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Gardnerville AND Reno, Nevada (yeah, both)
Member Since
I'm currently a slave to like 3 different people. ^^ Me, a masochist? Never,
Real Name
They tell me it's Bonnie, but I beg to differ. Everyone calls me by my last name anyway.
I got Alicia to admit Gackt was tasty. Yaaay.
Anime Fan Since
I think Cardcaptors was the first series I saw, but the one that got me hooked was Digimon.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Loveless, Chobits, Cardcaptor Sakura, Last Exile, .hack//sign and dusk, X, Azumanga Daioh, Angelic Layer, Weiss Kreuz, Legal Drug, DNAngel, Excel Saga, Fake, Pita-Ten... lately I like some stuff on the Saturday lineup thanks to Tonya.
Crap, my deadline's tomorrow... *glares at Tonya*
Sleeping, writing, sleeping, pretending to write while in truth playing minesweeper, staring at the ceiling with my iPod battery hazardously low, travelling, avoiding motivation.
Corrupting the hell out of friends.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, June 2, 2007

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Day Three was completely uneventful.
I drove around the fairgrounds today and I'm getting really good at this whole driving business. I can ALMOST park in a valid parking space now. I'm proud.
Also, I became a moderator at this HP forum. I run the new fanfiction and fanart sections there. It's pretty neat.
Other than that, the day has been a big blur of lethargy. So nice to have a day in which nothing happens.
But on the other hand, I miss her.... |
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Friday, June 1, 2007

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Okay, day two. My toilet's still broken, I didn't have coffee again, I had to watch Bryce spear Pastrami the fetal pig in the heart, I tryed electric-taping my headphones but now they just rumble annoyingly whenever I use them, I totally screwed up my speech because my head wasn't in the game, I still need to burn off that pound, my grades are slipping, I didn't get the only thing I had to look forward to all day, and we're still. Not. Talking.
Pile on top of that a moderate anxiety attack, complete with a dizzy spell, throbbing headache, and slight feeling of nausea. Oh, and trying to keep tears back all day. My brain basically short-circuted. This is probably what hell feels like, and I can't believe that I'm going through this shit again.
And thanks to all my friends for being so patient with emo little me. I'm trying to keep happy for more than three days in a row and then shit like this comes rolling through and it all starts over again. I know it must be frustrating for you guys to deal with me, but it's even more frustrating for me. |
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Thursday, May 31, 2007

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Today sucked.
My headphones broke. I didn't have coffee. My toilet broke. We had to dissect a pig and I named it Pastrami. I gained a pound. I'm not in the mood for my competency in Speech class (which I'm doing on the topic of Dir en grey, by the way). And Tonya and I aren't talking.
Hey, if you're reading this, are we going to be adults and talk about this sometime soon? This is completely idiotic.
And thank you for that bit of...trivia, Le-kun. o_O |
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

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Summary of my day:
Drama! At the Fine Arts Fair.
What. A day. I'm beyond fury at this point.
Hey, Tonya? Little piece of advice for you. If you're trying to win back any of my respect, DON'T send your little monkeys to do it for you. Grow some balls and do it yourself.
I'm going to bed... |
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

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Today's Update:
Hello world. How are YOU today?
Ummm... think that's all I needed to say... >.> So... bye...
....I LOVE LIFE! |
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Monday, May 28, 2007

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Well... due to a very unexpected turn of events, I have turned a full 180 degrees from the crappy mood I was in last post.
Things are...good. ^_^ I'm really happy.
Do I have anything else worth posting about? No? Well then, I should be going... I'm making sushi. =D |
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Friday, May 25, 2007

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Sooooo... I had a thoroughly miserable week. How are you?
(Translation: Beware, severe angsting ahead.)
*Shrug* Yeah, pretty much just pure angst. But I've been happy for a while, I was about due for a good breakdown. It was kinda creeping me out that I've been this happy for this long. Very unlike me.
So my mood lately... impatience on top of insecurity piled on top of frustration. Add a dash of envy and maybe even some loneliness buried somewhere in there, and it was a long day.
I dunno. I'm just running a little low on the things I depend on to keep me running. I'm sure I'll swing back. I always do. But something's really giving me the uneasy feeling that everything's going to change soon. Ah, just when I was getting comfortable, too. Is it any wonder?
Okay, I think I'm going to get around to returning the last month's worth of guestbook signs. And I realize this is the first post I've made in a while and lo and behold it's a ton of nothing, so I'll try and make it at least somewhat substantial....
Snape is a very bad man, The Fray is a killer band, Blake should have won, and there's this much time until we get to go see Dir en grey:
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Monday, May 14, 2007

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Dir en grey... they're... THEY'RE IN RENO ON JULY 5. Me and Tonya... we are so there.... oh my effing god... HOLY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD *dies*
This crap doesn't happen on our side of the universe! Ever! I am stoked. Holy lord. Holllllllliest mother of Buddha. Okay. I'm done fangirling now. Yeah.
*giggles into hand* |
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

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...*stares at Tonya's avatar for about 46 hours straight* yes, ladies and gentlemen, these are the kind of people I associate myself with... well, more accurately, this is what I turn people I associate with into. I AM DOCTOR FRONKENSTEEN! (Sorry. Young Frankenstein is the pwn-est movie ever.)
So, sorry about that last post (or lack thereof). After thinking about it, it's better to have a sneaking suspicion come true than have something come out of nowhere and startle the crap out of you.
Hmmmmmmmm... I want a new layout again... I just never find time to get to one... but, bets are now open for what my next HTML expedition will entail.
So what else is news with me? Hmmmmmmm, I forget. Well, there was that last night, for the first time in probably a year or more, I couldn't for the life of me fall asleep. I felt all twitchy and my eyes wouldn't stay shut but when I opened them they wanted to close and it was frust-rating!
I feel like there was some homework I was supposed to get done this weekend... I just can't seem to 'member.
I think that's all... mm-hm...
Oh, I know, a random question seems in order. If you could show a non-otaku just one single series to prove to them how amazingly fantastic anime is, which series would you use? |
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Friday, May 11, 2007
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You know that feeling you get when your worst fears and suspicions have been confirmed?
Yeeeeeeah, I hate it. *shrug-ness* |
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