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too many things to name,bet you all do better though
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before the beginning of time
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I love all anime except for Harlem
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
Result Posted on 07/29/06:
Result Posted on 07/23/06:
uh huh
What do the students and teachers of Hogwarts think of you? (boys might find the results disturbing - you have been warned!)
 Harry: "Oh, mmm... her? Yeah, I know her. She's... she's really... fine - I mean nice! Amm... hey, pst! You don't happen to know... does she have a boyfriend?"Ron: "She's a great girl. A good friend. Smart too. Sey... Harry didn't happen to ask about her, did he? He did?! Oh... then, I guess she's a very good... friend."Hermione: "Well, she's a good friend, a cleaver girl and I find it a delight to work with her. Still, sometimes I think Ron gives her too much credit... sometimes."Ginny: "I don't like her. Yeah, that's right. I think she's evil. And I bet she talked Harry into breaking up with me. That harlot!"Fred and George: "She's great! / A nice girl / with a good sence of humor / and lots of smarts. / And she never discloses our pranks / or plans; / She's very discrete. //We love her!"Oliver: "A great girl and a fine addititon tothe Gryffindor team! Good at flying a great friend!"Neville: was too shy to speak to us and chose to sweat intensivly instead.Draco: "Who? That filthy little mudblood? Yeah, I know her. Well, what do you want me to say? She's not that bad, I guess. Not that bad at all. *chuckels* But I think she may be wasting her time with Pothead and Weasel. The Sorting hat must have had a migrene when it put her in Gryffindor, 'cause she'd be better off in Slytherin... with me. Oh! But don't tell Pansy I said so!"Pansy: "She's a filthy little mudblood, just like my Drackie-poo says. Right Drackie? Drackie????? Where did you go??????"Crabe and Goyle: were too busy eating and we couldn't understand what they were trying to say.Cedric: is unable to answer our questions on account that he is unfortunetely dead. Although we were told by his close friends that he was planing on asking her out. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.A. Dumbledore: is unable to answer our questions on account that he is unfortunetely dead. Although we learn from his personal notes that he was "very proud to have such a delightful and brilliant student in Godric's house!"M. McGonagall: "She's a great student. Cleaver, quiet and respectful. And she'd be a great addition to the Order. Or so dear Dumbledore used to say. his soul!"F. Flitwick: "A very nice student. Hard working and comitted. A delight to work with!"P. Sprout: "Very skilled with plants! That girl has a genuine green thumb!"R. Hagrid: "Oh... she's a nice little girl, that one. And Harry likes a 'er a lot too *wink*. All in all a swell lass!"S. Snape: "I can't stand her. She's almost as obnoxious as Miss Granger. Are you satisfied? Good, now get out of my way!"Voldemort: was too busy plotting and couldn't be disturbed. We respect his privacy. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/23/06:
yet again
what do the people at olg hoggy hogwarts think of you girls only long results with dates
harry you walk in to the gryffindor common room whene all the sudden harry comes down the staries and u notice you are alone and then he comes ove and kisses you u freak out and faint when you wake up in pure shock harry is beside you asking if you were ok and u say yea but what happen i kissed you he says i have love you for so long would u like to acompany me to the three broomstick for a drink you say yes and fallow him out the door whene draco malfoy meets you at the port hole how did he get in her you think and then him and harry start to duel over you u freak agine and tell draco to bug off he leaves in pure hate of you as you and harry walk down to the three broomsitck u go in find a table in the back and snog for what seems like an our then you and harry walk bak up to the castle Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/23/06:
What Hogwarts boy will you have a lovely date with, and how will it go??((lots of results, all of em are very detailed & cute!))
 Your date Harry PotterHow he asked you out You and Harry have been the hottest thing on the gossip column for awhile now, and everyone is wondering when he was gonna ask you out. Well after leaving your last class, he confronts you and tells you to meet him in front of the common room door in 10 minutes.You tried to ask him why, but he just quickly scampered off. How it goes After waiting 10 minutes you arrive in front of the common room door to see him and a blind fold, he goes around you and blind folds your eyes.He then leads you in, and gently unties the blind fold.You look around and see the most romantic thing you ever seen.The room had the firplace lit, candles everywhere, a lil table with your favorite desert,and rose petals on the floor and table.You turn around and give him a long loving kiss, and tell him that you just simply adore him.Hand in hand he takes you to sit at the table, seating you in like a proper gentlman.You just simply loved the way he was treating you!After chatting and eating a lil bit, he tells you he has a present for you.He takes out a lil box and sets it on your side.When open it you see a key necklace.He tells you,"I love you, and I want you to have the key to my heart." You were thinking that it was one of the cheesiest things, but really sweet, you got up , and wiggled your finger for him to come over.He did and you and him went into a long romantic kiss, that made you think he was your actual real first love, and that you always wanted to be with him. The End
Hope you liked it!!! lol Plz check out some of my other stuff!!Oh and Id be oh so gracious if you rated!!^^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/23/06:
What would the Harry Potter characters think of you? (Girls Only)
 House- GryffindorBoyfriend- Harry PotterBest Friends- Ron, Hermione, and ChoWhat people think of you:Harry- He loves you alot and he likes to spend most of his time snogging with you. If your not snogging your exploring the castle to find a nice hiding spot where you both stare at each other saying "I love you" over and over which leads to making out.Hermione- She is always telling you to study mre butother than that your both best friends and plan to be.Ron- He has a small crush on you, but won't ever take you from Harry. He really likes how you'll smash any spider that comes near him.Ginny- She hates you for taking Harry but pretty much, is your friend. She trys not to talk to you much but will say Hi to you in the hallways.The Twins- They like to tease you and Harry alot but every once in a while ask you to help play a prank on somone and you agree.Cho- She is one of your best friends and will do anything you ask. She also likes to study with you and Hermione.Draco- He hates you on the outside but on the inside wants you to dump Harry and go out with him.Pansy- She hates you because Draco does.Crabbe and Goyle- Same as Pansy.Oliver- He knows your name and that your Harry's girlfriend but that pretty much it.Nevil- He has a crush on you because you helped him pick up his things one day when a Slytherin knocked them down.Teachers:Snape- He hates you because your in Gryffindor, Harry's girlfriend, and also do well in Potions.Magonagal- She loves you in her class, and wishes you would pay a little bit more attention instead of staring at Harry all day.Hagrid- He likes you because you comes down and help with the creatures after classes are done.Voldemort- He hates you. You also are lucky enough to be on the list of poeple to kill. Your right under Harry's name. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/03/06:
Result Posted on 07/03/06:
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