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Washington State
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Freelance Writer, Administrator, OtakuBoard Category Moderator for Community, Anime Screener for ADV Films, Bandai, FUNimation, Viz and Central Park Media.
Real Name
Gail Shimura-Brightbill
I possess the magical ability to make the general public believe I am a normal adult and not an anime otaku.
Anime Fan Since
The first time I saw Doraemon as a kid.
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Saiyuki, Robotech and many other anime series and movies. Too much to list!
Make the best anime web community on the internet.
Writing, anime, manga, working with animals, attending anime conventions, cosplay, making new friends and spending time with my loved ones.
I can quote random lines from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Stuck To My Katamari: Pictures!
Current Mood: Chillin'
Sorry so long without an update. So let me get everyone caught up as to what has been going on with me. Went to AX, had much too much fun and completely wore myself out. Wore myself out to the point of getting sick. I think lack of sleep, too much heat and just too much fun finally pushed me over the edge. Not to mention the loooong drive back home. After getting home I started to get sick. Then I broke with a really high fever. Yesterday was the first day that I felt half way decent. I've pretty much just been in bed plagued with those freaky dreams you only have when burning up with fever and swimming in cold medicine. You know it's bad when the temp outside is over 100 and your temp is also over 100 AND you feel like you are freezing!
So, in the few moments of feeling good I have done my best to get caught up with stuff around the site. I published a couple more reviews, finished the AX write up and edited pictures for the gallery, returned all emails/PMs (Hopefully! If not, message me again.) and started in on the report of the Industry Panel at AX as well as two more reviews. Phew! Pretty good for being on death's door huh!
Anywho, the picture above is of my dog Heston and cat Harrison under an old beat up coffee table of mysterious origin. John ended up with it after moving out of one of the houses he lived in during college. I hate that table, but the pets like it. It's like a pet cave. Harrison really thinks he is a dog. So he can usually be found chillin' with the dogs under the table with his little deformed legs crossed like they are in the picture. Either that or he can be found wearing my shoes... I guess I didn't have any shoes out for him to lounge upon.
At this point I suppose you are all expecting me to tell you wonderful tales of adventure from AX. Well you are all wrong. j/k Here are some odds and ends of trivial things from AX.
- Our hotel room at the Hyatt was #1125, which also happens to be my anniversary - November 25. This room acted as homebase and is where we were when the issues with the site were being fixed.
- Adam is like a hummingbird. He is constantly eating or drinking yet gains no weight. I'm just waiting for his metabolism to change. Curse you skinny boy!
- While dressed as Morgan Fey from Phoenix Wright I was in the elevator heading out to the con when the doors opened to the lobby an Orochimaru cosplayer got really excited to see my cosplay. It's just so out of character to see a fangirlish Orochimaru, it totally made my day.
- Adam's hotel room view was very scenic. *holds back laughter*
- Speaking of scenic I had a wonderful view during one of my lunches. From my table I had a prime view of the back side of Man-Faye. Ahh, nothing stimulates the appetite like a great view...
- There were no Shaolin Soccer or Kung Fu Hustle cosplay to my disappointment. This makes me want to cosplay the landlady from Kung Fu Hustle and force SomeGuy and his crew to do a Shaolin Soccer cosplay. I'm looking at you James, you better be getting on that project!
- There were TWO, yes, TWO different Hard Gay cosplayers. That rocks.
- But not nearly as much as Freddie from Cromartie High School. Freddie Rocks.
- The voice actor for Byakuya in Bleach gave me two books on cd. We listened to one on the way home and it was very good. The one we listened to was called Under The Baseball Moon. Very good. Highly recommended.
- One late night, perhaps it was the night the site had the server issues, John ordered pizza. It was the worst pizza we had ever had in our entire lives. The garlic bread was not even worth mentioning... tragic waste of money.
- The security (not AX, the union guys) were jerks. They were down right rude and gave congoers the runaround. Because of them I missed the opening ceremonies and the first contestants of the Masquerade. I could write pages of rant about them... but I won't. :P
- The gathering was fun. It was a small group of us who pretty much met up, milled about and visited. Thanks to everyone who came out. We hope to have things a bit more organized in the future. ^_^
- I ended up with three blisters on one foot and two on the other from walking around.
- Anime Vegas chartered two busses to bring all the people in their entourage to AX. Many of them were staying on the same floor as us. Rich even gave us our breakfast on Monday morning since he had a plethora of muffins. Yummy...
I guess that is a good start with the stories. I'll add more later. I am completely pooped out. I am still not recovered so I better not push it. At least I got a few things done around the site in the moments I've felt good.
Cookies and Comments
master hiko: SunfallE takes care of the place when I am away. One thing that is nice about working online is that as long as you have access to the internet you can work. When the site had it's little hiccup Adam and I pretty much just worked from they Hyatt. The joys of WiFi.
MillenniumChaos: Enjoy the pictures! If only they would invent those teleporters then traveling wouldn't be so hard. If we had those to use for free I would be traveling everywhere to all the cons!
JD Person: You know, there is also "closet cosplay" it's where you find the items you need just from the clothes you already have or can easily pick up at a thrift store. It's really easy to do and requires no sewing skills. Like... Heero Yuy. Green tank top, black shorts and wig if needed. Taada! Insta-cosplay!
KitsuneTsuki: John and I have a joke that he should cosplay this one character who you only see in the background of one episode of Macross. It's this big shirtless guy in an arcade. It would be totally hilarious if someone actually knew who he was! lol
Shireishou: Thanks for the compliment on my costumes. I am no where near a talented as some cosplayers out there. I will check out your gallery when I get a chance. ^_^
Mimmi: I totally expect a huge glomp from you when, note I used the word WHEN, we meet. I am still very jealous that SomeGuy got to go see you. *eyes James* I'm going to start a special travel fund so I can come visit. That reminds me, I really have to get my passport stuff done/renewed...
Rachmaninoff: Hey Darren! *glomps* I first need to finish my Katamari costume! Leaving SunfallE in charge is always a good idea. ^_^
AlbhedPanda: Had much fun, too much fun! lol
SomeGuy: AX just didn't have the same feel as it does in Anaheim. Next year it's going to be at the Los Angeles Convention Center so John and I are debating on going or not. We have tossed around the idea of going to another big con next year. Perhaps Otakon, maybe something in Texas... or perhaps Ohio since we have family there... we'll see. Maybe we should just head north to your neck of the woods and actually attend Anime Evolution. Now there is something I've been saying we would go to for the past several years. We are beginning to sound like broken records! LOL
SunfallE: *glomps* I'm so happy you take care of things when I'm away. I don't have to worry about anything! Except for you pushing that "Cause Chaos to Site" buttons... perhaps we should put a cover over those... lol
CosmicSailor: The one in October must be Tsubasacon. It takes place at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena Riverfront Ballroom and Convention Center on October 5–7, 2007 in Huntington, West Virginia. They've had some really good guests in the past. It sounds like a good con to go to.
indifference: Beth is truly a life saver. I would completely lost without her. ^_^ I had much fun at AX but now I must pay the price for it. Both physically and financially! Looks like we aren't going out to eat for a few weeks! lol
MiasmaMoon: Oh we took pictures. I posted quite a few of them so be sure to check them out. It takes so long to sort through, edit and upload them. So I hope you enjoy them. ^_^
Shinmaru: Shy told me you were only going to be out there for one day. I tried to call you but my phone died. Too bad we couldn't meet up. :(
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