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Gardnerville AND Reno, Nevada (yeah, both)
Member Since
I'm currently a slave to like 3 different people. ^^ Me, a masochist? Never,
Real Name
They tell me it's Bonnie, but I beg to differ. Everyone calls me by my last name anyway.
I got Alicia to admit Gackt was tasty. Yaaay.
Anime Fan Since
I think Cardcaptors was the first series I saw, but the one that got me hooked was Digimon.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Loveless, Chobits, Cardcaptor Sakura, Last Exile, .hack//sign and dusk, X, Azumanga Daioh, Angelic Layer, Weiss Kreuz, Legal Drug, DNAngel, Excel Saga, Fake, Pita-Ten... lately I like some stuff on the Saturday lineup thanks to Tonya.
Crap, my deadline's tomorrow... *glares at Tonya*
Sleeping, writing, sleeping, pretending to write while in truth playing minesweeper, staring at the ceiling with my iPod battery hazardously low, travelling, avoiding motivation.
Corrupting the hell out of friends.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, December 31, 2005

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Well, that's just peachy. Now two of my real-life friends have MyO accounts. Great. Meaning I can't angst about all my personal shit anymore- sorry, you two, but there are things about me you've never known.
Great. That means I'm back to square one, keeping all this crap inside... I think I'm just going to explode one of these days from the pressure. Like a water balloon. Only way less fun. Hm, that'll be my new motto: "My life is a water balloon filled with tears." How appropriate. Jeez... what the hell am I supposed to do? I always feel so trapped. |
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Friday, December 30, 2005
My new avatar: priceless

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ADORE MY NEW AVATAR! XD it's great... |
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Back from the dead! Woo! God, it's been so long I think I forgot how to type! OH NOS! So let me fill you in on what I did all week...
So, the day before the day before Christmas I went to the mall and sat on Santa's lap, Shuichi style. IT WAS SO FUN! I told him I wanted a Kumagoro... I WANNA KUMAGORO!!
And so the next day was Christmas eve except we had our Christmas a day early for some odd reason and I got a cell phone and 300 bucks but I only have 120 left cause I spent it all on anime... so it was pretty sweet...
And then the next day was officially Christmas and nothing was open so we just rented March of the Penguins... that movie owned. Oh, and I also cried through Christmas... that makes 3 in a row! New record! Manic depression is fun...
The rest of the week was boring cause my dad was at work so I just played Need for Speed: Most Wanted all week. That game. Is so. Easy.
Then I got home and had Christmas AGAIN, with my mom, I got a totally sweet MP3 player- it's a MobiBLU cube thingy, the world's smallest fully functional blah blah blah in the world. And what else... I got a sweatshirt, and all the Harry Potter movies, and I think that's it... so it was cool...
But now I'm way busy. Break's almost over- already- and I have like 90 anime DVD's that I bought that I need to watch, plus I have to finish that stupid fic... god, POOR PITIFUL ME. xD |
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Happy Christmahanukwanzaakuh

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Tomorrow I'm going to my dad's place in Reno and I'll be there until about New Year's so I won't be able to talk to you guys until after Christmas! So Merry Christmas in advance!
I feel so empty... I won't be able to write or anything... sob! Whatever will I do? Speaking of which, GO READ CHAPTER 5! IT HAS RYU AND TOHMA IN IT! And sorry but I accidentally made Tohma the villain of this story... awww, we love you anyway Tohma! |
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I. Heart. Toast.
Toast is seriously my favorite food in the world... I even do my own sort of Toast Divination- if it's perfectly toasted with just the right amount of butter, you know it's going to be a good day. If you burn it... then you burn in hell. Yeah. That's my philosophy on life. Pathetic, no? |
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Monday, December 19, 2005
Read or Die... TEE HEE I MADE A PUN!

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Okay, maybe the reason I'm not eating is because writing's enough to satisfy me... YAY! CHAPTER FOURNESS! THOU MUST READ! (I'm too lazy to go get the link right now, just scroll down, you bum)
And thanks Tohma for your advice or whatever the hell that was, no need to get nervous okay? OKAY?? |
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New Avatar...

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Got a new avatar. So cute, huh? Plus it matches the rest of my Shuichi/Yuki theme... so cuddly! I'm gonna eat it! |
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Oh god... I think I'm going anorexic... I haven't eateen a single thing today and when I cooked a bowl of clam chowder and the moment I ate a spoonful I lost my appetite, and I felt kind of sick... I'm scared. What should I do? |
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Prettyful new layout
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It's all purple and pinkish... I'm not sure I like this layout but LOOK! Yuki and Shuichi making out!
Well, it's not working on my current resolution (800x600) but it should work on others... I'm trying to fix it so it works on mine but photobucket's being slightly retarded at the moment. It'll be fixed tomorrow... hooray, procrastination.
Oh and the new song is Predilection by Nittle Grasper (yes, that's Gravitation, for those of you who don't know). Not my favorite Gravi song, but it's soothing and matches the layout. |
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