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iLLiNOIS, u.s.a
Member Since
Real Name
umm... winning a lot of art contests at school?
Anime Fan Since
hmm.... since i was 5 or 6 yrs old... Sailor Moon and Speed Racer were my first animes!
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Jubei Chan 1 &2, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, One Piece, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho (order does matter)
To become some sort of Comic artist or something else... maybe a pediatritian
Drawing, Guitar, volleyball, basketball, tennis, football, track and field, web designing, listening to music, reading manga
Running, um... Drawing? umm i don't know, there's so many people who can do much better than me so i don't know if its a talent...
| p a r a n o i a
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Monday, May 16, 2005
new fanart
i got a bunch of new fanart of bleach!! please check it out!!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Wow, i got two new fanarts in ONE day!! Never did that before...infact i think the Hisagi 69 one took me only an hour or so. Check em out and vote please!
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New Fanart!
yay! i added a new fanart of Hitsugaya Toushiro! its like my best yet! please check it out
I was thinking of drawing either Soi Fong or Hisagi Shuuhei next...hmm don't know.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
My Forum!
Alright, somehow i've been able to get onto my site more than twice this week! I also have this forum i want a bunch of people to join! It's my Aikou Anime Forum that was associated with my website ( which is now no longer active cuz i can't update it anymore cuz my host's server broke down.
But, my forum is up and running and very active. it would nice if i could get as many anime lovers to join and express themselves!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
eek, sorry
Hey my fellow Otaku friends! sorry if i haven't been visiting your sites in a while and leaving a bunch of comments >.<" Its just that 8th grade is dumping all this crap on me! I can't see how i'll survive in highschool! I haven't been drawing much either... wahhh! i want summer break!
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Friday, April 29, 2005
oh my, oh my
Well hello all! i haven't logged on in well...lets see... a week! School is literally killing me! Track and field too... as well as other extra curricular stuff i'm in...*sigh* i worship weekends so much! i must nto take them for granted! Hehe anywho, enough with the cheesiness. I got straight A's!!! on my midterm!
Algebra 1--A
Social Studies--A
Tech Class--A+
Yay! me happy! Plus our relay got 3 seconds faster( 4x2 ) thats a lot even though it don't seem like it! TRUST me it's a lot of improvement! We're so proud! Oh and I love Bleach XD ( i'm gonna mention that in like all my entries lol)
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Friday, April 22, 2005
i love... bleach!!!
OMIGAWD!! i love bleach! did i ever mention that? i guess not. but i just love ichigo's hair cuz...well.. its ORANGE lol. but then again Taksuki is my fav! I bought 6 volumes in english at borders cuz they were on sale, by two get one free lol. so i bought all the ones that came out. vol. 7 doesn't come out til june so i'm sad and waiting... i think i like bleach more than naruto... not sure.

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Saturday, April 16, 2005
about me~
All About You!! | Created by xxunloved248 and taken 7227 times on bzoink! | The Basics | Name? | michelle | Sex? | female | Birthday? | april 11, 1991 | Location? | illinois | Height? | 5"7 or somthing | Weight? | 130 | Hair Color? | brown | Eye Color? | brown | Social Life | Who is your best friend(s)? | hmm i have A LOT! Oksana, Lauren, Danielle, Chrissie, Maritza, Matt, Joey oo and soo many more | Would you rather be alone, hangout with one other person, or in a group? | Well, i like to be a loner as so my friends say, but a group would be fun | What would you consider a typical Friday nite? | maybe a movie night with my friends or just staying home with family | How often do you go out on the weekend? during the week? | well maybe once or nothing during the week. nothing much on weekends | Would you rather spend the day with your family or friends? | hmm family? its not everyday i get to | Love Life | Are you single? | yes | If so, do u have a crush? | yes | What is his/her name? | David... | If not, what is his/her name? | | How long have you two been together? | | This or That | Night or Day? | day | Cat or Dog? | dog | Ugly and Sweet or Hott and Mean? | ugly and sweet | Hot or Cold? | cold | Tall or Short? | tall | Prep of Punk? | punk | Winter or Summer? | summer | McDonalds or Burgerking? | burger king | Hard or Soft? | uh, soft? | Yes or No? | Do you drink? | no no no | Have you ever gotten drunk? | no no no | Do you smoke? | no!!!!!!!!!! | Have you ever gotten high? | nope!!! | Are you prude? | well i am 14 so yea i am | Are you a virgin? | yes | Are you smart? | don't know, yes i guess | Are you ugly? | umm, not really | Are you pretty? | i don't know, people say i am, but who knows if they're telling the truth | Are you trustworthy? | yes | Random | How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? | 2 and i don't know y i am even having bf's now... no more for me til college! lol | How many pairs of shoes do you have that actually fit? | like 5 | What size bra do you wear? | hahah wtf!? not saying | Have you ever colored your hair? | no i like my hair just the way it is | What pieces of jewlery do you wear everyday? | i wear a watch and rubberbands/scrunchies around my wrist | Do you have a cell phone? | yes | Name three things you "can't live without" | paper, pencil, my family/friends<-- that can count as one lol | Who do you talk to the most on aim? phone? | um, my friend Nicole and for phone my friend Lauren | What color(s) is your room? | peachish | Do you have a computer in your room? | No | What time do you usually go to bed? wake up? | i go to bed at around 11pm and wake up at 6:30am for school and maybe 10 am on weekends | What's your favorite clothes store? | Kohls when i'm saving money and American Eagle is cool but expensive | Do you wear makeup? | I wear lipstick lol and some foundation | Do you paint your nails? | i don't see the point, i'm always doing sports, they'll just break | What size shoe are you? | hmm 9? | Did you like this quiz/survey? | yes it was cool | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
i just took that for fun... did ya'all learn something about me? these surveys are fun! i found them thanks to yahiko357's randomness filled quiz... it's soo fun to do quizzes and surveys when you're bored!
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Friday, April 15, 2005
I feel happy!
Today was our first track meet. i think i did ok in discus and shotput. 100m was ok for me, i got 2nd outta 6 sprinters... the first place person(one of my buddies) is soo fricken fast lol. she's like faster than i'll ever be. after all, she's one of the top runners hehe. in our relay, i was the anchor or the last person to recieve the baton and cross the finish line but one of my teammates dropped the baton. our time was kinda bad cuz of that but i think it was ok cuz it was only our first meet. My teammate kept saying sorry to me and freaking out like it was her fault. just to let you know it wasn't!!! i tried to tell her it was ok and not to think about it but ahhh she wouldn't stop worrying. she such a sweet person and wouldn't stop thinkin bout it... anyway... that was my main, fun part of the day. the rest was eh... ok. i'm tired now..
I finished a new fanart of a couple. i think it looks purty!
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
nothin can describe the weirdness of my life
Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
oooo i was expecting that lol. i'm like half and half. i totally love sports and playin rough and tough but then i'm like a girly girl with cute fuzzy things and stuff lol.
anyway... hows everyone? i'm doing a lil better even tho this week kinda sucked but, i'm better now... well except one of my friends was in the hospital because she was feeling really sick with a fever... i hope she get's better!
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