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Friday, January 14, 2005

   Pandas Rock!


Short update. Remember how I said I was sending off an email to an anime con to try to use my magical powers of panda persuasion to convince them to invite certain anime industry people to their con...well, I did get news that the con chair did contact the people I want at the con. They are in the works to get something going hopefully. More than likely it has nothing to do with me, but I am going to let that cute Tachikoma to do a happy dance anyway.


I am currently in the works to see if I can work something out to go to an anime con half way across the country. I need to figure out my schedule and see if I can make it. If only I could convince the Guests of Honor to tell the con that I am one of their employees! (HINT! HINT!) I really have to do some planing if I want to pull this off. So far the plane tickets alone will cost me a little over $300. I should check if I have any frequent flyer miles I need to redeem.

Maybe I could spout wings and fly to the con.

Well, I gotta get going. Sorry for the short update. You all get a break from the question of the day! I will make the rounds tomorrow to all your sites. Oh, January 14th Bizarre and Unusual Holiday reminder is for "Dress Up Your Pet Day". I don't have any pics scanned in of my pets in their Halloween costumes so you get Harrison wearing my shoes. LOL

Harrison loves wearing my shoes.


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Thursday, January 13, 2005

   Like Bigfoot...

...the elusive Panda is rarely seen.

Today was a fairly good day. I am still hurting but not as bad. I really do love all of you who stop by my site and check in on me. Your well wishes really do make me feel so much better. It is wonderful to know that I am not alone in this big bad world. I actually had lots of good news today to lift my spirits. I got a chance to have a nice long conversation with Mamma Vash today. We had quite a few laughs and swapped a few funny stories. We did decide that if the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" movie is out when we are in Cali for AX we would go together to see it. Woo Hoo!! That would so rock!

I do have to tell a funny. John and I were watching "The Ring" and right at the end of the movie, before the first of the end credits started...my cell phone rang!! It was BankofKev calling to chat with me!! Darn you Kev, you gave me a flippin' heart attack!! I just think it is amazing that he called right at the exact end of the movie that says you will get a call after watching the film!!!! John answered my phone and told Kev he better be calling from the bottom of a well. Now if I am not here in 7 days you will all know why! If only I were watching a movie that said at the end of watching it I would get a phone call telling me that I will win a ton of money in 7 days...lol

Anywho, to continue my tale of excitement for the day I also got an exciting photo in my email today. Let me share it with you guys.

My "niece" or "nephew"...whatever!

Remember before Christmas I told you a dear friend of mine was pregnant and I didn't want to share their names since they hadn't told their family...well, they broke the news to the family so now I can say with pride that my friend Karyn and her husband Scott will soon be proud parents! They asked John and I to be honorary "aunt" and "uncle" to their baby. I am so excited! So these are my very first photos of my beautiful "niece" or "nephew". I wonder what the baby will be. No matter what I will drown this baby in toys and love. I already told Scott that I will find all the toys that make tons of noise to keep the baby entertained! mwahahaha! All the fun of kids without the responsibility!

I actually felt good enough today to make a few greetings and one wallpaper. I haven't felt well enough to do them in a while! The one wallpaper I made is one of Full Metal Alchemist. Speaking of FMA, let's have a bishie break!

Oh, how cute a little (phew, he didn't hear me call him little!) Ed!

Now time for you question of the day! Hmm, how about a really easy one today! How tall are you? Compared to your family are you tall or short? How about compared to your friends? Would you want to be taller or shorter?

It's tough being short!

Well, I am 5'2" tall. I am, sad to say, tall compared to some of my family members. I am short compared to my friends. I would like to be taller. Finding pants that are short enough is really tough. It seems like all pants, jeans, longer skirts are made for tall people. I am short and round, not tall and thin.

My nickname is Panda for goodness sakes, not bean pole!!

January 13th's Bizarre and Unusual Holiday reminders are for "Blame Someone Else Day" and "Make Your Dream Come True Day"! So I guess if you can't make your dreams come true today you can always just blame someone else for it!

Perhaps this sweet little fairy panda will grant you a wish!

Well, I am off to check out the OB, take care of an anime related press release and approve some stuff for the site. Take care of yourselves and I love you all. Happiness and Health to everyone!


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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Am I going bonkers?

I think I saw a freaky snow fairy fly by!

Needless to say I have been feeling a bit out of sorts as of late. I haven't been sleeping well at night since I have been uncomfortable. Darn joint pain. Which is why I think when I do fall asleep I have been having some terrible nightmares. This morning about 4 am I woke up from a nightmare. I had this dream I was back at the job I had in college and the business was getting robbed. I watched as my co-workers and customers were getting killed by the crooks. I couldn't do anything by watch since I was tied up. It was so frustrating. It was very bloody and violent.

I guess I am lucky that it was only a bad dream. At least it isn't something that actually happened and haunts me. That would be far worse.

Imagine having a nightmare you can't wake up from.

My question of the day for everyone is: Do you have nightmares? What was the last nightmare you had?

Nightmare!! The horror!!

I seem to have lots of nightmares. I am pretty sure I have nightmares on nights where I am physically uncomfortable. Whether it be too hot, too cold or painful. My most recent nightmare is the one I mentioned at the beginning of the post. I never have the "monster" kind of nightmares, it is always things that could possibly happen which I think is far more scary than any monster.

Are you "shockproof"?

January 11th is "Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend's Day". I can't celebrate this holiday since all the puddles here are frozen! Oh bother.

Well, I am off to try to visit sites before my wrists start hurting too much. I love you all and hope you all have very sweet dreams tonight.


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Monday, January 10, 2005


Snow, snow, snow, SNOW!!

I am sorry you guys, I haven't been very good about updating and visiting myO. I've been spending some time on the OB doing some modding. I actually felt like responding to some threads. It's really frustrating thought. I am having a pretty bad RA flare-up right now. I have 2 wrist braces on and one elbow brace. I look like I am getting ready to go play some full contact sport! John even stayed home from work today to take care of me. I want to write, but it hurts. I so do not rock today.

Let's have a bishie break!

I wish I had Shuichi's boundless energy!

You guys always give great answers to my question of the day. You guys definitely rock. ^_^ Your question for today is: Have you ever stolen anything? Did you get caught? Was it worth the risk?

An orange street cone. That is it. I didn't get caught and the rush was worth the risk. Now if I got caught then I would have to say it wasn't worth the risk. Why a street cone, why not a street cone?! I didn't really think of it as "stealing" more like "relocation". ~_^

January 10th Bizarre and Unusual Holiday reminder is "Peculiar People Day"! I think I am a pretty peculiar person so I guess it is my day!

Well, it's a short update today but hopefully I will be back to my usual long-winded..er...typed Panda and will give you all a worthy post to read soon. Love you all and chat with you soon.


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Sunday, January 9, 2005

   If a Panda falls in the snow...

...does it make a sound?

I can tell you that the answer is yes. It is somewhat of a "THWAP!" sound followed by giggling...well, at least in my case. Last night we got slammed with a bunch of snow. This morning John and I went out to shovel. Actually, John shoveled and I had a broom. The most I could help with was sweeping off the front porch and a bit down the front walk. There was some ice on the walkway under the freshly fallen snow and, well, I think you guys can figure out what happened to me. If not, see picture above. Oh, it was funny so no worries. Pandas are a bit...squishy...so there is plenty of padding when falling down. I also landed in a nice big snow drift. ^_^

If only I had a sign!

Anywho, I was watching an episode of "Law and Order" and in the story line there was a guy who was in charge of a bunch of different fund raisers, including one for endangered animals. Come to find out the guy was taking money from some of the other fund raiser donations and using them for the animal fund raiser. The investigator tells her partner: "He was stealing from Peter to pay the pandas." As many of you know I love all quotes dealing with pandas. I just thought it was cool that they took the saying: "Steal from Peter to pay Paul" and, well, panda-fied it. That so rocked.

Your Bizarre and Usual Holiday reminder for January 9th is "Play God Day"! Like yesterday I am going to celebrate this one with a bishie break!


Now how you celebrate this holiday is up to you. I suggest playing a video game where you can control a world with out any real life repercussions. John is going to spend the day playing GTA:San Andreas and wield his "god like" powers to control CJ and make him do whatever evil bidding he wants. :P

Time for your question of the day! Yesterday I asked about your phobias, today I want to know about your "strange" little quirks. You know, those little habits you have that others might find, well, strange. Like do you crack your knuckles. Bite your nails? Say a certain word or phrase all the time? Eat only one color of jelly beans? What do you do?

Down with Croutons!

I have a tendency to eat all the croutons off my salad first. I don't like eating the croutons with the salad. I pick them off first before eating the rest of the salad. I am not sure why this is, but I have never eaten the croutons with my salad. Even if there is some lettuce stuck to a crouton with dressing I will pick the lettuce off to eat the crouton. Weird huh.

If you get a chance be sure to check out my article/interview with Carlos Owens called "A Man and His Mecha: Dreams into Reality". He is very cool and his project rocks. He told me he will be sending me more pictures as the project progresses so this will be a on going interview. It should be great seeing the mecha evolve and become functional. Now we all can say we witnessed it from the early stages. Makes you feel a part of history huh. So far I have received some pretty good responses to the article. ^_^

I guess that is about it. I am off to eat some ice cream. Yes, I know it is a flippin' blizzard outside but it just sounds good right now. Take care and I will chat with you guys later. I didn't make it to everyone's sites but I plan on spending the day online tomorrow so hopefully I will remedy that. Love you lots!


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Saturday, January 8, 2005

   Rock On!!

Oh wait, I mean on rock.

I've been a busy bee. Some of you may have seen my lame update yesterday. I just put the 80's Guy from Futurama up. I think my dying words will be the same as his: "My only regret, is that I have, Bone-itis!". Well, change Bone-itis with Arthritis and I am good to go. Gold star for those of you who figured out that I wasn't feeling good yesterday.

I've been hanging out at the OB more lately and have actually had some time to post responses to some threads. Right now Shy has the "Nifty Fifty" thread going on in the community section. It looks pretty good since it isn't going to be a popularity contest. Check it out if you get some spare time. I have also finished up another interview for the site. I just need to wait for Adam to post it. I hope you guys like it. When he does post it I expect all of you to go read it and you better enjoy it!! If you don't, then I set loose the rabid lemming!

Fear the Lemming!

I am going to break my normal pattern of going straight to my bishie break to give you your Bizarre and Unusual Holiday reminder. Don't worry about the bishie break and question of the day. It will all work out in the end. You don't think I would let all my fellow fan girls down now would I?! Without further ado, January 8th Bizarre and Unusual Holiday reminders are for "Bubble Bath Day" and "Male Watcher's Day"! Let's celebrate with a bishie break!

I am celebrating the holidays by having a bishie break to watch Sanzo take a bubble bath!

Oh I so rock. I not only celebrated both holidays but I also tied in my bishie break. Again, I rock.

Now for your question of the day!! Do you have any phobias? Are you afraid of snakes? Water/drowning? The dark? Clowns? Spiders? Flying? Heights? Confined spaces? Llamas? Yaks? PANDAS?!?! Tell me what you are afraid of.

I have never been afraid of flying, heck, I married a flight instructor. I love rock climbing so heights aren't a problem. I am a vet tech so animals, even 25 pound angry pythons are no big deal...except for one animal. I don't like Guinea Pigs. I really don't like them. I don't like when you try to reach into their cage to pick them up they make that squeeky sound then freak out! Never liked working with Guinea Pigs. I know they are going to be the death of me. The headlines will read "Woman killed by tidal wave of Guinea Pigs". Tragic, truly tragic.

Their fixin' to lose a finger!

Well, I need to get a letter written up so I can use my great panda powers to convince an anime convention to do what I want them to do. I want them to invite some anime industry guys to their con so I can interview them. Go Panda! Anywho, I love you all and I will chat with you all soon.


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Friday, January 7, 2005


My only regret, is that I have, Bone-itis.

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Thursday, January 6, 2005

   Questions answered!


Well, let's just get to business and start answering these questions!

enin: What's your most favourite, most craved, most desired dessert and accompanying beverage (milk, tea coffee etc.).


Oh, that is a tough one. I would have to say that mochi (sweet rice cake) is my most craved dessert. I only get it around the first of the year so I end up craving it in the middle of summer. As for the accompanying beverage I would have to say...milk. I think because the mochi is so sweet that I need something mellow to go with it. Hot green tea is good with it too. I guess it depends what mood I am in. Hmm, that sounds really good right now.

Mouse: Aside from Robotech, what is the first anime series you would recommend a new fan watch?

See you space cowboy!

I would make my recommendation based on the personality of the person asking me. Let's say it were you. I would recommend watching Cowboy Bebop since it totally rocks. The animation is great, the story is wonderful and the music is killer. All around great series.

Mimmi: Which would you rather drive: an airplane or a cruise ship?

John flying over Florida.

I would prefer to pilot an aircraft. I find pilots very sexy so flying is really appealing to me. I guess that is why I married a Certified Flight Instructor. One day I would love to buy John his own plane. The only problem is the plane he wants costs an arm and leg!

Monkey Orange: Question: You were given the fairy Godmother's magic wand to fulfill one wish. What would that wish be?

Fairy Godpanda!

My wish would be for all my loved ones to be happy. Wishing for happiness for everyone means that they will have what makes them happy, whether that be for them to be rich, have good health. Whatever makes them happy. ^_^

Mamma Vash: In addition to writing and anime, what is one of your favorite pasttimes?

Panda 'puter!

I would have to say spending time online visiting with friends. I really enjoy visiting with people from all around the world. Doesn't it make you feel special to have friends all around the world?! I think it is really amazing and I love it. I can't think of a better way to spend my spare time than with good friends.

Just a quick note to Justin, I totally lucked out. I got my license renewed with no problem. I guess Washington is pretty easy going about it. Thank goodness I don't live in Virginia or I would be walking right now!!

sailor firestar: What is your favorite con you have ever been to and why?

Me on my way to AX!

My favorite con is Anime Expo in Anaheim, California. I love this con so much since it is huge! The dealer room and the panels are great. I have many friends I have made online who attend this con from all over the world so it gives me a chance to see them at least once a year. Anyone who is going this year be sure to let me know 'cause I will meet up with anyone who wants to hang out with me!

zels hoseki: What con would you go to if you could, any con!

Anime con or Bust!!

That is really a tough question. In Brazil they have these huge cons that make ours (USA) look tiny. I wouldn't mind going to one of those...but in reality going to a con on the east coast of the states is something more practical. I am not sure which one, maybe Anime Boston would be cool. That is really a tough question for me.

Wow, that was fun post for today! You guys always ask me the best questions. Don't forget- January 6th Bizarre and Unusual Holiday is "Bean Day"! I think I am going to celebrate "Bean Day" not by eatting green beans, lima beans or even jelly beans but by watching...

Mr. Bean!

I love you all and hope everyone is having a groovy time. I am off to check out the OB and then I am off for a coffee date with my friend Jen. It should be fun to catch up on all the gossip from the vet clinic. Take care and I will chat with you all soon. Love ya!


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Wednesday, January 5, 2005

   Of all the things I have lost...

I miss my mind the most.

No huge update today. I am so far behind. I even forgot to renew my driver's license! I need to go spend the day waiting to get it renewed. Argh. It would really suck if they made me re-take the driving test again. If they did, I wouldn't pass. LOL

Bishie break!

I bet they don't let their license expire.

Now I am going to leave the floor open to questions for you guys. Feel free to ask me anything. I shall answer them tomorrow. ^_^

Your Bizarre and Unusual Holiday reminder for January 5th is "Bird Day"!

Hooray for Bird Day!

Well, I am off to hang out at the Driver's License Den of Evil. I will chat with all of you later! Love you all!


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Tuesday, January 4, 2005

   I feel so loved.


Thank you all for all the e-cards, PMs and comments on my birthday. I feel so loved. You guys rock. The first part of my birthday was celebrated with my brother-in-law Nathan in Seattle a couple of days ago. His girlfriend Leah made us a birthday cake. It was really, REALLY good. Nathan's birthday was on the first so we celebrated together before going out on New Year's Eve. Definitely a fun time. ^_^

I got to continue the festivities with my family here at home today. I had a very enjoyable time celebrating my birthday with my family. We went out for a very nice dinner which I ate too much. The entire dinner all my mom would say is: "I can't believe you are 29!" Being the baby of the family I guess it's a bit tougher for her to think that her baby is 29. Tomorrow is my brother Hiroshi's birthday, so for one day we are only 1 year apart in age! Happy Birthday big bro! Speaking of Hiroshi...

My bishie break for today is of course...


Being the Panda Pirate I am I plundered this quiz after I saw it on Mamma Vash's site. I am at a loss of what to ask today so you guys get to take a quiz! So your question of the day is: What cookie are you?

You are an Oreo cookie !
You are an Oreo cookie !
Take What cookie are you ! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You are a really popular cookie! Crunchy with sweet filling, the best thing is your flexibility--chocolate wafer, or sandwich. Best of all you go with milk. Versatile, and plays well with others! You are very socially oriented!

I thought this was pretty appropriate to have a black and white cookie for a Panda! The description seems to fit me fairly well too. Meaning I go well with milk. :P

Panda the Pirate plunders yet another quiz!

The Bizarre and Unusual Holiday reminder for January 4th is "Trivia Day"! I guess in honor of today's holiday I should give you guys some trivia....let me see....oh, I know!

Panda Trivia!

-When a baby panda is born it is about the size of a stick of butter! (I can't believe it's not butter!)
-Average life span of a panda is 25 years. (I have beat the average! I rock!)
-Pandas were believed to have magical powers that could ward off natural disasters and evil spirits. (Who needs a crucifix when you have a magical panda?!)
-When startled, they will move at a slow trot to escape danger. (Whooosh! Look at the lightning fast speed of the panda!)
-The average Giant Panda consumes between 20 and 40 lbs of food per day. They can spend up to 16 hours eating. (Munch, Munch, Munch...)

Well, it's been fun guys. I hope you learned something new about pandas today. I love you all and thanks again for all the sweet birthday wishes. 2005 is off to a great start for me and I hope it has been great for all of you too. ^_^


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