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myOtaku.com: PaganAngel

Saturday, December 9, 2006

I'm in Reno right now, and I'm not the only one, because...

Angels & Airwaves are playing at the GSR tomorrow... AND I'M GOING! YAY!

...With great shame I admit that I am a concert virgin. ;-;

Lesseee, what else in new in my world?

Hm, new favorite bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers and (+44).

Oh yes, remember ol' backpack lady? Well, her friend got one too- the Yuki and Shuichi one- and the Kumagoro patch. Me's so jealous. It was about the time I found out that I started to regret having spent my last 25 bucks on AVA tickets. XP

Alicia's a closet Nittle Grasper fan! That was a victory in my book. I remember the first time Sierra (*sniff*) and I tried to force Gravitation on her she was mega weirded out, but now she says she wants to give it another go. Another victory! Of course, it's highly likely that she's just doing it so she has a clue what Tonya and I are talking about at lunch. *sigh* Poor emo Alicia. XD But she's decided already that she'll be our Sakano. I think she has a Sakano-san fetish. ^^

Hm, today was odd... this girl name Christy in our grade, who dated one of my best friends from elementary school (yeah, that'd make her a lesbian), and who up until this point I was convinced totally hated the living daylights out of me... came up to me in the hall, said "hey babe," and hugged me. I was like...

At least I get this whole weekend to not wonder about it. ^^;

I leave you now with a coupla YouTubes Tonya forced on me.

"You like her." "No I don't." "You like her." "No I don't." "You like her." "SO DO YOU!" XD

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