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Gardnerville AND Reno, Nevada (yeah, both)
Member Since
I'm currently a slave to like 3 different people. ^^ Me, a masochist? Never,
Real Name
They tell me it's Bonnie, but I beg to differ. Everyone calls me by my last name anyway.
I got Alicia to admit Gackt was tasty. Yaaay.
Anime Fan Since
I think Cardcaptors was the first series I saw, but the one that got me hooked was Digimon.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Loveless, Chobits, Cardcaptor Sakura, Last Exile, .hack//sign and dusk, X, Azumanga Daioh, Angelic Layer, Weiss Kreuz, Legal Drug, DNAngel, Excel Saga, Fake, Pita-Ten... lately I like some stuff on the Saturday lineup thanks to Tonya.
Crap, my deadline's tomorrow... *glares at Tonya*
Sleeping, writing, sleeping, pretending to write while in truth playing minesweeper, staring at the ceiling with my iPod battery hazardously low, travelling, avoiding motivation.
Corrupting the hell out of friends.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

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I'm losing sleep and prostituting myself for mechanical pencil lead. I've got carpal tunnel in both wrists and my iPod hasn't been turned off in weeks.
Ladies and gentlemen, this can mean only one thing.
Ryu's gone back to her fanfiction writing ways. With a vengeance.
...yup. That's what I've been up to lately...
Further insights on my life:
-I got a black eye today by getting pegged in the face with a handball. That game is cruel and unusual, and getting pegged in the face and sharp glasses edges don't go together well.
-The-Other-Bryce allegedly has a girlfriend in Reno, but c'mon, who really believes him? He couldn't even look at me when he said it. I bugged him about liking some other chick on our bus to try and get it out of him.
-Sierra's mom won custody of her, so she's moving to Vegas, so I'll be seeing an awful lot more of her. Yaaaay.
-I befriended a Satanist? o_O
*shrug* That's life... this is Walgreens. XD I'ma go watch Moon Child on YouTube again... |
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

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It's A Small World? I take serious offense at that. I'm so short they probably wouldn't let me on the ride. That's right. I'm so small, I'm too small for a ride about smallness. ;-; (By the way, teh Bryceness is my hundredth guestbook sign. I think that merits an award. *surrenders the Sunny D*)
Ooooh, I just formulated an inside joke with a friend-of-a-friend. I feel like a cheater or something.
And today... oh, it's on now. The-Other-Bryce, on the bus... he interrupted me THREE TIMES while I was trying to listen to Shining Collection. Inexcusable transgressions! HIS ASS IS GRASS!
Chya-hyuk. We simple Nevada folk is as threatenin' as them big city hoodlums, yessiree. -.-; get me out of this place... please... |
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Monday, March 12, 2007

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Dude. I think I like this Bryce character. XD Plus, I have a clue what he's talking about... Paranoia Survivor MAX is a DDR song, and one I got an A on. Ha ha ha. I'm WINNING.
I would kill to spend a week in your guys's school. ._. *sets Nevada aflame*
Although, it wouldn't be difficult to set Nevada aflame today. Record high temperatures today-- 5 degrees higher than the previous record, and that was in like 1886. It got up to 80. I hate how unreliable the weather here is.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that on Friday... argh. My stalker (his name is also Bryce, actually) kept talking to me, and smiling at me... and in the 24 hours since he got transfered, everyone in the school got to assuming that we're an item. WAAAAH, I'M A PAIRING! Twice now this has happened. In the red corner, the challenger, Bryce, the mighty Jehovah's Witness and mama's boy extrordinaire. In the blue corner, the defender (exactly why he's there, I'll never know), Ben, the amazingly quick-witted primate from Taiwan who shall never reach archrival Ryu's intelligence and who was voted 'school's cutest couple' alongside Ryu, much to her dismay.
Eh, it's a lose-lose situation. But I'd like to see them tear each other limb from limb like a pair of gladiators anyway. It's FUN!, I've gotten rather sadistic lately, no? Wonder where I could have picked that particular habit from, don't you? *glare* |
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Sunday, March 11, 2007

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You guys never cease to amaze me... ._. why is it that I'm always the one that gets smacked? Am I an easy target? Or is it just because you know I'm too Ryu to do anything about it? Tonya's the same way. She beats me daily. o_o ...yet I keep coming back for more. Degradation (why couldn't I remember how to spell that?) is always fun.
I was hoping you guys would be on my side a little bit with the "holy shit, my friends are perverts" issue. But no. ;-; Yeah, I'm probably 46 times more messed up than them... but I don't advertise it. But they're just... out there with there perversions. I never thought I'd be the normal one in our group. The students have surpassed the master, it seems.
And speaking of my hentai little friends, me and Alicia went to Tonya's house on Friday. And both of them having come out of the perversion closet, it was a tad awkward. *sigh*
Well... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... |
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
Save a broom. Ride a Quidditch player

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Oh my god.
Ohhhh myyyy god.
All my friends have gone hentai on me.
....this has been the most revealing two days ever. ;-;
Let's not even get into it... just... the fanfiction, man, the fanfiction... *assumes fetal position*
*cough* Anywaaaaaaaaays. A guy who's been my friend since like fifth grade just transferred back to our school. I think he was hitting on me on the bus today. He asked, "do you have a boyfriend?" GOD, it's so awkward when I get asked that question! I just elusively go, "I'm not really interested in any of the guys here..." So then we get off the bus (he lives a block away) and he says, "You'll have to come over and tutor me sometime, Bonnie. I'm really far behind." AND THERE WAS NOTHING INNOCENT ABOUT THE WAY HE SAID IT. Icky icky ick, the guy I've thought of like my brother for four years is coming on to me... ._. what a tangled web we weave.
All around, a thoroughly AWKWARD day. *sigh* |
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Saturday, March 3, 2007

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To Le-chan: If you were gay, that'd be okay. I mean cause hey, WE LIKE YOU ANYWAY! ^_______^
So here's how the Tonya thing went down. I never called her (I had to cook dinner!) but the next day I saw her in the hall in the morning, and caught her eye, and it was like something in a movie. I just ran up and hugged her and said "I'm sorry," and she said "yeah, me too." she's really an incredible friend. We have this completely unspoken understanding of each other... nine times out of ten we have no need for words. It's just great having a friend like her. I'm so glad that went down well.
So, I just thought I'd update you all on that storyline, but I'd better get outta here. If I'm not at Alicia's in five minutes she's likely to fail Biology. o_O (we're trading homework answers for taquitos. Wheee!) |
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Thursday, March 1, 2007

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Attention world. I believe I may have single-handedly turned Lethean homosexual.
...TOLD YOU I have a knack for corrupting others!
Today was a strange day.
I woke up HAPPY. Inexplicably (well, there was an explanation but it really shouldn't have made me this happy) and irresistably HAPPY. I was just floaty, and so satisfied and everything... zoning out in the middle of class...
Needless to say, my friends were freaked out, being accustomed to my mood consisting of either a.) sarcastic hyperactivity or b.) depressed seclusion. Today I was just floaty. And they were just like... what the fuck?
In fact, Tonya and I had a rather amusing Gravi-ish conversation...
Me: *sparkles*
Tonya: *stares in confusion*
Me: Hey, Tonya, why don't you ask what happened to me last night?
Tonya: Bonnie, what happened to you last night?
Me: Some-thing-goooooood!
Tonya: So, what, did you get laid by a gorgeous romance novelist or something?
Me: Heh heh heh.... no.
And the day continued in this fashion, them trying to worm it out of me, but come P.E., Tonya kind of started to piss me off. She said, "I'm so used to you being depressed, or angry, or something. This is just weird." And 'weird in a bad way' was implied.
So I went off on her. So I'm happy for once. Yeah, it's rare, but did she really need to rain on my parade? So I said, "If being happy seems to bother you so much, then fine, I won't do it anymore." I haven't talked to her since.
And I'm worried. She hasn't called me or anything, and I'm going to have to face her in the morning and I have no idea whether I want to still be angry or even who was in the right and wrong. I just wish she'd call. I don't want to be the one to call her. I need at least some independence here.
But the last time I decided not to be the one to call, I lost my best friend of 3 years.
God, what to do, what to do?
And I think it goes without saying that my Grievance of the Day is simply Tonya. |
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

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*sigh* you guys really don't take me seriously anymore, do you? -.-;
Don't blame you. I'm a little sick of me too.
soooooooooooooo... yeah. I'm bored. How are you? Good? Oh, that's good.
*Twiddles thumbs*
WHAT? I'm trying to make this be less of a waste of a post! Leave me alone!
...not really, I didn't mean it, you can come back...
*NEW* It's time for Ryu-chan's GRIEVANCE OF THE DAY!
WARNING: Let it be known that this segment will always be offensive to somebody, and probably often my friends... AND I DON'T CARE! ^^ Don't take it personally and you'll do just fine.
So today's grievance... I'm a little sick of seeing My Chemical Romance and other such Emo-licious band avatars and layouts all over MyO. If you're gonna worship music on here, it's gotta be Gackt or something equally tasty and Japanese. Otherwise, go back to Quizilla where you belong. -.- |
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Monday, February 26, 2007

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That's right, three days in a row. I am winner.
And so now I'm also a god? Jesus, what are you three DOING when I'm not around? I have my own cult all of a sudden... ;-;
( I get a fanlisting? XP)
Uhhh... last night was brutal. I took a Zyrtec because I had an allergic reaction to my cat's new toy, and, well... you know how they have the warnings on the commercials that say using certain drugs can cause an increase in suicidal thoughts...?
Um, yeah, I found this out the hard way.
It was BAD. Stayed up for hours just thinking the most morbid thoughts I could, and GOD, I wished I was dying.
And it's not like this is necessarily the first time as of late. Been having this sort of thought almost every day lately. I'm getting sick of the world. It's all messed up and we're the ones that messed it up. I don't know why we're here. There's no reason. It all leads to nothing, and all we're doing is ruining everything. I don't want to be a part of a society that can do nothing but destroy, especially when nothing's leading to anything. There's nothing out there. We don't serve some greater purpose; we're just a biological fact.
Just this general sense of meaninglessness is getting to me lately. God, I'm cynical. Anyone else ever feel this way? |
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Sunday, February 25, 2007

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Not much time to post because I have to make a poster about the genetic causes of dwarfism (I know, I know, the irony just kills me).
But! I have time for a couple of remarks:
First, we changed the dog's name. @_@ now he's Bear. But I call him Mr. Bear, and sometimes Kuma, and sometimes even Kumagoro. Yay! ^^
And now for some overly emotional replies:
@ Kitsune: IT'S FUCKING GACKT! T_T Where have you been the last forever? Although I don't begrudge your Gackt/Cloud confusion; rumor has it the character of Cloud (as well as Squall, imagine that) was based off him, he does do a lot of work with video games, after all.
@ Le-chan: Wait, wait, whaaaaaaat? @_@ What are you three doing behind my back?
@ She Whose Name I Am Far To Angry To Utter: Thanks for the code, and FUCK YOU! *sobs uncontrollably* Oh, and have a good time... and stuff... I'll be there in spirit, I guess... Tell Die-sama he's drop-dead gorgeous a couple times for me... ;-; *wanders off to a dark corner somewhere and starts writing bleak poetry*
Well, I hope you guys had a good weekend and stuff and...
yeah... bye... |
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