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Sunday, February 4, 2007
~*Hello,is anybody out there??*~
Hello,how has everyone been?? Me,I've been doing it took me forever just to type the html code,cause I haven't been here in so's starting to come back though...I still have no internet....I bet many of you are wondering how I'm updating if I have no internet,well I have a wireless internet card and my parents have wireless internet so when I'm over visiting with my folks I can go's good to be back...I still won't be updating all the time,because I don't have internet,but when I finally get internet capabilties I will update more to what I've been doing in my absence I've been playing around on photoshop,reading,watching anime and working my butt off....speaking of work I got a been going good,all the pervs no longer work there but,theres this new guy who just gets on my nerves...he's soooooooo annoying...he gets on everybodys nerves so,I'm not alone in disliking him.....they call him elmur fudd(yes as in looney tunes)...he's always slacking off and to make things worse I can't finish my job until he's through with his dishes and he takes his sweet time doing them but hopefully I solved tis problem...I had a talk with my boss and he talked with him so hopefully things are straightened other news,my B-day is this coming thursday...I'll be 23 years old...Ed's taking me B-day shopping after my B-day so I can pick out my present...I have an idea of what I'm going to get...I should considering I get to pick it mom went ahead and showed me one of my presents and I must say I love it...what is it you ask?? it's a purse,but not just any purse,it's yuki in zodiac form...yes my mom got me a purse of yuki in zodiac's soooooooooooo cute.....well aside from that not much is going on...I didn't really do much...I played some N64 with Ed...I kicked his butt at diddy kong racing...I love that game...after that me and mom took Ed & my bro to work and than went & ate....we ate mexican was tasty...after we ate,we walked over to a store and did a little shopping,than we went to my moms house and I watched naruto and than we went and picked my bro & Ed up,than we came back and I watched trinity blood & bleach and now I'm updating...well thats pretty much how my day went so I will retire for the night...I hope everyone is doing well...take care and have fun!!HUGS!!LATER!!^_^
PS I will update ever so often and visit sites when I'm able....I'll update more I have internet...well Take care!!^_~ | |
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
~*I'm moving*~
*shouts at top of lungs* have all of you been...I know I said I was going to update more often,but things got busy again...let's see I got a second job & I'm in the process of & Ed finally got an I'm moving and working at two different places....I haven't had time for anything lately,but things seem to be calming down and I will try my best to post as often as I can...if I don't post I will visit sites...I may not make it to everyone in one sitting,but I'll try my I'll at least visit everyone when I have time and update when I can...I'm sorry for my abscence,but I'll try my best to make it up to everyone...I made some wallpapers I'll be adding them to my portfolio soon,so keep an eye out and let me know what you think....again I apologize for my neglagence,but I'm only human...I can't be everywhere at what has everyone been up to lately?? me well,I've been working,playing on photoshop and now I'm moving...I have some stories to share with all of you,but I'll save that for another and Ed are watching the street fighter anime and he's going to rub my feet...a foot rub will be wonderful...I'm looking forward to having my footies rubbed...I'll visit some sites later on,I'm going to be taking some things to our new apartment before I have to go to work....I only have to work at beef o bradeys so today will be less stessful...well I guess I'm off....take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
PS sorry if I don't make it to your site,but like I said I'm going to be moving things back & forth to my apartment and I also have to work,but I'll do my best!!HUGS!!^__^ |
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
~*Lappy is down*~
Hello,how is everyone doing??me,I'm doing just fine...I didn't really do much today...I watched some of my anime that I got in the mail...I got season 3 & 5 of ranma 1/2 in the mail today and I should be getting season 2 shortly...I only have 2 more seasons of ranma left to get...season 4 & 7,plus the ova's and than I'll have all of ranma 1/2....yippee...I had to go into work early...on wednesday's we have a party of at least 20 come in...they come in every wednesday & put a dent in the wine supply..every wine glass was dirty...I swear everyone was drinking wine or beer and they just kept ordering more...oh well,nothing I can do...other than that it was a slow night...I was bored whats everyone been up too??I didn't update yesterday because when I turned on lappy the infamous blue screen of death appeared...*sigh* of all the times for lappy to get ill or whatever you want to call it....*shakes fist* damn you evil blue screen of death...I'm currently using my parents computer...hopefully lappy will be fixed other news I've been looking for a place to & Ed don't live together...I live with my parents & he lives with his friends...were trying to find a place,but it's difficult to find a place in our price range where we can keep our kitty...I'm not going anywhere without my fatty...hopefully we'll find a place...I'm calling about some places later on today before I have to go to work....hopefully work will go well tonight and hopefully I won't get off to late...well I'm off take care and have fun!!later!! *HUGS* ^__^
PS I'll do my best to visit everyone before I go to work and after I get home if it's not to late!!^_^ |
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
~*I'm still here*~
HELLO...first off I'm sorry for my neglagence...I'm back and it's been a while since I've been on the otaku...I've missed all of you....*HUGS* has been hectic and I'm lucky if I get to use the computer...things are getting back to normal and I shall be updating more often...I apologize for being neglagent and not paying much attention to the's nice to be back and I'll do my best to visit you all was slow tonight,but I didn't get off till almost 11pm...I had to take one of my co-workers home and than I came home got a shower and ate some frys...saturday was busy to say the least...there was a paper view football game and we were packed...we had people standing outside waiting for tables and people calling to ask for the score of the game...feh,as if I knew that...I didn't have time to stand in one spot let alone watch a football fans can get pretty crazy...this one lady literally jumped out of her seat and elbowed me in my tummy....she was built like linebacker thats for sure and I wasn't feeling to peachy that night and than I was behind the bar washing glasses and some guy grabs me and just starts shaking me while screaming BOO YAH at the top of his lungs..I wanted to beat him upside with the beer mug that I had in my hand,but I refrained from doing so...I was glad when the night was over and I got to go home...other than the madness at work nothing much has happened...I caught up on some of my reading...I'm currently reading black cat,dears,absolute boyfriend,friuts basket and other things....I also watched the first episode of bleach on staurday and I loved it...I also liked blood I enjoyed watching tv saturday....I've been watching tv and reading alot lately...I need to get out least thats what my friends say...I think I might go and visit Derrick & Julie today...I haven't seen them in a while...I'm off today so I'm going to enjoy I said before I shall try my best to visit all of you...I've missed you all...*HUGS*...yes I know I'm being quite the affectionate today,but hey it seems like an eternity since I've been here...well I'm off...I don't want to make this to long...I hope all of you have been doing well...I have,a little stressed at times but other than that I've been just dandy...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
~*I'm still kicking*~
Hello,how is everyone??me well I'm still alive thats all that start things off sorry for my absence...I was busy and everytime I got home someone was using the computer and by the time they were through I was I didn't update for a whats everyone been up to in my absence??I hope everyone has been doing well....I have a story to share that made me bust out into insane laughter....the other day(friday I believe)after I got off work I went to the gas station to get gas(I didn't feel like pushing my car home)...I went inside to pay for my gas and this guy nodded at me...I didn't pay him any attention...I went out and proceeded to pump fuel into my car...the guy walks up to me and says how does a guy like me get to know a girl like you better??I laughed and said sorry I'm taken and he was like that doesn't matter,what do you think he does when he sees a girl he finds attractive??I just looked at him and said you don't even know how old I am I can be a highscool student...he snickered and said no your older than you look...he than said how old do you think I am??I was like I don't know...he was like I'll give you 50 dollars if you can guess my age...I was like how do I know your not lying about your age...he pulled put his wallet and said I'll show you my id if you guess right and than he pulled out 50 dollars...I was like what the ____.....he said go on take a guess I said 26...he was like oh sorry sweetie I'm 27...than he asked me if I had any kids...I was like no and said so your telling me a young gorgeous girl like you ain't gonna give me your number..I simply sad nope and got in my car and drove off...I busted out into laughter...I think he was drunk...he slurred when he spoke and he was a little wobbly....I found it funny because when I was single I never got hit on by guys and now that I'm taken they just keep coming...I'm not use to that much attention from the opposite sex..I've only been in 3 relationships my entire life and Ed has been the only serious one....I just find it strange that men never pursued me while I was single and now they seem to come from every direction...does anyone else find this strange??aside from mister 50 dollars my life has be well let's just say uneventful...I've been playing naruto ultimate ninja a lot and let's just say I've gotten really good at it...Ed got mad because I kicked his butt the other day and he kept wanting to other news my brother got a job up there where I work...I finished training him last night....oh and my sis is moving to oregon...I believe she said they were moving in january...I'll miss her,but it's what she wants to do and besides now I'll have a reason to go to oregon...I have to work tonight but I'll do my best to visit everyone??well,I'm off...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
~*baskets + headache = hell*~
Hello,how is everyone...Me I'm good...I didn't really do much...I played naruto ultimate ninja until I had to be to work....I also visited sites...than I went to was hell to say the least...when I got there a party of 25 was there...I swear it was maddness shear madness...I had a headache and being around all those people,well let's just say it didn't help....I had no time to do any of my sidework....I was to busy running around doing things for everyone...I swear everytime I turned around someone was like Cathy I neeed this,Cathy I need that....gah,I was ready to crawl into the nearest corner and hide until the end of my shift...after we finally slowed down...I proceeded to do my sidework..I had soooooooo much sidework that again I just wanted to hide in the nearest corner...every single basket in the resturaunt was dirty and all the salad bowls were dirty among other things...there was dirty glasses and beer mugs everywhere...I've never seen soooooooooooooo many dirty dishes in my seemed to take forever to do...I finally finished all my work and than I clocked out and went to taco hell(thats me & my friends nickname for taco bell) and got a was tasty.....after I ate I got a shower and played some more naruto....I'm trying to get all the characters unlocked....I only have 5 left to unlock...I have to work today,I'll do my best to visit everyone before I have to go to work...well,I'm off take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
~*video games for me*~
Hello,how is everyone?? Me,well I'm doing great....I had a good day...I hung out over at Derricks for a couple of hours and than me,Ed and my little brother went and ate was tasty....after we ate we went over to the video game store and browsed around...I ended up buying the lion king for snes and Ed bought naruto ultimate ninja...we played naruto when we got to his apartment....I kicked butt at that far sasuke is my best chracter,but I switch to other is fun to mix things up....I shall be playing some more naruto today thats for sure...I want to get some more chracters....I have to work today,but I don't have to be there until 5:30(pm)so I have plenty of time to do I will probally play video games until I have to be to work....doesn't that sound fun?? my little brother gets to work with me saturday...I'll be training him....*rubs hands togther*....that shall be fun...I told him that he was going to work his butt off and he said yes mam....haha,as you can tell I'm going to enjoy this....the opprotunity to order my brother around and he can't do a single thing about it....that was pretty much my day....something else I wanted to tell everyone is that Ed has an otaku's a link to his site stealth-ninja theres the link so drop by if you wish...he doesn't update often because he thinks that his speeling and punctuation is bad....I told him that no one would care....I'm right aren't I?? I also made some buttons...what do you think?? you'll see them underneath the p-chan fan club banner....I also made some buttons for Ed..he liked them,but he hasn't put them up yet....well I guess I'll keep this short...I'm getting sleepy anyways...I shall try to visit as many of you as I can....well,I'm off....take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^__^
PS Ed is complaining because he doesn't think that I have mentioned that he's my hubby....I have on several occasions...haven't I?? well he just wanted me to mention fact he's standing over my shoulder watching me type...he's a lovable guy...he's like a puppy needs love and attention every 5 seconds....a cute fluffy puppy that he is or a teddy bear(according to him)...I've nicknamed him speedy because he reminds me of speedy gonzales from looney tunes...well thats truly all I have to say....the only thing I have to say is I LOVE YA ED!!^_~ |
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Hello,how is everyone?? Me,well I'm doing just fine....let's see I didn't update yesterday because I was watching anime and when it went over I was sleepy and lazy so I didn't update.....I'm updating now...let's see I didn't do much I watched anime,fed my sisters cat and watered her snakes(yes,watered the snakes)....after watering and feeding my sisters animals I went to wal-mart and browsed the deli...I got lunch and went home and watched anime...I than got ready for work and visited with my family for a bit...they got back today...they enjoyed themselves...I didn't really get to talk to them much because I had to be to was wasn't busy,so I wasn't there all night....after work I went to mc donalds and got my dinner...I came home and ate and than I got a shower...I watched back to the future until my mom got done with the computer and now I'm updating....let's see since my day was well uneventful I shall tell you about my sort of eventful weekend!!^_^
well,I went shopping and bought some goodies...I bought some anime....the animes I bought were Jing: king of the bandits,volume 2 of kyo kara maoh..Ed bought some anime too,he bought volume 8 of tenjho tenge & volume 1 of samurai champloo...I also bought two mangas..volume 9 of fuits basket and volume 2 of absolute boyfriend and the last thing I bought was a new purse...I than went up to work and looked at my schedule...I talked to my boss a bit and I quite possibly got my little brother job....he has an interview tonight around 8:30...he's excited and I hope he gets the job...well thats it for my sunday now let's move on to saturday!!^__^
well saturday I didn't really do anything except work my butt off...I went to my sisters hpuse fed her cat and watered her snakes(yes,I know thats weird,but I'm serious).....well work was hell that night I ended up geting into a verbal confrotation with one of the cooks....yes,he made so mad that I ended up cursing his sorry behind out....I was washing dishes amd up there at work we have a 3 compartment sink....I'm sure the majority of you know how a 3 compartment sink works so I want f=go into detail about the sink....anyways,I was washing my dishes and I had a lot of dishes and I mean a was already a few after 11pm and I still had those dishes to do...well i was doing my dishes and he just keeps throwing his dishes in my water...well I moved them out of my water and proceeded to do my dishes and he had the nerve to say well you shouldn't comeback here and takeover the sink...what the hell,where else am I suppose to wash them??he didn't even have that many dishes...his problem is that he's lazy and wants everyone to do everything for him...well after him giving me attitude I proceeded to give him attitude back only I wasn't too nice...I hardly ever curse,but that night I did and I showed him no mercy...I'm usually a sweet and lovable gal,but he just gets on my nerves...I've never met a more irrtating man...he thinks he knows everything and that he's god's gift to women(yeah right >_<)...feh,he's a complete jack ass...well enough ranting about my saturday,back to reality!!
today I'm going to hang out with Derrick...I'm bringing the playstation amd clock tower...clock tower is a survival horror's a good one to at least in my opinion and Derrick wanted to play it so me and him are going to play it today.....I also have to take my brother up to my work and let him talk to my boss and see if he gets the job...I might also watch some anime or read a manga....well I'm sure this post is long enough so I'll go ahead and wrap things up...take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^ |
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Friday, August 11, 2006
~*damn thy evil baskets*~
Hello,how is everyone doing?? Me,I'm good...I just got through eating and helping my mom put a pic on her message board....let's see I didn't much...I went and had lunch with Ed,I entered one of my wallpapers in a wallpaper contest....wish it luck....I uploaded it in my portfolio if you would like to see it...I like how it turned out...after lunch I took Ed home and than I went to was fun except for those evil baskets...I have to wipe baskets out and I had a bunch to wipe...I tought I was going to be there for an eternity wiping baskets....after I wipe them I have to line took forever....I bet Elve's would have loved to have been at my work today...why you ask...a guy came in and ordered take out and he looked exactly like Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club...He was gorgeous...I mean he looked just like Tamaki...body build,face,exactly like him from head to toe....all he needed was the Ouran High uniform and lavendar eyes and you'd think Tamaki just popped out of Elve's bg...he kept staring at me,but I didn't mind....yes,I got to see a Tamaki clone at work tonight and it was splended...^__^...he comes in quite often and orders out and he can't be much older than me...I'm taken,but maybe I should send him Elve's way..I'm sure she wouldn't mind...well in other news I've decided not to go to the concert with my friends and family...they're leaving saturday morning and I have to work saturday night,so I'm going to stay home...I look at this way I will have the house to myself the whole weekend...yes,I will have some alone time...I can catch up on my reading and finish resident evil code yeah,I'm not friends may be a little saddened by my decision,but they'll get over it...I'm not much for crowds I need to work...I don't want to call out..maybe I'll go with them next time and I'll make sure I don't have to work....well,I guees I'm off take care and have fun!!later!!HUGS!!^_^
Ps for those who don't know what Tamaki looks like there will be a pic after my post so give it a look see....I swear that guy was soooooooooooooooooo gorgeous...I only wish Elve's colud have seen him...hell she probally would have wrapped him up to go!!^__^ |

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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Hello,how is everyone??me,I'm still was soon as I got there the waitress was like I need this,that and the other...I'm like give me a chance to clock in will ya??so I clock in and than I'm off...I swear it was like running a marathon,except with food....yes,I'm a pretty swift gal at work...I do it all from bussing tables,to taking drink orders and taking food....I even get the glory of wipeing out baskets and doing the dishes...I got to play behind the bar alot at work tonight which was fun...I poured soooooooooooo many glasses of wine and got soooooooooo many beers....I think all the alcoholics of Fernandina came to beef o brady's tonight...I swear and the worst part is when they hit on guy even tried to slip his number in my pocket...yeah try that again and I'll smack you with a pitcher is what I went well though...I was fixing a cup of soup for a table and I told my boss this looks like something they wouls serve in prison...he laughed and said un huh and how would you know?? I was Tom(boss) I've never been to prison...what would I be in prison for?? he was like because your so nice...I laughed and Mike(co-worker)said yeah being cute isn't a felony...Mike is soooooo much fun to work with.....well enough about work on to a new mom just walked in and handed me a tiny bag of choclate drizzle indulgent snack's quite tasty...well enough about the snack is tasty though....well my friend Derrick and julie are plotting on kidnapping me...thats how much they want me to I guess I shall go....Derrick said he wouldn't let anyone kidnap me(does anyone else see the irony in this??)....speaking of kidnapping,I had this wack dream...I was driving and I saw this hot guy and I do mean hot standing on the side of the road...I didn't stop,but I looked at him and he walked out into the road and watched me drive off...well I get home and go into my room and proceed to change clothes...I hear something in my closet,so I open my closet door and the hot guy from the side of the road is in my closet...I scream and he lunges forward and covers my mouth...he tells me to be quiet and about that time my mom comes in there and trys to help,but he knocks her out cold...I try to run,but he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder and takes me away...he takes me to some kind of warehouse or something and walks towards me grabs me and than I wake up...I haven't had continuation of this dream yet...I wonder what he wanted with me?? yes,that has to be the starngest dream that I ever had...I have no idea what it could mean...anyone have any ideas....hey the guy was hot and he didn't hurt me,but it was still strange none the less...I shall have to check me closet from now on...I was thinking about myspace and I agree with LS it's a bit overrated if you ask me,but thats my opinion on it...well I have nothing else to talk about so I guess I'm off take care and have fun!!HUGS!!later!!^_^
Ps my kitty is rolled over on her back sleeping...what makes this funny is shes snoring!!^__^ |
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