anything I wanted...I told him it was all right and not to worry(thank goodness for my budgeting skills)...well I pulled out my check card and putit in the check thingy...the guy who brought us our food(mister eye candy)came back with my card and handed it to Ed to sign the slips...I reached over and took it and proceeded to sign my name and he looked puzzled...he kept looking at me and than looked at Ed(I guess trying to figure out why I was paying)he did this for a moment and than walked off...well after writing the total down in my checkbook we left and Ed once again apologized...I simply looked over at him and smiled and said well at least I had something to look it(refering to mister eye candy)he laughed....we joke around like that alot,no harm no foul right??at least I have an interesting story to tell now...needless to say we won't be eating there for a while!!
now on to a new topic...I only have to work lunch shift today....yippee...after I get off I have to take Ed to work and than I'll probally go visit with Derrick and Julie...they'll bemoving to Idaho at the begining of may...*frowns*...I shall miss them,but I'll speak with them on msn...well tahts all I have to say for now...I think I'm about to go to bed...well take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^__^ |
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Hello,hows everyone been doing?? Me,I'm face is still red from my allergic reaction...other than that I'm peachy...I'm currently watching my cats fight over the computer desk....they're both on the desk sitting here staring at me begging for food...ow,my cat just bit me...she acts like shes never eaten & this is the really fat cat...Leki(the kitten)is trying to help me type....they're sooooooooo cute!!^_^
I had to work all day yesterday(tuesday) was slow for lunch and dinner....I only made 30 bucks for dinner and 15 for lunch...needless to say I was bored....they let me go home early since I had been there all day and it slow...I've been working alot lately...I work 8 shifts 5 lunch & 3 dinner,so I work 3 doubles out of the boss said when he gets the new girls trained that if I want to take a little me time to just let him know...I think I'll do that,a break would be nice...he also wants me to be a bartender....he said he thinks I would do a good job on the after I learn the computer hes going to have me train to be a bartender...yippee...I don't drink,but we only serve beer and wine,so it want be hard...after I got off work I walked over to where Ed works...his boss lady loves me...she asked me if I wanted a slice of a pizza and I was like yes,so she said Eddy fix her a was tasty....I also got a kick outta watching Ed be ordered around...his boss lady also wanted me to come work over there a couple days a week,but I declined since I've been working sooooooo much at beef's...she didn't even charge me for the pizza...she lets Ed bring me lunch on the days I have to work a double,so I get free food alot!!^_^
I don't really have any plans today...I only have to work lunch shift today....I've been playing king of fighters alot lately...I kicked Ed's butt last night...I was sooooo's the first time I beat at king of fighters...he's really good at that game,heck he's good at all fighting games...I think his favorite is halo though...I don't play halo much...I like unreal tournament better...I think after I get off work I'm going to go visit Derrick & julie for a bit and than come home and play video games or read...maybe both...well,I'M OFF....take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^___^ |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
~*75% of the human race are morons*~
Hello,how is everyone doing??Me,well I'm peachy...I wasn't feeling to peachy first thing though...I had an allergic reaction to some face wash I face was all red and itchy...that sucked big time...I just took 2 benadryl,so I should be feeling sleepy soon...I had to work all(monday)yesterday...something interesting happened at work...a group of snobby teenage brats came in,they sat down & Miranda(their waitress)went over and took their drink order...she brought them thier drinks and told them she would be with them in a moment...she went & took the tables that got there before them orders...well they got pissy and left,but they decided to take the cups with wouldn't have been so bad if the cups were to go cups,but they were the coca cola brand cups that we serve drinks for dinning in and on top of that they didn't even pay for their drinks...well a nice customer went out and got their tag number + the make and model of the car they were driving and came in and told Tom(boss),so Tom called the police...he said he wouldn't press charges if they returned the cups and payed for their drinks,well they got mommy dearst to get them out of trouble...needless to say we didn't get our cups or the money for the drinks...*grumbles*....little piss ant brats...I also watched the news today & the thing about the virgina tech shooting made me can someone just go in to college and just start shooting people?? I'll never understand the things that goes on in peoples heads...33 people died(gunman included)for what??well time to change topics...I don't have to work all day today..I only have to work lunch shift...after I get off I come home take a shower and than take Ed to work...after I drop Ed off I'm going over to my buddy Derricks house...him & julie(my 2 best friends in the whole wide world)are moving to Idaho,sometime next month so I want get to see them for a while,so I'm trying to spend as much time with them as I can...I went shopping sunday...I bought black cat volume 3(dvd),mouse the complete collection(dvd) and 5 manga...I bought fruits basket volumes 11 & 12(manga)black cat volume 7(manga),absolute boyfriend volume 3(manga) and last but not least Tsubasa chronicles the omnibus editon which is basiccly the first 3 volumes all together...oh and I have seen sukisyo(I have the first 5 episodes on dvd)Elves..I like that series...Ed hates it though...I'll check out the other 2 sometime...well I'm off take care and have fun!!later!!^_^ |
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hello,how is everyone?? Me,well I'm sleepy at the moment...I got off work at 11:00pm and than went to walmart & than came home got a shower and ate some left over I typing away while Ed watches the grim adventures of billy & mandy...I think after I get through posting I'll go lay down and watch chobits until I fall asleep...I don't have to work today(I say today,because its after midnight)so I can sleep in if I wish...I plan on doing laundry and playing some resident evil 2...I have to take Ed to work later on in the day..after I drop him off I'm going to go visit with my buds & than I shall come home and watch naruto & all the other animes I watch saturday night...Itachi has finally made his debut in naruto...yay...I like Itachi...another anime I've gotten into is prince of tennis...I bought gravitation on ebay the other day...I watched the first 6 episodes of it and loved it so I bought it...I think my day is pretty much set...well I'M off I have a kitty attacking my keyboard...he's sooooooo cute...well take care my friends!!later!!HUGS!!^__^ |
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
~*I'm Back & Here To Stay*~
Hello,how has everyone been?? Me,I've been doing good...I finally got I'll probally be on the otaku more now...I decided to change my theme to one of my new fav animes black cat...I like the way it turned out...I haven't really done anything exciting during my abscence..I've mainly just worked and hung out around the house..I've been hanging with my buddies alot too...I got a new kitty...I named him Leki...he's soooooooo cute...he runs around the house and knaws on my ankles...Í think I'll keep this short,but except to see me around more often now that I have internet...well I'm off to watch chobits...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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