SL (05/21/05)
I luff teh Sanzo also. :3 And teh Goku. And I hate Roach Man Gojyo! =_= -carves his eyes out with a knife and tosses his body into the ocean- o_O
Aikou no Shinzui (05/21/05)
Hi. I like your site, and because yours was short, so is mine.
WingZero1223 (05/21/05)
Thanks for signing my guestbook. I like the pictures you have here. Saiyuki is your favorite series, obviously. Bye. Feel free to contact me.
Hal (05/21/05)
Hello! Thank you for stopping by my site and signing my guest book! I like your site a lot. Though I didn't see your art if you had any ^^;... anyway. Thank you!
AyaKagami (05/20/05)
Thanx for signing my guestbook.I love the pictures u post.THEY ROCK!!^^ Well I am adding u as a friend.
Ja ne...
YaoiGoddess2007 (05/20/05)
hi i would like to say thanks for signing my guset book.and the answer to your qusetion is... konnichiwa means "good morning" not hello. ohayo means"hello". and kobanwa means good after noon. oh and i will add you to my friend list thingy.
-bye bye
rexy (05/20/05)
I Like your background.
And those pictures you have are cool too.
See you areound the site, I have to get back to class.
shivadancing (05/20/05)
Hey! Thanx for stopping by my site. I like yours. -_^
black-neko (05/20/05)
hey, ur site is awesome ^^ i like very much
thanks for comin by n signin my gb ^^
i like ur bg very much n the colors ^^
let me know if i can add u as a friend k?
see ya round
~luv kiei
FlameoftheSun (05/20/05)
Heyo thanx for signing my gb! Awesome page. Saiyuki rox my sox. And you're just a month older than me lol!^^