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myOtaku.com: PaganAngel

Monday, September 4, 2006

Lookit my avatar... so cute... so very cute... may the power of J-rock corrupt us all... with a fancy yellow touch...

So to further heighten my recent J-rock obsessions... I'm going to the mall tomorrow, and daddy dearest's giving me fifty bucks. I think I'll stop by Suncoast and pick up one of L'arc~en~Ciel's albums. Yummeh. Then I think I'll get FF: Advent Children, even though Le-kun is likely going to hurt me for it--we made a pact not to watch it until we've beaten the game. Oooooh, well. Odds are he's not reading this anyway. ^_~ (and if you were... IWASJUSTKIDDINGISWEAR.)

Well, this is my last day at my dad's... I guess I'll be seeing you guys around soon. .__. Have a nice... er, whatever time increment it'll be until I return. Bye bye.

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