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Gardnerville AND Reno, Nevada (yeah, both)
Member Since
I'm currently a slave to like 3 different people. ^^ Me, a masochist? Never,
Real Name
They tell me it's Bonnie, but I beg to differ. Everyone calls me by my last name anyway.
I got Alicia to admit Gackt was tasty. Yaaay.
Anime Fan Since
I think Cardcaptors was the first series I saw, but the one that got me hooked was Digimon.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Loveless, Chobits, Cardcaptor Sakura, Last Exile, .hack//sign and dusk, X, Azumanga Daioh, Angelic Layer, Weiss Kreuz, Legal Drug, DNAngel, Excel Saga, Fake, Pita-Ten... lately I like some stuff on the Saturday lineup thanks to Tonya.
Crap, my deadline's tomorrow... *glares at Tonya*
Sleeping, writing, sleeping, pretending to write while in truth playing minesweeper, staring at the ceiling with my iPod battery hazardously low, travelling, avoiding motivation.
Corrupting the hell out of friends.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Here we go, life's waiting to begin...

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Sorry. Had to get that outta my system. But Taylor won American Idol! WOOOOO! I'm happy.
My brother just got the new Angels & Airwaves CD. Note to self: burn myself a copy when he's not around.
My school is crap. There's a huge tag on the outside wall of the gym and someone pulled the fire alarm this morning. But that ended up OK, though, because then we had less time to go on a hike in P.E. I really didn't want to climb up cherry hill (which is a total misnomer for a hill in the middle of the desert) so I was glad that we had a shorter class and so we only went around the hill. But the hike itself... yeah. I was bored so I walked with Natalie and Kayla in the back of the pack and soon regretted it, because Kayla, having absolutely no discretion, tells us every excrutiating detail of her sex life. Oh, glory. I wanted to jump off the hill, frankly. Oh, yeah. The other day, Kayla and Natalie were all making out in the locker room... I conveniently ignored them. Reason #682 I hate second period P.E. class.
The rest of the day I was having nonstop dizzy spells. I couldn't walk straight, think straight, anything. I've been getting them a lot lately... maybe I should see a doctor. And I didn't get any sleep last night... I had to rip the batteries out of my clock because the second hand was ticking too loudly. It was horrible. And that Jeopardy thing I somehow managed to win, but just because everyone in that round was a dumbass and I was the only one in positive numbers by the Final Jeopardy round. Seriously, one of the clues was "this is the method by which Juliet in Romeo and Juliet dies." One of the girls, I kid you not, says, "Wait, Juliet died?" later, that same girl responded to "This white fish is commonly found on the Atlantic coast" with "what is a dolphin?" My good lord.
I've been having confusing thoughts lately... asking a lot of questions and I don't know why I'm doing it. It only serves to confuse me more... I feel like my brain's been tied in a knot. I just wish things were easier... throw me a flippin' bone, here. Nnngh... I'm gonna go take a nap as soon as the room stops spinning.... |
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