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myOtaku.com: pamplemousse

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Zealand
So. I don't talk too much about my personal life here, being the semi-internet savvy girl I am, but... I'll make an exception.

Because I am currently living in New Zealand, with my family.

Pretty cool, no?

I got here on the 2nd. My flight left on the 31st, and I completely skipped January 1st because we passed the international date line. When I landed, it was a completely different day. And when we head back, we'll land BEFORE we left NZ. Which is pretty crazy to me.

The strange thing is, it's a lot like the US here still. I mean, I keep on forgetting I'm halfway across the world. The only REALLY different thing is the accents, but I really haven't had a conversation with any real kiwis. Actually, thinking about it, the only conversations I've had were with the customs officer and the librarian when I went to go get my library card. It's serious business here, to get a library card. As in, I had to bring my passport and our rent least agreement. Pretty intense, no?

There is a huge asian vibe where I am. We're living in the largest city in NZ, Auckland, where 1/3 the entire population of the country lives. And 1/3 of the population of Auckland is asian. It's pretty cool. There is so many japanese and korean restaurants. And, you can buy onigiri at the local supermarkets. It's not half bad.

I just saw my school uniform, though. It's pretty hideous. I'm not looking forward to wearing it. But other than that, the school I'm going to be going to doesn't seem too bad.

The best part about being here? It's summer! And I have a month of summer break. Which I need, because I was in the hospital or sick for almost all my winter/christmas break.

I'm so pale. I hope I can tan. But I don't want skin cancer. So maybe I should stick to long pants, hats, sunglasses and keep applying the sunscreen. There's a hole in the ozone over NZ.

Ah well. I hope everyone had a great new years!!!

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